Good Old Boy? John 5:29

“And they shall come forth, they that have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation.” Comment: So what did Jesus mean by the word good? Is it a Hindu taking a dip in the Ganges river? Is it a Muslim making his pilgrimage to Mecca? Is it a member of the Elks Club? Is it a Boy Scout leader? Is it a Buddhist walking across hot coals in a hypnotic state with mind over matter? Is it the church member who only attends Christmas and Easter services once a year? One of the challenges of Bible translation is the translators will try to find one English word that will translate from the Hebrew and Greek! The Greek word used in this passage means to be constitutionally good! However not to be necessarily benefiting others! It means by the law you are good! That is your goodness comes from outside of yourself! That is by law your sin penalty of death was paid by Christ on the Cross! So the Supreme Court in Heaven has acquitted you of your sin and death penalty! So a good old boy who tries to be good on his own is condemned to death and damnation simply because he trusts in his own righteousness! Now I believe we have a better understanding of the word “good” used by Jesus translated into our English word from the Greek. James and Hamsa Sasse.

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This is better than buying one and getting one free! If you were the only person on earth God still would have purchased your Sin on the Cross by His Blood to set you free! Christ has given you freedom from Sin, guilt, condemnation, worry, stress, insecurity, fear, doubts, regrets, uncertainty, poverty, regrets, sickness and bondage! Christ has made you free to live in Holiness, peace, joy, love, security, assurance, blessing, richness, health, and freedom! The cost of our freedom came at a great cost to Christ on the Cross! His yoke is easy and His burden is light! Source; Pastor Charles, Bangalore India.