Is Jesus Still Incarnated?

Absolutely! As we approach Christmas let us remember Jesus Christ born of a virgin, crucified for our sin, raised from the dead and now seated at the right hand of His Father in Heaven is still in His incarnated estate and always will be! When He returns to earth at His second coming in His incarnated estate He will be God and man! If Jesus were to lose His divinity or humanity we would all die in our sin! As God He fulfills all righteousness and as human He delivers us from our unrighteousness and sin! The Angels in Heaven are still celebrating His virgin birth as we are on earth! Our birthdays have or will fade into human history as Jesus said we must be born again! That birthday will be celebrated forever! We have a birthday because Jesus had a birthday to be celebrated for all of eternity! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are NFL Players Jehovah Witnesses?

Jehovah Witnesses are conscientious objectors refusing military service and refuse to salute our National Flag! They refuse blood transfusions! They do not celebrate Christmas, Easter and birthdays! They do not believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe there is no Hell. They believe the 144 thousand in the Book of Revelation are the only ones going to Heaven! They believe the last days began in 1914. They believe all present day religions except them will be destroyed by the United Nations! They believe Armageddon will only begin when they are attacked! They believe Jesus Christ began his rule in Heaven in 1917. They distribute Watch Tower Magazines and Awake Magazines going door to door. Comment: They are polite people and come to our neighborhood knocking on doors once a month. I question them about their Faith! I share with them that their organization, Pastor, denomination, doctrines and elders cannot save them! I tell them only Jesus Christ can save you from your sin! They look at me puzzled? I share with them only Jesus Christ can save them from eternal separation from God and eternal Judgment! No response or reply? Can you name His name from your lips? Jesus Christ the Son of the living God! They just walk away turning their backs on the Savior? We are free in America to believe what we want to believe but this organization is not main stream Christianity and is another way to try to climb up to Heaven another way! James and Hamsa Sasse.

ObamaCare Trick or Treat?

What does the word Halloween mean? The word means a Holy person or Saint. It started as a Christian celebration of the departed Saints. It is followed up the next day called, “All Saints Day.” The problem is over time the event has moved from celebrating life to celebrating death! As Christians we celebrate life and not death! Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave for us! So we celebrate Jesus and not Satan who is the author of death. You have to keep the main thing the main thing! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.