Picture Worth More Than Thousand Words! John 1:1

The truth is all images or pictures are formed in the lens of your eye were created by the Word of God! His creative power is in His Word! God spoke the world into existence with His Word! He created to establish and sustain life! Prophesies fulfilled in the Bible are completions of His Word! His Word is hidden in our heart for application to deliver us from sin! What you see on earth was first in Heaven! Yes, both love and war! If you decide to follow Christ the world will oppose you! God is greater than the world because He created the world! Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan! Satan tried to deceive Jesus by twisting the Word of God! Deception cannot live where God’s Word dwells! Political correctness is all about hiding the truth! All deception is accomplished with words! Bibles are being burned in the Middle East right now along with people! Hitler burned thousands of Bibles along with people! Not a pretty picture! If we ignore or reject God’s Word we do at our own peril! The final picture of your life will be determined by your acceptance or rejection of His Word! Believe it or not? You entered time so you could make a choice about His Word! You choose either Heaven or Hell? Life or death? Peace or war? Time is eternal and when it closes on your life you cannot turn back the clock! Eternity is a long time to live with your wrong choices! Time means to honor so you can choose right now with the now you have to secure your life with Christ! Jesus on the Cross is a picture worth more than a thousand words! It is the purpose and reason God came to redeem creation! The picture of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is displayed on the Cross at Calvary! God cannot make it any clearer than that! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com