Godliness !

Enoch walked with God; he enjoyed a relationship with God. We could accurately say he was devoted to God. This is the meaning of Godliness. The New Testament word for Godliness, in its original meaning, conveys the idea of a personal attitude toward God that results in actions that are pleasing to God. This personal attitude toward God is what we call devotion to God. But it is always devotion in action. It is not just a warm, emotional feeling about God, the kind we may get from a hymn of worship. Neither is devotion to God merely a time of private Bible reading and prayer, a practice we sometimes call “devotions.” Although this practice is vitally important to a godly person, we must not think of it as defining devotion for us. Devotion is not an activity; it is an attitude toward God. This attitude is composed of the fear of God, the love of God and the desire for God. Godliness is the result of having God at the center of your thoughts! Source; Jerry Bridges, Copyright 1985. Comment; We as Christians can if not careful turn God on and off like a light switch! This is religion and not relationship. If we turn God on Sunday and turn Him off Monday through Saturday we are practicing religion and are not in relationship with Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Who Built the Bridges and Roads

Christ built the Bridge to Heaven for us! If I were Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan I would be asking President Obama this question? The truth is the American Taxpayer built the Bridges and Roads! Not only in America but in many nations around the world! No government can exist without funding from its citizens! Yes, Hard working Americans built their Buisness but also the Bridges and Roads! Straight Talk! James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com