Christmas Story

It was Christmas Eve in Brooklyn New York in 1942. The war was on and a difficult time. It was snowing in New York. A cold night as Wilber was walking down the street thinking about his past. Wilber was 98 years old and his past troubled him? He had committed crimes and betrayed his family and many friends. He was most troubled about where he would go if he died? As he went by a church he heard Christmas Carols. Then he thought I know what I can do! I will join a church and this will throw me in with all the good folks. Then I can escape hell! Wilber went into this Lutheran Church and asked the Pastor if he could join the church? The Pastor told him if he could answer one question correctly. The question is where was Jesus Christ born? Wilber thought a minute and said Pittsburg. Sorry said the Pastor you need to find another place. Wilber went back out into the snow and cold and found a Catholic Church. He went in and asked the Priest if he could join? The Priest said he could only if you can answer one question correctly. Where was Jesus Christ born? Wilber strained his brain and said Philadelphia. The Priest told Wilber he was too far gone to make a good Catholic! Down but not out Wilber hit the streets once again. The he walked by a Synagogue but it looked closed. Then he saw a light in one of the back offices so he knocked on the door. A Rabbi opened the door and invited him in. Wilber asked if he could join the Synagogue? The Rabbi said sure you can! Wilbur was perplexed? Are you going to ask me any questions? No replied the Rabbi. Wilber asked the Rabbi if he would mind if he asked him a question? Please go right ahead said the Rabbi. Where was Jesus Christ born? The Rabbi responded Bethlehem of course! Wilber replied and said, ” I knew it was in Pennsylvania some place! ” Source; Unknown. Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.


Everything is foreseen, yet freedom of choice is granted! Rabbi Akiva (50-135 A.D.) He was executed by the Romans! Comment: He was twenty years old when Jerusalem fell to the Romans in 70 A.D. He saw Jesus prophecy about Jerusalem! He saw the temple desecrated with not one stone left standing on the foundation of the Temple! He saw Jerusalem burned and sacked by the Romans! He saw thousands of Jews killed and one hundred thousand Jewish slaves taken back to Rome to build the Roman Coliseum! He saw the treasury of the Temple taken back to Rome to build construction projects there! The prophecies made by Jesus have still not all come to pass yet! The prophecies about Jesus made by the Jewish Rabbi’s hundreds of years before his birth are still alive today! The prophecies about the end times made by Jesus will come to pass! You still have to make a choice about Jesus! To receive him or reject him will still confirm his prophecies! Be on the right side of redemption rather on the wrong side of judgment! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Jesus Just a Gardener to You? John 20:15

Just as with Mary at one time in my life Jesus was just a gardener to me! As long as you do not look for Jesus you will never see Him! Mary Magdalene was the first disciple to recognize Jesus after His resurrection from the dead! Death seems to close the door on our personalities but really it does not! Remember the rich man and Lazarus? One life carried on in Heaven and the other life in Hell. Jesus carried on after his death the same way He was before death! Jesus disciples wrote Jesus off after the Crucifixion! Peter and John had preconceived idea’s about Jesus before they entered the tomb! They looked around the empty tomb and saw the grave clothes then fled and went into hiding from the Romans and the Jews! What they saw confirmed what they believed! This whole thing is a hoax! Mary hung around the tomb weeping because there was no body there to anoint for burying? Mary had experienced Jesus power for He cast 7 demons out of her! Yet she let death close the door on her faith and thought the man speaking to her in the tomb was a gardener! Then the voice and light of Jesus opened her eyes! Rabboni! Rabbi! Master! Jesus is always present even if you do not see Him! Just as a blind man can feel the rays of the sun so you can feel Jesus love! The stars shine brightest in the darkness of the night! After Jesus delivered me from death I could only see Him and experience His love! My allegiance and devotion turned to Him! Rabbi! Master! Power over death! Jesus was no longer a gardener to me! The Resurrection took on a whole new meaning! It was no longer just a religious story I heard once a year at church! Do you want the reality of Jesus or just a once a year story? You do not want to wake up on the wrong side of death as the rich man did! Either a Heaven or a Hell? The reality of Christ will one day come to all the living and the dead! Just so it is not too late for you! Chance and choice only come once to every individual. Wise men and women still seek Him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus Tribe Judah Means Thanksgiving! Genesis 29:35

Many Jewish commentators believe the secret of Judah’s Blessings are implicit in the Hebrew meaning of his name. When his mother gave birth to him she said, “This time I will give thanksgiving to the Lord!” Therefore she called his name Judah. Judah is taken from the Hebrew word Hodah which means giving thanks. The Jews gave the world two significant things! An awareness of God and the concept of gratitude! Aldous Huxley wrote, “Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.” Jewish life fights against this. The Talmud says, “If someone lacks this trait of thankfulness this person is not in fact a Jew!” Many Christian’s cannot do the math when it comes to counting our Blessings! It is interesting that today in Israel the only two tribes left is Judah and Benjamin! The Priestly tribe Levite is still there also. The other tribes were lost over time through persecution and exile. Why has Judah the tribe of Jesus Christ survived to this day? Could it had been from the attitude that bore their name? Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Angel of Peace?

The Pope recently called Palestinian leader Abbas an angel of peace? Which angel was the Pope talking about? Is it Michael, Gabriel or Lucifer? Last year Abbas praised the murder of a Rabbi saying the killer would go to Paradise as a martyr? This event and many others support scripture and my belief that the one world religious ruler or the false prophet that will rule from Rome will be a Muslim! The Anti-Christ who will simultaneously rule from Israel will be a Jew and a gay! How does a Jew hater and a Jew marry together and rule the earth? ISIS has two main objectives. Take down Saudi Arabia and take over Rome! They know Bible prophecy better than most Christians! The cut off of oil from Saudi Arabia to America will cause gasoline to go to $10.00 dollars per gallon and cause an economic collapse! The takeover of Rome by Islam will be even more catastrophic! Two billion Catholics will have to confess to Islam, fight or die? Notice the worldwide endorsement of gays! Is all this just another bump in the road or are we at the close of Bible prophecy? With Obama in office the bad guy’s are making their moves! Two more years with Obama will be enough time for these things to come to pass! So when is the rapture of His Church? Soon! Watch the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage soon to be decided! It will probably be a 5-4 decision! If gay’s win this decision Pastor’s across America will be forced to perform gay marriages and deny their Faith or refuse and go to jail! In these last days God is sorting out his true followers! I am thankful that my future is in Christ! How about you? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Marrying and Given in Marriage? Matthew 24:37-39

I always thought Jesus was talking about traditional marriage between a man and a woman! I thought Jesus was trying to communicate that things were carrying on as before and then suddenly He returns! However, a Jewish Rabbi Charne Dov Keller has a different perspective! In the ‘Inside Israel Newsletter’, (Vol. 13, No. 7), he writes in the ‘Jewish Observer’, ‘The Midrash (Acharie Mos) tells us that the Generation of the Flood was wiped out only because they wrote marriage contracts between males just as they did for conventional couples! We can better understand the cultural expression ‘only because’ as meaning the ‘singular primary reason’ in importance as the cause why God brought the Flood upon the world at that time in antiquity! The next destruction was Sodom and Gomorrah for the same reason! The Apostle Jude warns us in verse 7 of our history and mentions going after strange flesh meaning homosexuality and bestiality! Is Rabbi Keller correct? If he is then that means we are very close to the Rapture of His Church and God’s hammer of Judgment coming on the world! Some Pastor’s claim all sin is the same? What about Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which is the unpardonable sin! What ever my sin is or your sin is we need to repent quickly! Thankyou. James and Hamsa  Sasse.

Sodom and Gomorrah Act III Romans 1:27-32

Satan throughout history has tried to prevent the “bruising of his head” by the seed of the woman! The latest political ploy by the Democrats is that everyone except them has a war on women? What an oxymoron this is since they promote abortion and homosexuals! The primary sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexual behavior. God does not have a war on women but Satan does! History has shown us that God does have a war on gays! The next major event of God’s judgment on man was at the Flood of Noah! I want to quote a Jewish commentary about the sin in the Days of Noah; “In the new issue of Inside Israel newsletter (vol.13, No.7), Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller is reported as writing in the “Jewish Observer”: The Midrash (Acharei Mos) tells us that the Generation of the Flood was wiped out only because they wrote marriage contracts between males just as they did between conventional couples. We can better understand the cultural expression “only because” as meaning “the singular primary reason” in importance as the cause why God brought the Flood upon the world at that time in antiquity. For many years I have realized that Mr. GTA’s explanation of Matthew 24:38 did not hold water– There is nothing wrong in marriage itself, unless wrong things or wrong people are being married to one another.” Rabbi Keller has provided information from Jewish Midrash (commentary) to help us better comprehend Jesus intended meaning and message. Comment; As we see the continued decline of America we also see cultural perversion endorsed and sanctified by our governments across America. Much of the “Church” is mute on these issues and some even endorsing them! Many Pastors do not want to loose their 501c exemptions and many want to remain popular and sell their books! There is only one “Book” that counts and that is the Holy Bible! God has provided a way out from all sin through His Son Jesus Christ! God will not accept “Gay Christians” which is another oxymoron! Repent means to denounce your sin whatever it might be and stop your sin and let Christ take your Judgment on Calvary! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Charles Lindberg Goes Green!

American hero Charles Lindberg was prohibited from joining the Army Air Forces by President Franklin Roosevelt because his loss in combat would be unacceptable to America. Charles did not give up easily so in 1942 he stowed away in a cargo ship headed for the South Pacific. He then hitches a ride on a small boat to a remote Pacific island where a squadron of P-38 fighters were stationed. He watches a mechanic work on a P-38 fighter along the beach of the island. The mechanic asked Charles what his name was and how did he get on this island? He replied my name is Charles and I arrived on a small boat. The mechanic got nervous and went to his Commanding Officer. The mechanic reported this guy showing up behind his back like a bat out of hell while he was repairing his P-38! The Commanding Officer checked out Charles and determined he was not a spy but Charles Lindberg. They gave Charles a private tent with Kerosene lanterns so he could study his P-38 design documents at night. Charles studied every aspect of the P-38 aircraft during the daylight. Then Charles asked the CO if he could take the P-38 on a test flight? The CO was nervous because if Charles were killed in a flight accident his head would roll! Charles got permission and away he went on P-38 test flights. To make a long story short Charles figured out how to double the effective combat range of the P-38 fighter from 900 miles to 1800 miles. This caught the Japanese by surprise as American pilots could now reach deep behind Japanese forward bases and destroy much of their war materials. These changes in flight procedures on the P-38 were applied to all squadrons in the South Pacific and to the European theater. Charles flew one combat mission in a P-38 and shot down a Japanese Zero fighter. So Charles not only saved a lot of fuel but many lives as the war concluded sooner. Comment; America was and is made great by her people! If you are new to America or an immigrant you need to study American history and follow the lead of great Americans! There are millions like Charles! The mechanic was also important to victory in World War II. Do not depend on the government for welfare but apply your mind God has given you to invent things that make other people’s lives better! I will never forget a wall plaque in a rest stop along the I-95 Northeast corridor. This plaque contained a quote by Thomas Edison. He said,”Lord let me not have one invention unless it helps someone else.” I like the definition of work given by a Jewish Rabbi. He said,”Work is making someone’s life better!” Welfare is destructive while work brings out God’s creativity in each of us! God will save America if we will follow His ways! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.


I heard a good definition of work from a Jewish Rabbi yesterday! He said making someone’s else life better is what you do when you work! Money flows to those people who make other people’s lives better! There is alot of mis-understanding about money especially in the church. Just because you are in a ministry do not presume money should flow to you! Are you as a minister making other people’s lives better? Why is it lottery winners in America are worse off one year later after winning? What about the disaster of welfare system in America? Why is it many who quit work and retire die within one year? Because it is selfish and opposite of definition of work. People who just wait around for money end up in a bad way! God cannot honour this attitude! Jesus said, “He who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all !” The more people you help the more money flows to you! Just ask Bill Gates and his computers! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod com