Don’t Woke Jesus!

Jude 1:9 “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.” Commentary: Michael is a war angel one of the highest ranking angels rebuked Satan in the name of the Lord! Satan cannot be rebuked or judged except by God! Devil’s tremble at the name of Jesus! Why? Jesus has been given final authority by the Father to judge the living and the dead! Why? Because he took the final judgement of the sin of all men upon himself at the Cross even though he was innocent and had no sin! The perfect sacrifice! So turn your evil over to Jesus! Repent! Turn the wickedness of men over to Jesus! Forgive them as Jesus has forgiven you! Jesus judges all in perfect righteousness! Jesus is inclusive yet exclusive! He died on the Cross for the entire world yet excludes those who reject his love! Rebuke Satan and his evil acts in the name of Jesus! Satan works through people and God works through people! Redemption for man only comes through Jesus! Only his blood can purify your soul! There is salvation in no other name! Jesus can give you the only vaccine that can cure you from the plague of sin and death! Jesus will raise you from the dead! You must be born again! You need a cure from yourself! Those that exclude Jesus will include death and destruction into their lives forever separated from God! Two thirds of the world population reject Christ! They insist only in their own way which leads to final judgment separated from the love of God! Wise men still seek him! Are you wise or a fool? James & Hamsa Sasse.

Know What You Don’t Know!

1 John 2:29 “Behold, what manner of [love] the [Father} hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the [sons] of [God], therefore the world [knoweth] us not, because it knew him not.” Commentary: The word love or agape is the highest form of love which is a sacrificial love! Pseudo love is you sacrificing others for your benefit! True love sacrifices yourself for others! This is what the Cross is all about! The Father is the instrument of our spiritual birth! He is the creator of the heavens and the earth! He is the Father of all men by virtue of his creation! He is also the Father of his only Son Jesus Christ! We are the sons of God through spiritual birth but Christ preceded creation! He is part of the Trinity who has an eternal existence before time! The word God means the true God! Not the gods invented by men! False gods are created by men but the true God created men! In his image! The world is the material universe inhabited by all men. To know means to perceive. A perceptive intuition that we belong to God! The world is perplexed by our fellowship with Christ only because they do not know him! They cannot comprehend it! Our thoughts are consumed by his love for us! We anticipate his second coming by the historical evidence and experience of his first coming! We are preparing ourselves for the thousand year reign of Christ here on earth! We are building his church here on earth! Time and history proves his love for us! Our death will prove his resurrection power for us! We cannot turn back the past but he has forgiven us our past! He alone holds our future! Heaven or hell is in your future depending on what you do with the Messiah! Accept or reject his love? I live for him everyday! His thoughts become my thoughts! His word lights my path! I do not stumble in darkness by the false ideologies of this world that oppose Christ! He revealed himself to me! His love for me beyond measure! He is faithful! You can trust him! He will come to you in your darkest hour if you call out to him! Jesus! Save me! From myself! He has sent his Holy Spirit to comfort us! Our desire is that all could experience the love of God! Jesus said go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! This is what we do! Regardless of the cost! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Two Ministries!

We have two ministries in our church. The first is the preaching of God’s Word out of the Holy Bible. People don’t like to hear things out of the Bible? Too many warnings along life’s path for them? Don’t turn to the left but go to the right! Caution! Turn around! Cliff ahead! Our second ministry is our counseling ministry. It consists of several ambulances that pick patients up at the bottom of the cliff. Pastor David jeremiah

American Decline

Offendedness is just about the last shared moral currency in our country! And, I’m sorry, but is really annoying. We don’t discuss idea’s or debate arguments, we try to figure out who is the most offended? Pastor Kevin DeYoung  Comment: My Bible says the fear of man is a snare but the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. If we spend our time fearful about whether we offend this group or that group then the creativity God has deposited in us is blocked! When the creativity of a culture is reduced the nation declines! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.