Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

President Trump got it right! Chief Justice Roberts got it wrong! We do have liberal and conservative judges in all courts across America! This includes federal, state and municipal courts! We do have Democratic and Republican judges across America! From the Supreme court on down to the lowest court in America! Every man and woman on the court interprets the law according to their belief about where the law came from? Did the law come from God down to man or did man evolve just making up laws as we went along? Was the law given to us by God sovereign over man indisputable never to be changed? Or did man just create his own laws through the chain of evolutionary development? Bottom line is conservative judges are creationists! They take serious the Biblical model of creation and God’s laws given to man! Liberal judges are evolutionists or atheists believing God has no role in the creation and development of man! God is not sovereign over his creation so we make up our own rules! The best evidence of liberal and conservative judges is the split decisions on the Supreme court and the lower courts! If all are equal under the law then all court decisions would  have the same outcome! They do not! Very rare! Man interprets the law based on the presumption of where the law came from! If the law did not come from God then I must make the law! I must legislate the law since there is no God! Liberals do not recognize the sovereignty of God! This is why they end up working against God! Gay marriage is one example! Since there is no God we can make laws contrary to God’s laws! What happens when we go down this road is we end up with a lawless culture! No respect for authority! Kill cops! Smoke drugs! Open borders and sanctuary cities! Divorce! Open borders and sanctuary cities are a rebellion against God’s sovereignty and National sovereignty! It is the new way of ceding from the union as in the civil war! What are some of the characteristics coming soon in the Tribulation period of seven years headed by the Anti-Christ? No borders! One world government! No laws! Total anarchy! No judges! Every man will do what is right in his own eyes! When Jesus returns at the end of the 7 year tribulation period what will he do? He will judge the nations in righteousness! Judge Kavanaugh was assassinated by the political left because they know if he gets in God may still be recognized as the giver of our laws and sovereign over the universe! So how can I escape God’s judgment? By letting him take your penalty for sin through his Son Jesus Christ on the Cross for your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.


Now Hillary is blaming white women who listen to their white husbands and voted for Trump? How many excuses can she manufacture to explain her loss? First it was Putin and now American women particularly white women! What color are you Hillary? If tribalism is alive and well in America then Obama would never have been elected and you should have! There is something deeper here and more profound! Hillary you lost because the socialistic agenda of Obama was rejected and you attached yourself to him by association of ideology and you lost! Had you moved toward the center right you could have won! Now the Democrats running for election in states this November are saying all these companies giving millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises to the American worker are under a big conspiracy by Trump? They are saying you should give your money to the government rather than keep it yourself! The Democratic party is all about equal outcome! That is give us your money and your power and we will push socialism with equal outcome for everyone! Regardless of your work ethic or ability you will end up with the same outcome as the bum down on skid row! Give up your choices and we will choose for you! HealthCare! Public schools! Welfare! The Republican party is just the opposite! The party of equal opportunity not equal outcomes! Less government! More choices! More jobs! More income! Fewer taxes! Fewer regulations! Socialism is only popular because no one has lived in a real socialist country such as the Soviet Union, Cuba or Venezuela! Remember Burnie Sanders took his wife on their honeymoon to Russia about 50 years ago! I could never fall in love with failure! The left has run out of excuses for their failures to the American people! If we can replace the Democrats with Republicans we can increase the prosperity of Americans among all classes of people! Let us not turn back the clock to the failed socialism nations of the present and past! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Jesus a Colonialist? Mark 16:15

Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world an preach the Gospel. By definition Jesus is a colonialist! Was Hitler a colonialist? Lenin? Stalin? Imperial Japan? Ho Chi Minh? Columbus? If you read the journal’s of Christopher Columbus and his voyages you will find that his highest priority was the evangelize the New World in Christ’s name! When the Pilgrim’s came to America they found the native American Indian tribes warring against each other! Colonialists? Are the Islamist colonialists? Absolutely! The cultural war here in America is a war against believers who follow Christ with the Holy Bible! If you are not colonializing in Jesus name then you are colonializing in your own name or another name! Are you colonializing in the name of evolution? Are the Republican and Democratic parties colonialists? Absolutely! The illegal immigration debate is all about legalizing them not that they care about them but to get the credit so they will vote for their party so they can stay in political power! They are pawns in a chess game! Is God a colonialist? Is Satan a colonialist? There are and always have been two Kingdoms being colonialized with people! Heaven and Hell. Which Kingdom will you end up in? Depends what you do with Jesus Christ! The political left and the anti-colonialist movement is all about turning back the light of Christ and the stability of Christ and America to the dark ages! To break down the very foundation that has made America the greatest Nation on earth! The only two nations on earth that stand in the way of the one world government with Anti-Christ leading with his false prophet is America and Israel! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Nationalism versus Globalism!

This is what the battle lines are drawn around in American politics! They have for years now! This is the battle between the Republicans and the Democrats! This battle is for the soul of America! Sanctuary cities are about globalism! Enforcement of our immigration laws is about Nationalism! Better jobs for America is about Nationalism! Illegal immigration is about globalism! Secure borders is about Nationalism! No borders is about globalism! A carbon tax on America is about globalism! Socialism is about globalism! Capitalism is about Nationalism! The United Nations is about globalism! Those wanting to destroy Israel is about globalism! Those defending here is about Nationalism! H.G. Wells predicted this battle for America in some of his books he wrote over 120 years ago! This is a civil war going on in America and has not been armed yet! Do you remember our Bible predicting a one world government? The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet or one world religious ruler running things for the seven year tribulation period? What religion will this religious ruler be? How about Islam? The Saints will be raptured! Our public school systems and their labor union are run by the Democratic party! Why are they promoting Islam to the children? Why are they requiring to learn other languages and not promoting English? Why are they promoting the homosexual life style? We know from the Bible that the Anti-Christ will be gay and have no natural affection for women! The Democratic party has a war on women through abortion! All of these things can only be explained through the scriptures and the coming one world government! If you read and study your Bible you will never be surprised by past, present or future events! If you go to he has a very good video about these things on his latest posting! Can you see the hand writing on the wall? Christ will prepare us for these events! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democrats against Republicans! Luke 21:10

Jesus said two of the signs of His second coming would be; “Nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.” Comment: So what is the difference between a nation and a kingdom? When you look the Greek words up it becomes clear! The word nation means the non-Jewish nations warring against each other! The word kingdom is very different! It means a dominion or realm of people living in a territory under political leadership. So this would describe an internal fight between a peoples within a nation. It would describe a civil war! Like Syria or American civil war over slavery. Is America heading for another civil war? We hope and pray not but the good news is that Jesus predictions of His second coming is really about the bad news bring the good news! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! James and Hamsa Sasse.

President Trump and the Swamp!

President Trump started draining the swamp yesterday! After the swamp is drained he has to remove the alligators and snakes! A very large quantity in Washington! His message was clear to both sides Democrats and Republicans yesterday! He loves the messenger but hates the message! Trump was not elected by the people to get along in the swamp but to remove the swamp! He is not there to get along but change things! James and Hamsa Sasse.