Belief In God Equals Righteousness! Genesis 15:6

This verse is believed by some to be the key verse of the entire Old Testament. It is an important witness to the doctrine of justification by faith and to the doctrine of the unity in believers in both dispensations. Abraham’s faith was accounted to him for righteousness before he was circumcised and more than 400 years before the law was given to his descendants. Therefore neither circumcision nor the law had any part in Abraham’s righteousness. Paul proves that Abraham’s faith was not merely confidence in God nor simple obedience to God’s command, but that it was indeed faith in the promise of redemption through Christ. (Romans 3:21-22, 4:18-25; Galatians 3:14). The word, “belief” is from the Hebrew root word “Aman.” My favorite translation of this word is as follows; A secure nail that finds a solid place to grip. Like a nail in a cross! Now go to Isaiah 22:23. It reads as follow; And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place, and he shall be for a glorious throne in his father’s house. The word “sure” is the same Hebrew word “Aman” that is used for the word “belief” in Genesis 15:6. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

God’s Best Gift? Satan’s Best Gift?

A conclusive list of God’s Gift’s are listed in First Corinthians Chapter One and Chapter 12. Also Romans Chapter 12 and Ephesians Chapter 4. Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church in Colorado Springs gave us two important purposes of our spiritual gifts in his Sunday message. They are; 1. Our gifts bring others to God! 2. Our gifts help us to grow up! There was much more in his message Sunday and you can go to their web site if you want more. NewLifeChurch.Org Commentary; When I was reading First Corinthians Chapter 12, verse 31, I noticed that Paul said to covet earnestly the best gifts, and i will show unto you a more excellent way. Then i asked myself what is God’s best gift? In the next verse i got the answer! Remember in the original manuscripts there were no chapters but a continuation of thoughts. God’s Best Gift is “Love”! What is Satan’s best gift? Remember the temptations he offered Jesus? Stones into bread-food. Show-off and jump off the mountain-pride. All the kingdoms of this world-Power,Authority,Rule Jesus said that my Kingdom is not of this world! There is competition for your soul between two Kingdom’s! The Kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of God! The lust of the eyes and the pride of life is cheese on the rat trap for you and me! Satan’s gifts are death, disease, sickness, pestilence, abortion, sin, war, judgement and hell forever! God’s gifts are love, joy, peace, prosperity, long-suffering, patience, eternal life, forgiveness of sin. Choose life! Choose death? The choice is yours! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Where Does Faith Come From?

The Bible says that God has given every man a measure of Faith! The Book of Romans Chapter 10, verse 17 says; So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. God’s word contains His Faith! So we use God’s Faith to get saved and to perform every miracle that follows in our lives! So Faith comes from God and we do not claim it as our own but use it or appropriate it and credit it back to God for His Glory! I would recommend to you to go on line and subscribe to Andrew Wommack Daily Devotionals. Go to AWMI.Net There are millions of good ministries out there but this is an excellent one for spiritual growth! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Cross the Goal and Win! Romans 10:4

For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. The word, “End”, in the Greek is translated, “Goal”. Think about a footbal team? They have a playing field with a goal line, goal posts with uprights and a cross bar. To win the game they need to cross the goal line to score points. Their goal is set on the goal line. The law had it’s goal set on Christ! Every human who tried to score on the law lost! You remember that old song, “I fought the law and the law won”! Only at the Cross was the law defeated because it could not stop Christ from scoring for us! His righteousness won the game and beat sin! Sin could not win because sin was not on His team called Trinity! On mortal teams sin was on both sides and all teams lost. So join Christ’s team and let Him lead block for you into paths of righteousness! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Does Justification Make One Inwardly Holy? Romans Chapter 3 Verses 19-20

These verses form a key conclusion in Paul’s argument regarding sin and righteousness. In the previous verses, Paul has quoted the Old Testament to demonstrate man’s sinfulness (vv. 10-18). The “law” (v.19), referring to the Old Testament, was designed to silence all mankind under the conviction that they have nothing to say against the charge of sin. Likewise, the law was intended to convince all men of their guilt, or liability to punishment before God. Paul concludes that since all men are guilty, they cannot be “justified” by their own personal character or conduct (v. 20). Justification is a legal term meaning to remove guilt (liability to punishment) of the sinner. IT DOES NOT INVOLVE MAKING ONE INWARDLY HOLY but merely declares the demands of justice have been satisfied. Hence, there are no grounds for condemnation (Romans 8:1). Not even obediance to the law can justify one before God. Paul reasons, because the very nature of the law is to prove to each person that he or she is sinful and deserves God’s punishment. Thus the purpose of the law is to lead people to renounce THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUST in the IMPUTATION OF CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS as the only grounds for acceptance with God. In Conclusion; The above subject of justification applies to all whether saved or not! Many of us after getting saved through ministries and good works can fall into the trap that it is all the good stuff we do that makes us Holy! If we can remember it is Christ’s Righteousness that has, is and will continue to save us! Thankyou. James Sasse. Source: Key Word Study Bible Hebrew-Greek, Page 1406, AMG International 2008 Edition.


Isaiah Chapter 17 has alot to say about the city of Damascus! Isaiah opens with the burden of Damascus and that the city will be no more in a future event. Damascus is one of the oldest if not the oldest city in the world. It has a history of going back at least 5000 years or more! You could spend a life time studying the history of this city. It has been overtaken by Muslims, Alexander the Great and the Romans are just a small list of total conquests. So how could this city be completely destroyed as Isaiah predicts? Some think atomic weapons with Israel? Hal Lindsey had a good report on this several months ago before any conflict in Damascus itself. Today Damascus is 85% Sunni, 10% Christian and a small minority of Alawi’s. Assad is an Alawi which leans towards the Shittes in Faith but is not really. It is a mixture of things including some pagan religions. Interestingly they are friendly towards Christians! They celebrate Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, ect. The Apostle Paul spent time in Damascus after his conversion some 2000 years ago. So if Damascus goes this year then how? Intelligence predicts Assad will flee to the mountains along with his army where the Alawi’s live and carve out a new Syria. When he leaves Damascus he must stop those in pursuit of him. I believe this is where his chemical weapons come into play. He will deluge Damascus with chemical attacks and his enemies will be gone along with the city! This is one possible way Bible Prophecy could be fulfilled for the city of Damascus. Be alert to any internal warnings to Chistians to flee the city! Your Bible is front page news! Read it! James Sasse.

Muslim / Verses / Anti-Muslim Terrorists!

My Bible says in Romans, Chapter 12, Verse 21, Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good! Using my Hebrew/Greek study Bible let me say it another way; Be not subdued or conquered by what is worthless eternally but conquer or subdue what is worthless eternally with what is profitable eternally! Love again always demands a choice! This young man in Norway took away the rights of people to make their own choice! We will never conquer evil with evil! We conquer evil by doing the opposite of evil! God is Love! He chose the Cross for you and me and for this young confused man in Norway! My prayer is he chooses Christ as the thief on the cross did! Also the victims families would choose Christ if they have not! In Christ’s Love. James Sasse.

Is God gay? (continued)

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. Source; Holy Bible, Book of Romans, Chapter 1, verses 26-27.