This is the key to understanding the virgin birth! God’s Word is full of Faith and Spiritual Power! God spoke it! God transmitted His image to Mary. She received the image created inside of her…the embryo that was in Mary’s womb was nothing more than the Word of God! Pastor Charles Capps (1934-2014) Comment: The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among men! In the beginning was the Word of God…………..
Tag: john
It Was Fun! Luke 6:22-23
These were the words of Tom Brady quarterback of the New England Patriots at the end of his interview last night after their Sunday night football game win over the Pittsburg Steelers! This game was really a hard fought battle with both teams having to send players to the hospital during the game! Hopefully not with career ending injuries! Brady himself was body slammed to the ground by 300 pound plus linemen! So what was fun? Was it the pain, injuries, training or uncertainty of every game? Was it the risk of a career ending injury or death? It was the winning! The sacrifices are then forgotten! Do we have the child like excitement about Christmas? About giving? About receiving? Is it fun? In Luke chapter six Jesus is well past the manger scene! He is preparing his players for the game ahead! Jesus told His 12 players that they are going to hate you, isolate you, reproach you and call you evil because of me! Like NFL players they are going to sack you! But Jesus said to rejoice in that day! Leap for joy! You guys just won the Super Bowl! Your reward is great in Heaven! Your fathers the prophets suffered the same things! We do not like to think about suffering during the Christmas season! Yet that is why He came! To suffer for us! To make our lives fun and meaningful with purpose! To win! Losers made winners! The victory parade for you is going on in Heaven right now! While running your race sometimes the pain seems unbearable! Give your pain to Jesus! He became a curse for you! He took your pain upon Himself! We are on the same team! Jesus disciples except John all crossed the finish line with martyrdom! John was boiled in oil and then exiled to a stone quarry for slaves on the island of Patmos! They all looked beyond the finish line towards the goal and their and your victory in Christ! Those that have gone before us have prepared a way for us! Give a sacrificial gift to someone this Christmas as we were given the gift of a little baby boy born in a manger in Bethlehem! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Herod’s Letter to Caesar (John the Baptist)
To Tiberius Caesar and the Roman Senate; “My Noble Lords, Greetings: The facts in the case are about as follows: John the Baptist had set up a new mode of religion altogether different from the Jewish religion, teaching baptism instead of circumcision, which had been the belief and the custom of the Jews in all ages past. According to their theory, God appeared to Abraham hundreds of years before, and told him with his own lips how and what to do to be saved; and the Jews have lived according to this until it had become their nature, and all their forefathers had lived in this way. David, Solomon, Isaac, Jacob, and all the Holy prophets had gone to heaven in this way of God’s own appointment. Now, the question came to them, as they suggested it to me: Has God found that He is wrong? Has His wisdom failed Him? Or has the unchanged changed, and He is wavering in His purpose? Such would be the natural conclusion of a sensible man under the circumstances. Now, John the Baptist had no authority from God for what he was doing, as Abraham had. All he could say was, “He that sent me to baptize is true.” And he cannot tell who he was. Then his going into the wilderness; God had ordered Solomon to build the finest temple that was ever built in the world, and made promises that whosoever came to that house with his offerings his prayers should be heard and answered. This temple had been the place of their meeting for hundreds of years, for the Jews think this temple is the next place in heaven. Now see the difference; First John has no authorized authority. Second he changes God’s place of worship. Third he changes the doctrines. Fourth he changes the mode of application. Now, the idea of Gamaliel was that John wanted to be some great man; hence, he took this mode of eccentric life to establish it. And there is nothing better qualified than the course he took to make an impression upon the ignorant and unlearned–to go away out in the wilderness by himself, get a few friends from Jerusalem to go out and hear him, and come back and tell the great wonders which they had seen in the wilderness. Then John’s appearance–his long, uncombed hair and beard, his fantastic clothing, and his food, nothing but bugs and beans–such a course and such a character are well qualified to lead the illiterate astray. These troubles on the Jewish mind were very heavy, and gave such men as Hilderium, Shammai, Hillel and others great concern. And no wonder, for in their judgment it was vacating the temple of religious worship; it was blocking the road to heaven, and driving the poor and unsuspecting to ruin, as well as destroying the whole nation. So it was, by their request, as so ordered, that it was better to execute one to save the many for a worse fate. And this is the true reason for the deed, and not to please the whim of a dancing girl, as you have heard. Now, my lords, if this is not satisfactory, I would ask my accuser, Caius, to write any of the learned Jews, and learn if my statement is not correct. Herod Antipas
Herod’s Defensive Letter to Caesar!
Letter form Herod Antipas to Tiberius Caesar and the Senate of Rome: “My Noble Lords, Greeting, As to what Pontius Pilate says in regard to my cowardice and disobedience in the case of Jesus of Nazareth, I will say in my own defense: I was informed by all the Jews that this was the same Jesus that my father aimed to destroy in his infancy; for I have it in my father’s private writings and accounts of his life, showing that when the report was circulated of three men inquiring where was he that was born King of the Jews, he called together the Hillel and Shammai schools, and demanded the reading of the sacred scrolls; that it was decided he was to be born in Bethlehem of Judea, as read and interpreted that night by Hillel. So when my father learned that there was a birth of a male child in Bethlehem under very strange circumstances, and he could not learn where or who the child was, he sent and had all the male children slain that were near his age. Afterward he learned that his mother had taken him and fled into the wilderness. For this attempt to uphold the Roman authority in the land of Judea the world has not ceased to curse him to this day; and yet the Caesar’s have done a thousand worse things, and done them a thousand times, and it was all well. Just think how many lives have been lost to save the Roman Empire; while those infants were only removed in their innocence from the evil to come. The proper way to judge of action is to let the actor judge, or the one with whom the action terminates. If this should be done, and there is a life of happiness beyond for innocence to dwell in, those infants as well as Rachels should be thankful to my father for the change. Again my Lord’s, Pilate is a higher officer than I; and you know in our law the lower court always has the right to appeal to the higher. As to Pilate’s saying that Jesus was a Galilean, he is mistaken. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, as the records show. And as for his citizenship, he had none. He wandered about from place to place, having no home, making his abode principally with the poor. He was a wild fanatic, who had taken up the doctrines of John (but not his baptism), and was quite an enthusiast. He had learned sooth-saying, while in Egypt, to perfection. I tried to get him to perform some miracle while in my court, but he was too sharp to be caught in a trap; like all necromancers, he was afraid to show off before the intelligent. From what I could learn he had reprimanded some of the rich Jews for their meanness, and his reproaches were not out of the way, from what I heard they would have much better men if they had practiced what they preached.” Herod Antipas
Incarnation in You! John 3:5-8
Here is the definition of the word “Incarnation”, from the Merrian-Webster Dictionary: “The embodiment of a Deity or Spirit in some earthly form; the union of divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ.” Comment: Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again! After you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior your sin is forgiven then you have a born again experience with God! Now His Spirit rules you rather than the flesh! The Holy Spirit becomes incarnated in you! You then follow Him as He leads you into righteousness! Those that reject Christ receive another Spirit that controls them and leads them away from God! Satan rules their life to destroy them! Jesus came to save us! No one can ignore or escape the incarnation! What Spirit incarnates you has everything to do with what you do with Jesus Christ! Life or death? Judas Iscariot would be one example of what happens when you reject Jesus Christ! The other disciples are good examples of the power that dwelled in them from the Holy Spirit to reach the lost world and transform lives! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Judeau Christian Civilization! Joshua 24:15
Ben Shapiro is a young American Orthodox Jew that has a lot of insight into religious, economic and political systems of this world! He makes the important point that Judeau Christian culture allows for dissenting views on everything! In fact atheism is only possible in a Judeau Christian culture! Do you find any professing atheists in Islamic cultures? If you do they are missing their heads! Carl Marks, Frederick Engels, Charles Darwin and John Dewey were atheists living in Christian cultures with the freedom to create political, science and economic systems that oppose their Christian culture they were living in! However under these systems free choice was taken away! Your children in America if attending a public school will be taught evolution with no alternative and will not be able to pray in school. The Anti-Christ systems of this world will remove free choice and you will lose your freedom! We have free elections here in America because we live in an Judeau Christian culture however it is possible to elect leaders who oppose Christ and then your freedoms will be lost! James and Hamsa Sasse.
No Law No Freedom! Romans 13:4
The end of the law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom! For in all the states of created beings of law, where there is no law there is no freedom! John Locke (1632-1704) English Philosopher and Physician. Comment: My concern for America is there is a growing breakdown of law! James
Reformation & Anti-Sematism! Romans 1:16
Their (The Jews), rotten and unbending stiffness deserve that they be oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without pity of anyone! John Calvin Comment: This is not a good attitude to have to win Jews to Christ? Yet the Protestant Reformation carried out the same persecution of the Jews that the Catholic Church did? One of the greatest benefits of the Reformation was getting the printed Gospel into the hands of the common people like you and me! With the aid of the printing press the Bible was mass produced in English and other languages and distributed to the people to read for themselves! This was probably the greatest revolution of history! Prior to this the Bible was in Latin and only read and interpreted to the people by the Catholic Priests! During the Reformation Martin Luther thought the Jews would come to Christ but he was wrong! In his anger he also set up persecution to the Jews! It was culminated 400 years later for Germany with Hitler! The reformers helped clean up the corruption in the Catholic Church! However during the 30 Years War between Catholics and Protestants we had 8 million casualties! The Truth does not come cheap! The Apostle Paul was a Jew and he became so upset with the Jews that he decided to take the Gospel to the Gentiles! If Jesus being a Jew could not reach the majority of Jews while here on earth who are we? Jesus disciples were Jews who gave us our New Testament! Marks and Engels were atheist Jews! Darwin the atheist was a Jew! Einstein was a Jew! The majority of Jews here in America today are atheists and support with their millions of dollars Democratic left wing causes! Christopher Columbus was a Jew! He was a believer in Christ! Peyton Manning and Robert Kraft owner of the Patriots are Jews! The Orthodox Jews here in America by 90 percent are conservative and vote Republican! So we support what we believe about God! We know from scriptures that the Anti-Christ will be Jewish and gay! Do you think the Jews would trust a Gentile to go into their re-built Temple in Jerusalem? During the 7 year Tribulation period in history many Jews will come to Christ! As with the Apostle Paul the scales will be lifted from their eyes! In the short time we have left here on earth pray for them and show the love of Christ that dwells in you to them for this will be the greatest witness of our Faith! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Calvin on Abortion! (1509-1564 A.D.)
For the fetus, though enclosed in the womb of its mother, is already a human being, and it is a monstrous crime to rob it of life which it has not yet begun to enjoy! If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in the field, because a man’s house is his place of most secure refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light! John Calvin (1509-1564), French Theologian and Great Leader of the Reformation.
NFL Protests & Boycotts!
Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but having the right to do what we ought! Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) Comment: I am going to have to boycott the NFL this season! This is a small sacrifice in terms of the men and women who have died on the battle field for our freedom! For the millions wounded with missing arms and legs! For those mentally affected from the wounds of war! I will always side with those who have sacrificed the most for our nation! This includes our law enforcement who have sacrificed their lives for Americans! To me our Flag and National Anthem represents those people! People can protest America but I will side with those that have given the most for us! That is why I stand for my Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.