2nd Plague! 2nd Commandment!

There is a correlation between the 10 Plagues of Egypt and the 10 Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai! The Plagues came first and then the Commandments! God gave us the Commandments to stay off the Plagues! The second Plague to Egypt were frogs! Why frogs? Among the ancient Egyptians frogs were sacred and could not be killed! Egyptians worshiped the frog as a female goddess because frogs were common around the Nile River where they reproduced rapidly and being amphibious they were part of two worlds, creatures of both land and water. So what does the second Commandment say? Do not make any graven images and serve them! Idol worship has been around since the beginning of time! While living in India I saw millions of people worshiping cows, snakes, elephants, monkeys and the list goes on! The Spirit of Satan lives in Idol worship! You will be in bondage to serving idols! The frog that the Pharaoh of Egypt worshiped became his curse! If you worship anything that replaces God that Spirit will take over your life controlling you and destroying you! That has always been Satan’s objective! To steal worship from God and destroy his followers! Some people worship money, sex, power, position, fame, land ,silver, gold, stocks and the list goes on! These things are not evil in themselves but if they replace true worship of the true God lead to your destruction! Religion itself can become an idol! God will give you all the things you need in life without the bondage that would otherwise come with them! The Ten Commandments lead us to finding and worshiping the true God! Satan is the imposter pretending to be God to steal worship from the true God! My Bible says Jesus is the Name above all names! Jesus name is above the Coronavirus! Above sickness and death! Above pandemics! Above fear! Above evil! Jesus defeated your sin and evil at the Cross! He has handed us the victory! Many in American culture have socially distanced themselves from God! Religion replaced worship! Now God is removing our idols to get our attention that we need to return to the true living God! To worship him alone!James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Rapture! Celebration! 2nd Coming! Revelation Chapter 19

The rapture of who from where? The bride of Christ is his church taken from the earth to Heaven! Once his church is taken to Heaven the marriage is complete and the celebration begins! The Marriage Supper of the Lamb! All of heaven rejoices together! The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy! Another prophecy completed! So what is going on down on earth as this celebration is going on in heaven? The 7 year tribulation is going on with God unleashing his judgments upon those who have rejected his Son! Then at the end of the tribulation period Christ returns from heaven with the Saints and the angels to war against Anti-Christ, the false prophet and their followers in the last battle on earth called Armageddon! So the celebration in heaven is concluded with another celebration on earth as the foes of God are defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire! Even the ravens celebrate as they are filled with the flesh of men on earth! Then the one thousand year reign of Christ begins on the earth! This is the basic eschatology as outlined in your Bible about the end times! There are many more details found in your Bible in both the Old and New Testament but I am trying to present the big picture to help us understand the end times! The push today in the 21st Century is to try to get you to deny Christ and His Word! These events may not come to pass in your lifetime however you will receive the promises of the resurrection from the dead and living in Heaven to one day receive the completed church rapture! God’s Word is true whether in heaven or on earth! The only thing that would keep you out of Heaven is to deny His Word as presented in the Holy Scriptures of your Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Signs in the Heavens! Matthew 24:29-31

Contrary to what is commonly believed, the magi did not arrive at the manger on the night of Christ’s birth; rather, they found the young Jesus and His parents living in a house (Matthew 2:11). This could have been nearly two years after Christ’s birth, since Herod–afraid of his own position as King was threatened–tried to have Jesus eliminated by killing all male children under the age of two (Matthew 2:16). It may be that the star first appeared over Bethlehem when the magi were in the East (Persia). From that distance, they would have not been able to distinguish the exact location but would have certainly have known to head west. They went to Israel’s capital city Jerusalem, a likely place to begin their search for the King of the Jews. It seems that the star may have disappeared by the time the magi reached Jerusalem but then reappeared when they began their (much shorter) journey from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, approximately 6 miles away. This view is supported by the fact that first, the magi had asked King Herod where the King of the Jews was born, which means the star wasn’t guiding them at that time (Matthew 2:2). And second, they rejoiced exceedingly when they saw the star (again) as they began their journey to Bethlehem (Matthew 2:10). After the magi had met Herod, the star went on before them to Bethlehem and stood over the location of Jesus. It seems to have led them to the very house that Jesus was in–not just the city. The magi already knew that Christ was in Bethlehem. This they had learned from Herod, who had learned it from the priests and scribes (Matthew 2:4-5,8). For a normal star, it would be impossible to determine which house is directly beneath it. The star over Christ may have been relatively near the surface of the earth so that the magi could discern the precise location of Christ. Whatever the exact mechanism, the fact that the star led the magi to Christ is evidence that the star was uniquely designed, made by God for a very special purpose. God can use extraordinary means for extraordinary purposes. Certainly the birth of our Lord was deserving of honor in the Heavens. It is fitting that God used a celestial object to announce the birth of Christ since “the heavens declare glory of God”___(Psalms 19:1). Source: Answers in Genesis. Comment: In verse 29 of Matthew was Jesus talking about the 7 year tribulation? Here are some signs listed in the Heavens at His second coming! The rapture has probably already happened before this event and these are the redeemed people that came to Christ during the tribulation period! The sun is darkened and the moon shall lose it’s light and the stars shall fall from Heaven! When the unbelievers shall see Him they shall mourn! The believers shall rejoice! Two different responses with two different outcomes! Then Christ shall gather the elect from the ends of the Heavens! Help us to shine His light into the earth before the opportunity for Salvation closes for men! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Miracle Crusade — Aurora Colorado — November 2nd, 2013

Raji Soupra from India will be holding a Miracle Crusade Saturday November 2nd at Harvest Christian Center in Aurora Colorado from 3 – 7 PM. Miracles, Signs and Wonders are worked through Raji by God! Church address is; 14100 E. Jewell Avenue, Aurora, Colorado 80012. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com