Vanity Fair! Revelation 2:13

Jesus said Antipas is my faithful martyr! Antipas was the Bishop of the church at Pergamos during the reign of Roman Emperor Domitian. The Apostle John ordained Antipas as Bishop of the church at Pergamos. Antipas was burned inside an idol which was a bull shaped copper structure. His crime was casting out demons worshipped by the local population! Some of the hero’s of the Faith are listed in Hebrews Chapter eleven! Stephen was a faithful martyr listed in the Book of Acts! Antipas was most likely a Greek who converted to Christianity. Antipas is the shortened name of Antipater. Remember that was the name of one of Alexander the Great successful Generals. (397-319 B.C.). Remember Herod the Great was known by this name! Jesus will avenge the blood of the Saints! Why did Jesus call Pergamum Satan’s Seat? Even Ephesus with all of its advantages with the Great Temple and bustling port, could not match the importance of the once royal seat of the Attalids! Situated on a scenic acropolis Pergamum was embellished with the largest number of Greek and Roman Temples in the whole of Asia Minor! Examples are Zeus, Athena, Apollo, Demetia, Dionysis and Aphrodite. On another site was housed the largest Aesclepium of the Empire. Its library of two hundred thousand volumes rivaled the renowned library in Alexandria! The eminent Doctor Galen was among her favorite sons! Roman Emperors came to seek healing at the famous Aesclelpium!  Aesclepium was honored as the god of healing in the classical world. When the cult of “Dominus et Deus”, was initiated at Pergamum, the great Basilica was erected, adding to the rostrum of numerous idol Temples! The visitor today Bergama (Turkish name of the present day city), will see the immense structure at the edge of the bustling center. Basilica became the monument of vice and cruelty! Every citizen was forced to burn a few grains of incense here and worship the Emperor of Deus. Then they would proceed to their preferred practice a common syncetistic act which never lacked its double-faced devotees! For anyone who refused to submit to this profane practice death was imminent! Where as the Temple of Zeus was referred by the early Christians as the “Seat of Satan”, the appellation was later transferred to this center where some Christians felt compelled to pay obeisance! Source: Thomas Cosmades   Comment: Remember God’s church was established in the midst of all this evil! The venerable Polycarp followed Antipas in martyrdom! Christ and his Cross was raised up over “Satan’s Seat”, to defeat Satan the eternal enemy of man! This battle rages on today between the One True God and the millions of the gods of men! James and Hamsa Sasse.

See! Hear! Write! Revelation 1:11

There are only two kinds of books you will read while living here on earth! The first category of books are those that support the Kingdom of God and his Christ! The second category are those books that oppose the Kingdom of God and his Christ! So the question you should ask yourself is does this book support or deny the kingdom of God and his Christ? You know the old saying you can never judge a book by its cover! The cover of every book ever written is either hiding the truth or a lie! The uncovering of the Book of Revelation uncovers the Truth of Jesus Christ! Either sin or righteousness will author every book that has ever been written! Sin cannot be defeated if it is exalted! Sin can be defeated and is defeated by the Christ that was the substitute sacrifice for your sin! For my sin! If we will confess our sin God is faithful to forgive our sin! To confess your sin to Christ is to uncover your sin before God! If we will do this then our names are written down in another Book! Your name is recorded in the Book of Life in Heaven! This Book will be opened at the Judgment Seat of Christ! If your name is not there it would be better if you had not been born! Remember any man or woman that rejects Christ will write a book to oppose Christ so that others would follow them and reject Christ! Hell loves company! Do not let the Kingdom of Darkness abort your Salvation! Herod like many others tried to abort Jesus! Herod got out his knives and swords the master abortionist and cut the womb of every pregnant woman in Bethlehem! Jesus was preserved by God to be the voluntary sacrifice on the Cross for our sin! All of God’s love for us is recorded in a Book called the Bible! The Book of Revelation reveals Jesus Christ as Savior and Judge of the world! For all of his creation! For his church! Truth boils down to one Book one God and one Savior Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Holy Ground! Exodus 3:5

Take off your shoes Moses! No shoes allowed! Sometimes when you go into a business they post a sign on the front door that says, “Must wear shoes.” After the 9-11 Muslim terror attack on us you have to take your shoes off at the airport! Not in respect for Islam but to try to prevent them from blowing up your flight! Let us look at the word “ground” in the Hebrew. It is the word “Adamah” which is Strongs #127. Do you see a clue here? Do you see the word Adam here? God’s first created human being on planet earth. Adam was formed out of the ground! He was created out of the dust of the dust of the earth! The top soil produces the entire agriculture products for us to exist! In fact all the elements in the human body are found in the soil of the earth! The plants, tree’s and animals take the elements in the soil that we eat to replace the lost elements in our bodies! The name Adam means ruddy or a red brown color. It is the color of fermented wine. The curtains in the Jewish Temple were this color. Remember when you walk across the ground you were made of this stuff! Ashes to ashes! Dust to dust! Your physical body was joined together with God’s Spirit! You are created in the image of God! This is why the 6th Commandment  says you shall not kill. Jesus is the second Adam sent to redeem us! God became flesh but this time to atone for the failure of the first Adam! The ground that Moses walked on produced man !  When we are buried at death back to the ground we go! The grave could not hold Jesus Christ! He defeated death and the grave! No mortal man could do this only God! The ground produced humans but not redemption! Only if the sin within us is defeated can death be defeated! The resurrected Christ promised to raise us from the dead! The angel or pre-incarnated Christ could live in the flames and not perish because he is the judge of all.  Do you want to draw near to God? Then your sin must be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ! Then you can draw near to God and then he will draw near to you! In April of 1912 a ship sank below the waves of the Atlantic ocean! Those men that stayed with the Titanic sang their last hymn on earth with a full orchestra! The name of the song was, “Nearer My God to Thee!” The purpose and journey of our life while on this short life here on earth is to draw near to God! Your Holiness is not based on you but what God did for you! Would you like to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Easter Thoughts!

The word compassion means to suffer with! Do you see the word passion in compassion? The first use of the word compassion used in our Bible is in Exodus 2:6. Pharaoh’s daughter saw the baby Moses drifting down the river in a basket! She had compassion on the baby and rescued him! The word used here means to have pity and spare! However there is another Hebrew root word used for compassion that really got my attention! This word is used in 1 Kings 8:50 and 2 Chronicles 30:9. The word means the tender mercies of the womb! Moses was a deliverer of his people and the fruit of the womb! Compassion was born! Just as Jesus death was an act of compassion so was His birth! You cannot separate Christmas and Easter! We were not born to die but Jesus was!  We die because of sin but Christ is sinless! So Jesus suffered for us and with us at birth and at death! He took our death upon Himself so that we could live! His resurrection nullified our death! Satan threw the yellow flag with the penalty of death for our sin but Jesus protested the penalty and threw the red flag reversing the decision! The penalty on the field of life is reversed! Our new resurrected life is a 1st and 10! A fresh start! Born again! A second chance at life! His blood defeated death and has won the day and life for us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Lent Season 2 Corinthians 5:17

Greek Translation; “Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new quality never before accomplished and a fully restored man that God has created. Old things are passed away and all things have become new.” Comment: What things are passed away? Our sin has passed away! It passed away on a Cross over two thousand years ago! Sin died on the Cross with Jesus! It was nailed on a Cross never to rise again! Sin is defeated forever! Man was raised from the dead without sin! A new creature uninfected by sin! Born again! A restoration that has nothing to do with men but everything to do with God! The only sacrifice that is perfect and everlasting! Man’s efforts have failed but God’s work won the day! A victory that is not seasonal with every new game but eternal! No rivals! It is not a victory that is waiting for the next war but has defeated all foes past and future! A trophy that will not rust with time but the timeless redemption of all ages! Heaven and earth will pass away but not our Christ! He will create a new Heaven and a new earth to go along with your new life! Awaken to your new reality that had been hidden in time! Do you want to trade in your old model for the new model or do you want to hang unto death? Do you want to exchange your sin for righteousness before God? Righteousness that He purchased for you! Do you want to be wrong with men and right with God? Free at last! You cannot have it both ways! Heaven or Hell not Heaven and Hell. As we enter into the Lent season think on these thoughts! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Touched by an Angel? 2 Peter 2:4

What do we know about angels? From our Bible we know that there are 3 basic groups of angels. Gabriel (messenger angels), Michael (war angels), Lucifer (praise angel), who became Satan! We know that angels are created beings just like humans! We know we are not to worship angels. We know we were created just a little lower than the angels. We know Lucifer was the disobedient angel that rebelled against God and 1/3 of these angels were cast out of Heaven down to earth! We know angels can dwell in flesh. We know Christ was not a created being but was pre-existent and always was is and forever will be! What has all this to do with Christmas? A lot! Everything! Did you ever notice 1/3 of the earth’s population is Christian! One third of the disobedient angels were cast down out of Heaven to earth! Yet 1/3 of the earth’s population has been redeemed! We know that Satan can never be redeemed! However Satan dwelling in flesh or humans is his effort to destroy them! Remember Jesus has authority over demons and cast them out of people! At the mention of His name demons tremble! Jesus God’s Son incarnated into the earth was God’s plan to defeat Satan! Those that reject Christ continue to live under the control of Satan! The Christmas story is a lot bigger than tinsel, gifts and food! It is all about the defeat of the fallen angel in your life and the deliverance of your soul from the same plight that awaits Satan! The small baby in Bethlehem is God’s plan to deliver us from evil. Merry Christmas! Praise God and Christ for our praise replaces the praise in Heaven lost by Lucifer’s removal from Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jeremiah and America!

Jeremiah’s ministry extended from 627-586 B.C. Jerusalem was taken into captivity in 586 B.C. by Babylon! His message was one of judgment upon Judah for it’s shameful sins! He also encouraged the people to submit to Babylon to prevent further bloodshed! He was not popular among the political rulers and his life was in constant jeopardy! He was known as the weeping prophet! Jeremiah also had a hopeful message! The return from captivity, the New Covenant and the Messiah coming to Jerusalem! Jeremiah was a type of Christ! He was accused of political treason, tried, persecuted and imprisoned for their prophetic words! Jeremiah and Christ both wept over and predicted the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem! Both were rejected by their own people! Do we have any prophets in America who have been persecuted for their words of warning to the American people? Many of our religious leaders have been attacked by Obama and our government over the past 8 years! Obama ordered IRS tax audits on Franklin Graham and others as a weapon to go after them! However there is one that went to prison! He was the president of a Bible College! He created two movies on Obama and Hillary Clinton and exposed their anti-Christian agenda! Obama wanted to put him in prison for at least 20 years by federal prosecutors but a kind judge gave him 9 months! This man did not care about his 501c tax exemption! He cared about America! Obama gave him a lemon and he made lemon juice out of it! He made over 40 million dollars on his movies and helped to defeat Obama and the Hillary agenda! His name is Dinesh D’Souza. A smart and bold man! We need more of these men or women in the Body of Christ to take America back! James and Hamsa Sasse.

History and Faith! Joshua 10:12-13

If the Lord did stay the sun for a whole day then this should show up in historical records of other cultures because it would affect the whole earth! The records of the Chinese during the reign of Emperor Yeo, who lived at the same time as Joshua reports a ‘long day’. Heroditus, a Greek historian wrote that an account of a ‘long day’appears in the records of Egyptian priests! Another record in Mexico reports the same standing still for an entire day denoted as ‘seven rabits’, which is the same year as Joshua defeated the Philistines! The historical record of the Aztecs, Peruvians and Babylonians speak of a ‘day of twice natural length’. History and science support our Bible and it is the most dependable literature in existence! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Satan is a Trinity! Revelation 16: 13-14

Here we see unclean spirits coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The dragon being Satan and the beast the anti-Christ and the false prophet who will be the religious ruler of the world. They are all spirits of devils. They work miracles with the intent of recruiting followers for the last battle here on earth! This last battle will be the armies of good and evil meeting in Israel. This place is called Armageddon! The word Armageddon is a very interesting word used in the Book of Revelation. It is made up of three Hebrew words. The first word means a hill or mountain. The second word Megiddo is a place in Israel. The third word means the gathering of troops pressing together in battle. Megiddo, modern day Tel Megiddo is an important town overlooking the Plain of Esdraelon (Valley of Jezreel). It lies about 18 miles southeast of Haifa in Northern Israel. The last military action there in 1918 drove the Muslims out and ended the Ottoman Empire. British General Edmond Allenby drove out the Turks 7th and 8th Armies and helped to end World War I. Just a note of history the reason the British defeated the Germans in World War I was because a Jewish chemist developed a method to rapidly produce gun powder. This gave England the advantage! The Jews were rewarded by England as they helped them establish Israel as a nation in 1948. There will be another battle at Armageddon but this will be the mother of all wars! Have you noticed lately all the nations turning against Israel the mother of Christ! This is an important sign in Bible prophecy! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.