Real Freedom!

1 Corinthians 9:19 “For though I be [free] from all men, yet have I made myself [servant] unto all, that I might gain the more.” Commentary: Free used here means not dependent upon another for the most part in a social and political sense! Not a slave! Free from the bondage of dependency. The word servant is just the opposite. It is dependency and bondage to any person or thing, as to be bound by the law. True freedom means to love God and man! Forgiving your enemies perceived or otherwise! Free from all yet servant to all! This freedom is hard to achieve in any political or social system! Why? It is not earned it is a gift! Our U.S. Constitution is probably the best model for a more perfect union! All of us are interdependent in some way! Nothing is done or achieved outside of these relationships! It may be your husband, wife, family, doctor, lawyer, pastor, teacher, dentist, cop, plumber, mechanic, builder, employer or employee! Like Paul we are dependent upon God because he is our Father in heaven and free to worship him and share his love with other people! We build up the Kingdom of God here on earth through Christ not to tear down and destroy our existing political system and wreck our foundations but to lead men to build their lives on a firm foundation that will never perish! We desire a spiritual revolution where men come to Christ and surrender their evil will to the redemptive will of Christ! Freedom is not free! Jesus took away our sin and rebellion on the Cross! Salvation comes with a price even death on a Cross! Christ fulfilled the law for you! He kept the law you could never obey! The love of God is expressed in keeping the law! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! We cannot do this unless Christ is in us! Love God and man! Love replaces hate of God and man because God does for us now what we could never do for ourselves! Outside of Christ we cannot love ourselves or others because unforgiven sin will dominate our lives! The guilt will never let love flow! Free to serve God and man is a gift from God! Jesus said he who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is servant of all! To serve not out of obligation but out of the love of God that we have freely received! James & Hamsa Sasse,

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