Cross the Goal and Win! Romans 10:4

For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. The word, “End”, in the Greek is translated, “Goal”. Think about a footbal team? They have a playing field with a goal line, goal posts with uprights and a cross bar. To win the game they need to cross the goal line to score points. Their goal is set on the goal line. The law had it’s goal set on Christ! Every human who tried to score on the law lost! You remember that old song, “I fought the law and the law won”! Only at the Cross was the law defeated because it could not stop Christ from scoring for us! His righteousness won the game and beat sin! Sin could not win because sin was not on His team called Trinity! On mortal teams sin was on both sides and all teams lost. So join Christ’s team and let Him lead block for you into paths of righteousness! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse.

End of the World? Matthew Chapter 24!

About 2000 years ago Jesus disciples asked Him the signs of the end of the age? I suppose we are all curious as His disciples were? Jesus summed it up this way; 1. Many false Christ’s would come. 2. Wars and rumours of wars but end not yet. 3. Famines, pestilences,earthquakes in diverse places. 4. You shall be hated and killed of all nations for my name’s sake. 5. Many shall betray one another and hate one another. 6. Many false prophets shall arise and deceive many. 7. Iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold. 8. He that shall edure to the end shall be saved. 9. This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then the end shall come! Comments; We have little control or no control over the first 8 events! However the last event number nine we as Christian’s can all participate in! This last event is the one that pleases our Lord as hope is given to a lost and perishing world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Devil in the Details!

A securiy guard at a auto production plant took pride in screening hundreds of employee’s at the end of their shift looking for stolen property. This guard opened lunch boxes, thermos bottles, pockets and if employee was caught stealing had them fired from their jobs! One particular employee was really troublesome to this guard because he would come out of the plant wheeling a wheelbarrow with about 6 inches of saw dust in the wheelbarrow? The guard would carefully move his had through the sawdust everyday but found nothing? One day in frustration the guard asked this man what he was stealing from the plant ? The guard went so far to tell him if you tell me we will not press charges for you have to be taking something? The thief said i am stealing wheelbarrows! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Mansions or Mansion? John 14:2

The English rendition of the Greek word (mone), is translated mansions. The problem is the Greek word mone is singular not plural. Is this a big deal? it could be if it renders in your mind a different concept than the original Greek language intended! We have an earthly concept of mansions as individual houses like in our neighborhood block. If we think of one mansion where everyone lives then the concept is changed. Let us think about going to church on Sunday morning and parking your car in the parking lot with all the other cars. Now during the service i call a tow truck and pay to have all the cars towed away! At the end of the service the Pastor says do not go the parking lot because your vehicle is not there? We are now all going to live together in the church in one mansion here forever! Troubling? You are now thinking i cannot even get along with my spouse how can i get along with all these folks? I cannot divorce these people and move into my own mansion! Do we have the capacity to live together forever in the same house? Only God can give us this capacity! It is humanly impossible otherwise! If you go to John 14:23 you can see this from a different perspective. If by pre-conditions laid out by Jesus here then God makes his abode in individual believers. Then Christ dwells in many mansions(believers). He dwells in many mansions while we are on earth but one day we end up in the “Big House” together as we say down here in Georgia! Please do more than just read your Bible! Study it! James Sasse.

The Last of America and The One World Government!

Biblical prophetic events are closing in fast! It is difficult for me to understand why Obama got re-elected? He has a record of 4 years of economic failure! Another 4 years with him will lead to a welfare state as poverty will grow across America. With welfare failures such as Cuba, Greece, former Soviet Union and others why would we follow their path? An economic collapse of America and a shaky Europe that would also fall will bring in a new world order or a One World Government! From our Bible we know this new world order will be lead by the Anti-Christ! Great destruction will come through his leadership! We also know the rapture of Christ’s Church will preclude this one world system. With the isolation of Israel by Obama Israel must stand alone as Bible prophecy predicts and God alone comes to her rescue through signs and wonders! These are trying times yet exciting times to live in for the Christian today! If I had a choice about what era of history I could live in I would choose today! We look forward to Christ as He rescues His people from the impending destructions that are here and coming over all the earth to those who have rejected Him! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless! James Sasse.

Looking Back 2000 Election Bush/Gore

If George W. Bush is elected president, he will have many people to thank! One of them is Osama Siblani. During Bush’s October 5 meeting with Arab-American leaders at the Hyatt Regency in Dearborn Michagan, Siblani told the Texas governor about two top concerns of Arab Americans: The use of ethnic profiling by aviation officials, which leads many Americam Arabs to be held for questioning at airports, and the use of “secret evidence” by law enforcement, which has lead to many Arab Americans to be wrongly charged as suspected terrorists, which is an insult to our constitution. Siblani says he told Bush, “This is a smear to our civil rights.” Fast forward to the second presidential debate, six days later, Jim Lehrer asked Bush and Gore about racial profiling. Both condemned it, but only Bush said we have to do something about airport profiling and the use of “secret evidence”, which he said unfairly demonized Arab Americans. The Comment received little attention in the post debate spin. But amoung Arab Americans, who never before had been singled out in a presidential debate, it was, as one political operative put it, “The shot heard round the world.” Source-Edmond Walsh, “Arabs, Poles and other key votes, from October 2000 issue, The Weekly Standard.