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There is no God and there is no soul. Hence, there is no need for the prop of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable truth is dead and buried. There is no need for fixed and natural law or permanent moral absolutes. Schools should take an active part in directing social changes, and share in the construction of a new social order. John Dewey (1859-1952), Founder of Progressive Movement in American Public Education. Comment: Public education is not about learning skills like reading, writing and arithmetic! America education has fallen in rank to 16th worldwide! There are some third world countries than do better in ranking! Public education is about social engineering of your children into the Godless religion of Darwinism! Dewey is the product of Darwinism himself! Notice he was born the same year Darwinism began to be taught in Public education! Today 20 percent of high school graduates cannot read! The sexual identity may be questioned of your children by the social engineers of your children in public schools! Then you as a parent may be ordered to give them hormone treatments! So what is the solution! At your level could be home schooling or private schools? Vote conservatives into office in your community and nationally to privatize education with choices! Choices bring competition and the bad schools will fail! As long as you the taxpayer lets the government mandate where your child can go to school bondage will secure their future! School vouchers are another avenue! The only choice right now are charter schools! But the Democrats have been trying to kill this program! They are the best performing schools! Elizabeth Warren wants to eliminate them! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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