Memorial Day Thoughts! John 15:13

Our greatest respect for those in our military and especially those who laid down there lives for their friends as Jesus commanded us to do! Jesus commanded us to love one another! Think about this! God laid down His life through His only Son Jesus Christ for His enemies! This act is more than human! This is another reason why Jesus is God! No human would do this! Everyone ever born who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior was first the enemy of God! Yes you and me! Now we better understand why Jesus also commanded us to love our enemies! This is divine and not a capacity of mortal men! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Only Jesus! Isaiah 51:18

“There is none to guide her among all the sons and descendants whom she hath brought forth: neither is there any that taketh and hold fast by the hand of all the sons that she hath brought up.” Comment: The old saying is sin begets sin! Created beings produce more defective created beings! The warranty expired in the Garden of Eden! No created being can deliver us from our sin because we are all sinners! What separates Jesus Christ from created beings? He is not created! He existed before creation with the Father with no beginning and no end! Eternal. He was incarnated into the flesh that is God in the flesh to deliver us from our sin! The angels are created beings! Including Lucifer who became Satan! Satan can never be redeemed! Why? Because he is the father of sin! He is the first cause! Our sin is the result of his sin and his deception in our lives! There is a lot of truth in the old saying, “The devil made me do it!” However we are still responsible for our own sin! No mortal man can deliver us from our sin! The most difficult people to reach with the Gospel are those who are full of pride! Remember Lucifer said he would exalt himself above God! Pride was the foundation of the first sin against God! Satan and his followers say I want to do it my way! It is hard to reach Muslim’s because they believe they are not sinners? No need for a Savior if you are sinless like God! They make themselves God! Atheist’s make themselves God! There is no God so I make myself God! Evolutionist’s are in the same lot! No God no need for a Savior! The Godless sacrifice others for their own benefit! The Godly sacrifice themselves for others! The difference between night and day! God has given us a flaw list to review each day! It is called the Ten Commandments! How are we doing? God through Isaiah was simply telling the Jews you cannot save yourselves! God was saying do not get tribal on me! Your Jewish heritage will not save you! As good as some were they cannot save you! There is a Jewish Savior coming but he is the offspring of God Himself! Your race, your silver and gold will all betray you! Satan tries to get us to believe a lie and then trap us in our sin to destroy us! The lie started in the Garden of Eden and continues to this day! The truth can set you free! The truth is embodied in the God/Man Jesus Christ the only Son of the living God sacrificed for your sin! For my sin! Before God took you by the hand He placed His hands on a Cross and was pierced for you and me! Only these hands can deliver you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Fear or Faith? Isaiah 51:12

Hebrew Translation: “Even I, am he that has compassion on you. I have repented that I have made man and have changed my heart and attitude to console you. You can take a deep breath of relief. Why should you fear man when you have reverence for me? Man’s weakness of the flesh shall lead to his death. His descendants are made as the grass that will perish.” Comment: The fear of man is what leads to all wars! The fear of death is what leads men to cause the death of others! Religions are formed out of the fear of death! Islam is a prime example! Martyrdom they believe is their only way to God? So suicide is their means to salvation! Faith is just the opposite of fear! God has made the way for our salvation not by any effort of mortal men! The God/Man Christ God’s only Son provided the sacrifice for our redemption! It is not attained by my own efforts but by God’s grace! So my future is not dependent on me but on what God has already done for me! If we will rest in this promise peace will follow! Jesus has promised to those that trust in him he will raise from the dead! Not to cause death but to deliver us from it! Sin is our real enemy with death it’s consequence! To defeat our last enemy death is what God has done for us! If you cannot get excited about this truth then nothing will excite you! When Christ delivered me from my death bed 45 years ago I have a passion for him that no fire can put out! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Got Worries? Isaiah 28:16

Thus declares the Lord to the doubters! Behold, I lay in the city of Jerusalem and Israel a tested stone of my Kingdom that you can build your life on! It is a precious corner stone established and founded upon my sure foundation. Stand firm and trust me and be not anxious! Comment: Is it any wonder why the world has and is in an eternal war with the Jews and Israel? Over generations Satan is always trying to prove God wrong! Satan will not win but he is stupid enough to keep trying! Why? If he can find enough doubters to follow him into this losing battle he will sacrifice as many as he can on both sides! This is a battle between Heaven and Hell. Good and evil. Satan although immortal needs company in Hell. He is a created being just like you and me and has a eternal destiny in the Lake of Fire! Do not be a fool enough to follow him! God and His Son Jesus Christ were not created beings but were the source of all creation! They were the first cause of all that has been or every will be! If you want to play the fool place your bets on created beings! Not me my friend! My Bible says it is vanity to trust in man! I am going to trust the God that created Zion as His eternal home and has gone to prepare a place for those who do not doubt Him! I trust Christ with my life and my eternity! Where are you placing your bets? Finding Christ is winning the lottery on earth and in Heaven! Do not invest your money buying tickets for losers! You will lose with them! James and Hamsa Sasse.

War on Women! Revelation 12:13

We know from reading our Bible that war was started in Heaven! When the angel Lucifer who became Satan rebelled against God he and 1/3 of the Angel’s who followed Lucifer in Heaven in the rebellion were cast out of Heaven into the earth! So now the war continues in the earth! This constant war on earth will stop with Christ’s second coming! Why does Satan have a war on women? Why did he sweat Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? Because she would produce a seed that would crush the head of the serpent! Satan knew he had to stop this seed which would produce a rival that would defeat him! Salvation has come through the Jew! Christ born into the earth through the Jew! Now Satan has to also persecute the Jews and the Christians! Who replaces the 1/3 of the fallen angel’s that were removed from Heaven? Remember Lucifer was the praise leader of Heaven! Facts show us that 1/3 of the earth’s population are Christian! So the believers on earth replace the fallen angel’s that vacated Heaven! As long as women produce a seed in the earth that could potentially become Christian he will continually find ways to thwart the families! Like divorce and abortion! Homosexual promotion is also a war on women! Kill the seed while it is in the womb! Then to politicalize abortion so as to paint a good picture of death as a woman’s right or choice? Then to use millions of our tax dollars to promote abortion? Why? To kill the offspring so they could never populate Heaven as Satan’s replacements! The battle between good and evil rages on! Everyone has to make a choice about which side you are going with? God through His Son Jesus Christ has paid for our sin on Calvary! If you reject His redemption what hope is there for you? God can forgive every sin except the rejection of His Son! Why? Because that is the only one who can save you! Everything you put your trust in on earth will fail you one day! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! How about you? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Old versus New!

The Old and New Testament are on the same page! They compliment each other! You see the old in the new and new in the old! Here is an interesting quote from and Pastor out of India: “In the Old Testament the shepherd prepared the lambs for a sacrifice of worship but in the New Testament the shepherd prepared Himself as the sacrifice for the sheep! The only sacrifice that would be enough to atone for our sin! The only sacrifice that would please the Father! Now our worship is acceptable to God through His only Son Jesus Christ! Jesus rejected by men is accepted by the Father in Heaven! The son’s of men now have the opportunity to live for Him serving God and man! A sacrifice by love to worship our King! Words of Praise from mortal men to the Word of God fulfilled in flesh!” Pastor Jestin, Madurai India

Medal of Honor! John 15:13

I have watched some video’s of American Medal of Honor Winners from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. As I watched these I began to see a pattern in the lives of these brave men! Their love for their comrades on the battlefield led them to take very heroic actions in combat! One particular Vietnam Veteran really got my attention! When they were in the midst of a battle a Viet Cong soldier through a grenade into the midst of his army platoon! When he saw the grenade he said it was like being frozen in time! What to do? He took his steel helmet off his head threw it over the grenade and then threw his body on top of his helmet! The grenade exploded under his helmet tearing his stomach open and filling his body with shrapnel! He said his intestines were laying outside of his body on the ground! Another soldier came along and put his guts back in his stomach and taped his stomach closed with ribbons torn from his uniform! Another soldier came along and drug his body away from the fire fight so the medics and the helicopters could get him to a field hospital. He said we never left the dead or wounded for the enemy! His recovery took years at a Veteran’s Hospital. He said the hardest thing for him in this hospital was to see the young men come in from Vietnam and die in the hospital with no family around them! After his recovery he tried to go back to college but the protesting college students would mock him for going to war for his country so he left school. The other veteran’s also said that the love for each other is what kept them going and bonded them together! It was not the politics of the war or political parties that mattered to them! They had to look out for each other! That is what a family does for each other! Jesus said there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his brother! Why did Jesus go to the Cross? His love for His Father! Only He could pacify the anger His Father had for His Creation! Remember Jesus words on the Cross? Father forgive them! Why have you forsaken me? The Vietnam Veteran’s even today feel forsaken by their country! But their love for each other bonds them together! We the people are free from foreign aggression because of their love for each other! Likewise we areĀ  benefited by God’s love in particular with Jesus love for His Father in being obedient even to the death on a Cross for our sin! Today Jesus position in Heaven is not by accident! He is seated at the right hand of the Father because of His love for His Father! None of us will even sit closer to the Father than the Son! Jesus is returning soon back to the earth to complete His love for the Father and for you! Jesus went into combat for you! He lives for you and died for you and rose from the dead for you and His love of the Father is also expressed to you! Love is manifested in relationship! We cannot love God if not in relationship to Him! You could never sacrifice your life on the battlefield unless in relationship to other soldiers of your Nation suffering the same combat! To honor God is to honor American Veterans! No one except President Trump understands the neglect our American Military Veteran’s! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Self-Worship! Isaiah 47:10

For you have felt confident, safe and secure in your malignant, evil and immoral thoughts; for you have declared and spoken that no one has seen my intellectual depravity. Your intellect and understanding is flawed and it condemns you for you have turned back to sin away from me. Comment: Self worship is a choice! You make your own gods and then worship them! You deny the true God and manufacture an idol. Lucifer was Heaven’s choir director! One day he decided to worship himself and abandon God! He made himself God! It was a case of identity theft! Pretend to be someone else! Masquerade as God! Lucifer with 1/3 of the angels were kicked out of Heaven! Lucifer became Satan! Never a chance for redemption! Satan came to Adam and Eve and said surely God has not said…. So he promoted the rebellion here on earth! Remember what Satan challenged Jesus to do? If you are the Son of God turn these stones into bread! Jump off the high wall of the Temple! Satan wanted Jesus to challenge God! Problem for Satan was Jesus was God! Satan wanted Jesus to challenge Himself! The Jewish leaders challenged Jesus saying only God can forgive sin! Atheists challenge God by saying He does not exist! When they do this they make themselves God! Charles Darwin a Jewish atheist theorized since God does not exist things must have happened this way! So he came up with his theory of evolution! Sadly this is taught as truth in our public funded institutions throughout our education system today! Children taught the big lie! You can lie about me and get away with it but to lie about God has eternal consequences! Salvation is an inside job! The law cannot change you from the outside in! Jesus said you must be born again! God provided His only begotten Son for the sacrifice for our sin! Worship the true God and you will reflect His image not your own image! Your own image is sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Does God Create Evil? Isaiah 45:7

“I form the light and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil.” Comment: God created the light and time came into existence! God created the night. God makes peace for us with health, security and welfare. And he created evil. God is not evil but when he created people they have the potential for evil. We have the potential for evil because God has given us the freedom of choice and free will. Love always demands a choice! Jesus chose the Cross for you! The truth is God is good and we are all evil. If we reject our creator evil will follow us! Lucifer the Praise Angel in Heaven rebelled against God and he and 1/3 of the Angels were cast out of Heaven! Angels are created beings! Lucifer became Satan! God made a way of escape for all of us in the sacrifice of His only Son Jesus Christ! God overcame evil with good! What we do with Christ determines our future here now and eternally! Christ living in you empowers you to overcome evil. God slew evil on Calvary! God knew if He created a family on earth Satan would try to destroy them! That is why Christ pre-dated creation! Men are evil because they hate God! God is good because he is love and sacrificed His Son to deliver you from evil. We can rest in Christ because he has defeated in us what was impossible for us to do on our own! Grace and Grace alone! James and Hamsa Sasse.