The Hindu Priest! Matthew 6:33

If God can speak through a donkey he can speak through anyone! My wife Hamsa was a young widow living in India with her two small boys in 1965. I was a sophomore in high school in 1965. Her future looked bleak there with not much hope of a future! One day a Hindu Priest came to her door and told her he had a prophetic word for her future! She was reluctant to listen for she was a Christian not an idol worshiper! The prophecy was this:” In two years you will go to America! You will meet a God sent man to you and marry and you will have two more children, two girls that will complete your family! Your God, your Christ tells me this and reveals these things to you!” In 1967 Hamsa was on an airliner traveling from India to America! She put a fleece out before the Lord and said whoever this man is the first thing he will do when we meet is invite me to church! Many men invited her to the movies, dinner, dances and other social functions in those subsequent years. I had just completed college in Denver in 1972 and honestly went to college to avoid the Vietnam war! My prayer was for the Lord to send the right person into my life! Read Matthew 6:33. Both of us were asking God to find us a spouse! In 1972 I invited Hamsa to church the first time I ever met her! A God arranged marriage is a lasting marriage that will stand the test of time! Let God arrange your life not only in marriage but ever aspect of your life! Put him in your driver’s seat and he will guide you safely home! By the way I joined the military in 1975. James & Hamsa Sasse.

Psychics in America! Isaiah 8:19

Annual Psychic Industry Business Revenues in United States: $2.1 Billion Dollars. Source; Statistics of the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums on the Profession of Psychics, the Business of Divinity Arts, and their clients. 2015-2016. Comment: What got my attention to research this is the flood of psychic adds on major cable news channels lately! This takes millions of dollars to run these ads! The 1-800 adds are on your screen for us to call about our future! It is obvious Americans are not taking the advice of Isaiah the Old Testament Prophet? How many Christians are visiting psychics? I shutter in my boots when I hear a Christian tell me, “Ya, but that is the Old Testament and the New Testament has done away with the Old Testament!” Then why did Jesus quote the Old Testament so much? Did He quote something He did not believe? Let us in brief cover the words used in Isaiah 8:19. A familiar spirit or spirit of divination is the act of trying to conjure up spirits from the dead to predict future events! This is an occult practice and sometimes is referred as sorcery. Wizards are of the same spirit and this word actually means to howl. These acts involve chanting, howling to try to call up dead spirits! Sometimes while living in India I would walk past Hindu Temples and Mosques and would hear this chanting and howling while beating drums and tambourines as these Hindu Priests would try to mesmerize their victims! Remember the witch at Endor that King Saul inquired to about his future? Israel was ready to go into captivity and Isaiah tried to warn them! Isaiah asked the Jews a simple question! Why would you seek the dead instead of the living God? The same question needs to be asked to America today! Why would you worship death instead of life? As Halloween approaches there is not a more appropriate question to be asked! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Resurrection! Matthew 27:52-53

The word resurrection literally means to quit one’s previous position and to rise up! We need a spiritual resurrection and a physical resurrection! Jesus said we must be born again! We had no control over our physical birth and no control over our physical death unless we chose suicide! Without Christ we wake up everyday in our previous position of sin! Nothing seems to change except things get worse! Through Christ we quit this position and move into righteousness! That is we are made right with God! We wake up with a spiritually resurrected body and the promise of a physically resurrected body! It is interesting that when Jesus died on the Cross the graves were opened up by an earthquake and many of the saints arose! Notice in verse 53, they came out of the graves after the resurrection! When sin has been paid for people get free! I spent a few years in India and learned some of the aspects of the Hindu religion! The Hindus suffer from many bondages and superstitions based upon their Theology of God! One particular destructive belief about God is the Doctrine of reincarnation! Not the incarnation but reincarnation! They believe if you sin or are a bad person in your next life you could be a bug, rat or a snake or something awful. There is no remedy and you are locked into this condition due to your sin! They have respect for bugs and rats because they could have been a former family member! If fact in the Hindu Temples they feed rats and snakes milk and give them respect! Lucky critters! So they believe their sin is punished forever into the next generations whom could be a bug, snake, cow or a human never to come up in life! They make no effort to improve their life because their lot is permanent! It was very hard to improve their life under these beliefs! The incarnation is very different from the reincarnation! God taking on our sin who was without sin to deliver us from evil. God becomes man to take the very sin that separates us from God! If reincarnation were true and Jesus was just another human and took on the sin of the whole world he would have been resurrected as Satan! But Jesus was God and only that sacrifice would have been acceptable to God the Father! His son was the key to redemption! When Jesus was raised from the dead the saints were raised with Him! The resurrection is probably the most important aspect of our Faith! It is also based on historical facts! The next time you see a bug crawling across your floor you have my permission to step on it! What we believe about God determines our outlook and attitude about life here on earth and after! James and Hamsa Sasse.

No Compulsion in Religion? Quran 2:256

If the Quran is true then why do Muslim’s kill those who convert to another religion? Is it a one way street? If you abandon Islam you will have to go to a court where Muslim Clerics will pronounce judgment on you! Do they not follow their own Holy Book? Many contradictions in the Quran! The Quran says Jesus was born of a virgin. It also says Jesus did not die on a Cross! It also confirms the validity of the scripture and the Bible yet contradicts the Bible with many other verses in the Quran? There are about 1.4 Billion Muslim’s in the world. Yet only about 20 percent of them have ever read the Quran! So the followers listen to these Imam’s in the Mosque’s for directions! So the followers get instructions without any reference to any written guide? I remember during the 3 years we spent in India we had an incident where a Hindu man was giving us a lot of troubles in the ministry. This young Muslim man came to me and told me he would take care of this Hindu man for me and kill him? I explained to him that our Bible says vengeance belongs to God alone! I believe that if every Muslim in the world would read the Quran they would abandon the religion overnight! Ignorance is not bliss but hell when it comes to the Quran! What is really challenging witnessing to a Muslim is that 8 out of 10 have never read the Quran so even if you are familiar with it as a Christian they will not have a clue! Show them God’s love and they will respond as we have to Christ’s love! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hindu Temple

The year was 1987. We were nearing the completion of our 3 year commission to India by the Korean Church. We needed to sell our vehicle in preparation for returning to the United States. The way you sell things in India is just put the word out amoung the local villagers! News travels fast in these remote areas. A young man named Benny told me this Hindu Priest was wanting to purchase my vehicle and if I would come up to the Temple he would pay me. Local Pastor’s in India warned me never to accept invitations to Hindu Temples! So I refused many invites by these Hindu Priests. So I told Benny no! Benny told me this is different. He only wants to buy your vehicle. It is simply buisness. So I decided to go. So Benny got in my vehicle with me and we made the steep pull up the mountain into the remote tribal area. As we approached the front entrance of this big Hindu Temple I could smell the sweet fragrance of incense sticks burning in the Temple. We were greeted at the front entrance by two beautiful young girls! They could have even been teen agers. One girl went to my left side and the other to my right side. They put one hand into my hand and the other on my forearm and escorted me into the Temple. I felt like the chosen King on prom night back in high school! With their collective beauty,perfumes and incense burning in the Temple I began to feel sedated! I began to feel sorry for the folks back home in America! Then the thought hit me. Where is Benny? As I was escoted deeper into this Temple some things began to trouble me? The doors into the rooms and halls had iron gates on them much like a jail cell? There seemed to be alot of girls in this Temple? Some not modestly dressed? Then I walked by this European looking guy sitting on the floor with his head shaved! This young man was like staring into space. His eyes were glassy and his soul looked empty? I glanced into one room as I walked by and there were these 3 iron stakes anchored into the cement with leather straps tied on them? I asked one of my escorts where we were going? I cannot completely descibe the foreboding feelings I had at this time? The girls told me they were taking me to the guest room where the Hindu Priest will give me the money for the vehicle. Even though I wanted to pull away and get out of there I was like mesmerized by the spiritual atmosphere there! It was like something was taking control of me? Much like the cobra spitting his venom into the air in a room to disable his victims! The girls finally took me into this room and asked me to sit down in the chair. The girls pulled the curtain over the door and left the room. This room only had one chair in the middle of the room and I was sitting on it? No pictures on the walls and only one door to exit the room. No windows either? I began to have more concerns! I got up out of my chair moved the curtain back but the iron gate was locked behind the curtain! No time to panic but I did begin to sweat! I went back to my chair. Where was Benny? Suddenly two different girls came from behind the curtain! They were as pretty and young as the first two but were not modestly dressed? They wore short grass skirts with their tops adequately displayed chanting and dancing around me in my chair? They had ankle chains on their legs with bells attached so when they danced the bells would jingle! They had tambourines they were beating. My natural defences began to further abate. My thoughts were now who cares where Benny is! As the girls would dance, chant and sway their bodies around me with the beat to the music they began to make eye contact with me. They would fix their eyes on my eyes and then shift their eyes rapidly left to right and then right to left. I began to feel dizzy! This went on for about 10 or 15 minutes. I really lost track of time? I was now moving into a deeper hypnotic state! Then the girls abruptly left the room! I wanted to get out but now unable to even get out of my chair? I was like unable to respond to my natural senses? I would later learn the European looking guy was made a eunuch in the Temple along with some other fellows there. Now there was an ominous quiet period while I was waiting for the next act! Suddenly these huge drums began to beat? Then I began to hear this male voice chanting in the distance. This voice began to get louder as this man got closer to me! I could also hear a tambourine beating. Suddenly this huge man broke through the door curtain! He must have weighed 300 pounds and looked like a sumo wrestler! He was bare chested with bright colors were painted all over him! He like the girls were dancing,chanting, banging his tambourine and trying to focus his eyes on mine. He had a full beard and long hair. He looked like a bat out of hell! The girls softened me up and this guy was going to take me down! Then about a dozen girls entered the room and joined the high priest in their chants and dances! Yes the choir was now in place! His cheer leaders! Then behind the girls stood Benny! Betrayal at its best! I cried out to Jesus and called on His Blood to break this demonic spell! Suddenly this spirit of control over me was broken! Yes in the twinkling of an eye satan’s spell over me was broken! The priest with his harem stopped and left the room! I got up out of my chair left the room and temple and drove my vehicle back to Yercaud. I sold my vehicle in Madras and we left India for the United States! These Hindu Priests make prostitutes out of the women and eunuches out of the men! Stay out of the Hindu Temples! James Sasse.

Which Kingdom do you want?

The year was 1985. We had been in India one year then. We had just moved from Madras(Chennai), to a hill station named Yercaud. The name Yercaud in the Tamil Language means the village of the lake and the forest. It is a beautiful place with coffee estates, mango trees and assortment of fruits! This village was so remote that there was no gas station there. The problem for us was finding suitable housing for my family. My daughters at that time were 4 and 5 years old. My concern was for their safety. A friend of ours from Salem had been searchin for us and through another friend located this Hindu man who owned coffee estates in Yercaud and also had a English hotel converted for his summer home. Rich people there would escape the summer heat and live in the cool hill stations for the season. This man owned a car manufacturing and boat manufacturing company. He was also an M.D. educated in the United States. Having lived in the U.S. he could not understand why we came to India? This mansion was remote and beautiful! It was nested on the edge of a cliff with a panoramic view of Salem Valley below! Also a clear view of Metur Dam. The clouds would hit you in the face! Yes due to low cloud elevation across south india any mountain would be covered in clouds. Yes I was walking in clouds! As I would sit in this old english chair with extended arms for your legs and view the valley below I used to feel sorry for the folks back in America. They had to get up every morning and go to work everyday! Fight the traffic, bosses and all else! What really bugged me about this Hindu man was he never asked for rent? I offered him but he declined? After we had lived there for about 3 months the owner approached me and told me he would like to make an offer to me. He asked me if I would like to live in his mansion for the rest of my life! He told me he would pay for my daughters tuition and living expenses through college in the United States. To sweeten the deal he told me he would find me alot of young girls for me down in Salem valley! He told me to think it over for about two weeks. He had to go to America on buisness and would get back with me. I thought the girls are out but the rest? What is the motive? I again began to feel sorry for the folks back home! Well, this Hindu man returned to Yercaud and asked me if I would take his offer? However he said there was only one condition? I must stop preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the people on Yercaud mountain! I politely told him this is the reason we came to India! He told me we have 3 days to vacate mansion! The hardest thing I ever had to tell my family was we had to move in 3 days! I did not tell my wife Hamsa the real reason we had to move until 25 years later! Well we ended up in a scorpion, rat and snake infested house for the next two years! I thought about those fortunate people back in America! About two weeks before leaving Yercaud and India for the United States the rich man pulled his Mercedes Benz convertible up along side me while I was walking. He asked me again why I had come to India? I told him for the last time because God has sent me here! Satan will offer you all the Kingdoms of this world if you just bow down and worship him! It gets down to two Kingdom’s! The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan! Everyday for the rest of your life you will have to make a choice what Kingdom you want? Choose this day who you will serve! Thankyou. James Sasse.

30 Pieces of Silver!

The year was 1986. The place was Yercaud, India. We had just moved from Madras(Chennai), to this small village located on a mountain in South India. One big problem moving from big city to small village is finding adequate housing for my family. My uncle victor who was an MD. down in Salem had a friend who was a wealthy man. This man owned a mansion on Yercaud mountain that he used as summer cottage during hot season down in Salem Valley. This man was a Hindu who offered his mansion for free! This mansion was surrounded by 1000 acres of coffee estates located on the edge of a cliff! Beautiful panoramic view of Salem Valley below. We were excited! Clouds would hit you in the face as they moved over the mountain! Servants on duty to take care of all house work! I began to feel sorry for Americans back home as they had to go to jobs every day! Then this rich man came by and asked me if I would like to stay in mansion for rest of my life! Also he offered me young girls down in Salem Valley to make me happy! I told him the young girls for sex was out! But to stay in your mansion? Then he offered to pay for all college expenses for my small daughters when they reach college age! He told me to think about it and would be back from visit to U.S. in about two weeks. Well he came back and asked me about the offer? I told him it was a very generous offer! He told me there was only one condition? I must stop preaching about this Jesus Christ to the local villagers in Yercaud and villages above Yercaud! I explained to him that this is the reason we came to India! He then told me I have three days to vacate the mansion! We found a hut complete with scorpions, snakes and rats! I wish I were back in America! We completed our 3 years in India and shared the Gospel of Christ to many people! Scripture; Matthew Chapter 4, verses 8 and 9. Thankyou. James Sasse.