Belief Equals Performance!

Luke 1:45  Greek Translation: “And blessed possessing the character of God is she that believeth: for there shall be a performance or an exceedingly extra ordinary event to those things which were told of her from the Lord.” Comment: When Mary told Elizabeth the good news that she was going to bare the Son of God Elizabeth who was pregnant with John the Baptist was so elated her baby jumped in her womb! When she believed the report of her cousin Mary she was filled with the Holy Spirit! There is only one way you will ever be filled with the Holy Spirit! You have to believe and accept what God says you need to be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit! God is love! When you accept his Son Jesus and the sacrifice he made for your sin on the Cross then the Holy Spirit indwelling will follow! Mary believed God even though Jesus had not arrived on earth yet! If you love God and the only way you can is to understand how much he loves you then you will love people! You will love the Jews, Israel, and even your enemies! You will pray for your enemies and those that despitefully use you! If the Holy Spirit is not in your life then you will hate people! Hate yourself, Jews, Israel, Christians because the evil spirit Satan will take residency in you! You will hate and despise the Holy Scriptures! You will oppose Bible reading and distribution! You will not support the local church with your tithes and time! You will oppose missionary work into the world! Either God or Satan will do a performance in you either for blessing or destruction! Two Kingdoms with two different outcomes! The sin of all sins is not to believe God at his word! It is to mock God! Mock his followers! Salvation was brought into the earth because Mary believed God! Some believe a lie! That is what happened in the Garden of Eden! Your eternity is based on whether you believe what God has said you need to do for Salvation! Based on his word! What performance you do into the earth will depend on who is living in you! Christ or Satan? Your choice will contain the eternity you have chosen! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Belief In God Equals Righteousness! Genesis 15:6

This verse is believed by some to be the key verse of the entire Old Testament. It is an important witness to the doctrine of justification by faith and to the doctrine of the unity in believers in both dispensations. Abraham’s faith was accounted to him for righteousness before he was circumcised and more than 400 years before the law was given to his descendants. Therefore neither circumcision nor the law had any part in Abraham’s righteousness. Paul proves that Abraham’s faith was not merely confidence in God nor simple obedience to God’s command, but that it was indeed faith in the promise of redemption through Christ. (Romans 3:21-22, 4:18-25; Galatians 3:14). The word, “belief” is from the Hebrew root word “Aman.” My favorite translation of this word is as follows; A secure nail that finds a solid place to grip. Like a nail in a cross! Now go to Isaiah 22:23. It reads as follow; And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place, and he shall be for a glorious throne in his father’s house. The word “sure” is the same Hebrew word “Aman” that is used for the word “belief” in Genesis 15:6. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.