Socialism & Darwinism!

Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. Vladimir Lenin  Comment: What is scientific socialism? What was Lenin referring to? The fake science he was referring to is Darwinism! All the different words they throw in front of socialism to sugar coat it! Remember the Nationalist Socialist Party? Adolf Hitler was the leader of the party! In America they call it the Democratic Socialist Party! None of these words placed in front of socialism can make it legitimate! No nation has succeeded in implementing it! China has it! Russia has it! Cuba has it! Venezuela used to have it but has collapsed! Remember the Soviet Socialist Republic that collapsed in the 1990’s after 70 years of failure? So what keeps socialism being tried and tried again! The first prerequisite is atheism! Darwin and teaching of evolution in our public schools prepares the way for the sale of this failed product by the Democratic Party! Public education produces Democrats because they brain wash the children that there is no God and teach them the socialist ideologies of Darwin, Lenin, Marx, Engels and many more founders of socialism! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Train Up! Proverbs 22:6

Hebrew Translation: “Train up; that is initiate, consecrate, dedicate and teach in community, a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Comment: The key here is to teach the child in the totality of the community! So what is the trinity of the community? It is first parents, church and school! The school part is where the rub can come in! If your children attend a public tax funded school here in America the children or young adults will be conflicted! That is they will be taught things there that will contradict what you teach them at home and in the Church! Creation versus evolution is one important example! The children will be taught that homosexual, lesbian and transgender gender is to be celebrated! Loyalty to America will be discouraged! Prayer will not be allowed! No Bibles in school! If your children attend a religious supported school whether Jewish, Catholic or Protestant their chances of confliction are greatly reduced! They will also be exposed to real academic training rather than social engineering! The Democratic Party gets their supporters and voters through the Public education system! Home schooling is an option! One third of all Harvard freshman are home schooled adults! I want to have my children miss out on school shootings, drugs and the violence in public schools! Twenty percent of all public high school graduates cannot read! Raising children is a real challenge but what complicates it is your children being taught atheistic ideologies from Darwin, Engels, Marks and others that oppose your Biblical view of life! Jesus said what profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your only soul! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Division Through Public Schools!

But, you will say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social education. The communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do not seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class. Karl Marx  Comment: If you can homeschool or send your children to a private school and pull them out of public schools you would be rescuing your children from the state! One of my little grandsons is attending a public school up in Kentucky. He would always eat lunch in the school cafeteria with his little friend everyday. His little friend would pray before lunch and asked my grandson if he could join him! The teacher on duty in the cafeteria during their prayer stopped them and scolded them and told them they are not allowed to pray here! I have asked President Trump to introduce school vouchers to privatize the system which would introduce competition and get rid of social engineering and return education to the children of America! It would also break down the public education which is the left wing of the Democratic Party with it’s Teachers Union! What the public schools work very hard at is undermining parental authority in the home! This tactic is right out of the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx! In fact the Democratic Party takes their tactics right out of his playbook! Talk to your Pastor about using classroom space at your church during the week for classrooms for private school or home schooling! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialist Denial of Creation!

The democratic concept of man is false, because it is Christian. The democratic concept holds that…each man is a sovereign being. This is the illusion, dream and postulate of Christianity. Karl Marx   Comment: How did the founder of failed socialism come to this conclusion? He believed the ideology of another atheistic Jew by the name of Charles Darwin! If there is no God then the State is supreme! If your children attend public schools here in America they will be taught Darwinism or Evolution as a true science! So when your children attend secular college if the socialists do not have your kids minds turned against Faith in God then during those 4 expensive years of College education those liberal professors will finish the job! Then you wonder why your kids drop out of church? The teaching of Darwinism is the answer! Most of the Democratic left party here in America are Darwinists! If no God abortion is no problem! I try to expose to you that the background of the Democratic party embraces the anti-Christian values of Darwin and the socialist revolutions in our history responsible for tens of millions of deaths! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Storm Clouds Europe 1937

By May 1st, 1937 there should not be one single church left within the borders of the Soviet Union, and the idea of God will have been banished from the Soviet Union as a remnant of the Middle Ages, which has been used for the purpose of oppressing the working class. Joseph Stalin   Comment: Another follower of Charles Darwin! What is interesting about this time in history is most of the major leaders of Europe were all followers of Darwin yet it lead to WWII? My Bible says a fool has said in his heart there is no God! Christian America had a civil war! The war was about the sin of slavery! Can we go to war for a right cause? Can we go to war for a wrong cause? Yes and no! My concern for America today is that the teaching of Darwinism to our children over generations in our public schools is beginning to pay dividends of anarchy within our nation! Darwinism says just kill your enemies! Those that disagree with you just get rid of them! That was what the Russian Revolution was all about! Jesus had a very different approach! Forgive your enemies! What the Bible shows us is that our 1st enemy is ourselves at war with God! We all need forgiveness! If we will all begin with this then reconciliation is possible! James and Hamsa Sasse,


Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism! Vladimir Lenin   Comment: Marx, Engels and Lenin were followers of Charles Darwin and Evolution! They believed that evolution would inevitably improve men over time to a state of perfection! Their neighbor Hitler also believed the same thing! Hitler believed he could speed up the process by getting rid of the undesirables on planet earth through war! These two cultures believing the same Darwin theory clashed in WWII. There is no historical evidence to support Darwinism but evidence proves just the opposite! The Bible denies evolution and that man is a sinner in need of repentance to God! After teaching our children in public schools for nearly 100 years that Evolution is a real science is it any wonder socialism has a large political following? The teaching of Evolution in our public schools is the left wing of the Democratic Party! Lenin also said if you tell a lie long enough it will become the truth! The biggest threat to our freedom is teaching our children a lie! James and Hamsa Sasse.

School & Police Shootings! James 1:2

“My brethren of the same womb count it all joy, that is rejoice with gladness of heart when you fall into various types of temptations.” Comment: James had a primary ministry to the Jews. He was referring to the Jews when he spoke of the same womb! However we as Gentile Christian’s that are “born again” are of the same family! So we to are to rejoice when temptation comes! Why? Remember Jesus prayer he taught us? Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Temptation is authored by Satan and God will deliver us from his evil. What we do with the temptation will prove us either good or evil. Remember Job? Satan was the author of all his loses of family and wealth! However God gave him back twice as much! Jesus himself was tempted many times by Satan to try to keep him off the Cross! If you are God turn these stones into bread! Jump from the Temple Mount one of your angel’s will save you! Temptation will either condemn you or exonerate you! The evidence that we are all sinner’s and need salvation tells us we all have had moral failings! God has given us a way of escape through the one that defeated Satan at the Cross! We can choose to repent and change! Satan will solicit us to sin! God will empower you to resist! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you! Jesus cast out Devil’s but he did not destroy them! They moved on finding a herd of swine to dwell in! Satan was a deceiver from the beginning even before creation! He was cast out of Heaven and was waiting in the Garden of Eden! One day he will be cast into the Lake of Fire with his followers! So why did James say count it all joy? James goes on to explain in the following verses! To develop your faith with patience! A Crown of Life waits those who endure temptation! Endure means to resist Satan! How? God can empower you to resist Satan! Without the power of Christ no mortal can resist Satan! How did Jesus do it? He constantly said , “It is written! It is written!” Do you know the Words God wrote? Jesus resisted the Devil with the Word of God! The liar of all lies when he hears the Word of God will flee! Satan thrives on ignorance! Ignorance is not Bliss! It is Hell. Why is the Bible the most banned Book on earth? Try to get a Bible into any public funded University or High School. Our youth are taught Darwinism or Evolution where the strong should get rid of the weak! The stronger species will destroy the weak! The same conclusion that Darwinism teaches to our children is the same ideology that drove Hitler to do what he did! This ideology leads to racial pride and violence against each other! No knowledge of the Word of God leads to school violence and attacks on legal authorities! The vacuum left by removing every trace of God is filled with anarchy! They cannot hear the voice of God so they listen to the voice of Satan! It is back to the Garden of Eden all over again! You can take away guns but they will be replaced with knives, swords and clubs! Violence is not done by the weapon but by the evil heart of man living without the knowledge of God! The political left is behind all this Godless ideology! We need to return education to the American family and privatize our public institutions! Solicit President Trump to give school vouchers to every American family instead of sending these hundreds of billions of dollars from your tax money to public institutions! If this would be done the failing public schools would vanish overnight with competition in education! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why get Baptized? Acts 2:38

Greek Translation: “Then Peter said unto them, Repent! Have a true change of heart towards God understanding that your future is not dependent on your past! Be baptized! That is make a public identification with Jesus Christ through water immersion. Be baptized in the name and character of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your willful and intentional acts against God! Be baptized with the purpose of serving God by the free gifts of God’s character through the Holy Spirit!” Comment: Believe it or not this church doctrine has been controversial for the past two thousand years! You would think it would be a slam dunk but not the case! Some believe infant baptism is enough! However there is no conscious decision on the part of the infant to do this! Some believe there is no need of baptism because the thief on the Cross was not baptized yet he was saved! Baptism is connected to forgiveness but not dependent on it! Baptism is about power for ministry! It is about an effective work here on the earth! Jesus was baptized yet he did not need to be saved! Some say I am saved and therefore do not need to be baptized! If it is good enough for Jesus it is good enough for me! Remember the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus after baptism! The Holy Spirit will empower you for effective ministry here on the earth! Without His love you will be abusive in the ministry! Your human capacity will never be enough! We need the character of God to do the work of God! The thief on the Cross was headed for heaven! No earthly ministry time left for him except to say he was saved without baptism! The Holy Spirit saves us until the rapture or Christ’s return to earth! The Spirit is the down payment or escrow to hold us until his return! Remember Jesus said greater things will you do after I send the Holy Spirit! We have examples of baptism in the Old Testament! The evidence is strong for baptism unless you want to go it alone! Do not try to figure it out just do it! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Public Service Message

Wellesse Joint Movement Glucosamine 33.8 Fluid Ounce Bottle, Contains 2000 mg Glucosamine, 1200 mg Chondroitin, 10mg Hualuronic acid and 500mg MSM. This joint tonic is available at Sam’s Club and many other distributors! Can probably be ordered on line at Amazon and EBay! I have some age on me plus accident injuries and this does help all my body joints! Good idea to contact your physician especially if you have some other medical issues! This product is sold over the counter and works for me! I have no financial connection with this company and they are not paying me to promote this product! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.


Now Hillary is blaming white women who listen to their white husbands and voted for Trump? How many excuses can she manufacture to explain her loss? First it was Putin and now American women particularly white women! What color are you Hillary? If tribalism is alive and well in America then Obama would never have been elected and you should have! There is something deeper here and more profound! Hillary you lost because the socialistic agenda of Obama was rejected and you attached yourself to him by association of ideology and you lost! Had you moved toward the center right you could have won! Now the Democrats running for election in states this November are saying all these companies giving millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises to the American worker are under a big conspiracy by Trump? They are saying you should give your money to the government rather than keep it yourself! The Democratic party is all about equal outcome! That is give us your money and your power and we will push socialism with equal outcome for everyone! Regardless of your work ethic or ability you will end up with the same outcome as the bum down on skid row! Give up your choices and we will choose for you! HealthCare! Public schools! Welfare! The Republican party is just the opposite! The party of equal opportunity not equal outcomes! Less government! More choices! More jobs! More income! Fewer taxes! Fewer regulations! Socialism is only popular because no one has lived in a real socialist country such as the Soviet Union, Cuba or Venezuela! Remember Burnie Sanders took his wife on their honeymoon to Russia about 50 years ago! I could never fall in love with failure! The left has run out of excuses for their failures to the American people! If we can replace the Democrats with Republicans we can increase the prosperity of Americans among all classes of people! Let us not turn back the clock to the failed socialism nations of the present and past! James and Hamsa Sasse.