As a Man Thinketh! Proverbs 23:7

An experiment was conducted with dozens of patients who needed knee surgery! With the permission of the families they did some fake surgeries on patients along with real surgeries on patients suffering from knee pain! The fake surgery patients were put under unconsciousness just as the real surgeries were done. The doctors even made superficial cuts on their knee’s as would be done in a real surgery! After months of following their recovery the experiment revealed amazing results! Using X-ray and MRI studies they discovered the fake surgery patients were recovering as well as the real patient surgeries and even with some having better results than those that had the real surgeries! What was discovered was that all the patients  expected to get better! Even the ones that did not have the real surgery expected to get better! What was written in Proverbs some 3000 years ago is confirmed by science that the Word of God has power over sickness and death! Joel Osteen

Human DNA In Household Dust!

New York: Criminals beware! Researchers have found for the first time identified human DNA in household dust which is a breakthrough which could be used in the future to trap murderers and thieves by proving their presence at a crime scene at a certain time! Source: Times of India,  June 2, 2008 Comment: The dust of the earth has the DNA in it that is contained in plants, animals and humans! Why? All the elements in the dust of the earth are found in the human body! Why? We have to go back about six thousand years to Genesis 2:7.  God created man from the dust of the earth! So all living creatures, plants and tree’s and the soil contain the same DNA properties! This is not rocket science but science will always verify the Holy Scriptures! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Frog in the Pan! Hebrews 11:6

“But I was very unwilling to give up my belief: I feel sure of this, for I can well remember often and often inventing day dreams of old letters between distinguished Romans, and manuscripts being discovered at Pompeii or elsewhere, which confirmed in the most striking manner all that was written in the Gospels. But I found it more and more difficult, with free scope given to my imagination, to invent evidence which would suffice to convince me. This disbelief crept over me at a very slow rate, but was at last complete. The rate was so slow that I felt no distress, I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true: for if so the plain language of the text seems so slow that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished.” Charles Robert Darwin  Comment: Charles Darwin invented evidence that is false science and debunked by the Laws of God and his Creation! Charles invented evidence to support his unbelief! The Theory of Evolution! My Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please God! That is we do not as mortal men know everything! If we take one morsel of science and hang a theory on it then we are subject to error!  The science that exists is predictable but what we do not know in natural science cannot be used as a basis for any theory! His theory is not supported by science and the observations recorded in history! The greatest scientist is God! He created us and understands everything about us! That is man has the propensity to sin! Even creating theories that oppose him! There is only one road to Heaven and many roads to Hell. Darwinism is taught to your children in public schools today and for past 70 years or more! Jesus Christ the only Son of God who died on a Cross 2000 years ago for our sin is the only way to the Father and to eternal life! Men come and go in history but history was written by Almighty God to determine who will have Faith in the earth! You can gamble on a theory but not me! I will trust God and his Word written in the scriptures and will trust nothing or no one else for my eternity! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism & Darwinism!

Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. Vladimir Lenin  Comment: What is scientific socialism? What was Lenin referring to? The fake science he was referring to is Darwinism! All the different words they throw in front of socialism to sugar coat it! Remember the Nationalist Socialist Party? Adolf Hitler was the leader of the party! In America they call it the Democratic Socialist Party! None of these words placed in front of socialism can make it legitimate! No nation has succeeded in implementing it! China has it! Russia has it! Cuba has it! Venezuela used to have it but has collapsed! Remember the Soviet Socialist Republic that collapsed in the 1990’s after 70 years of failure? So what keeps socialism being tried and tried again! The first prerequisite is atheism! Darwin and teaching of evolution in our public schools prepares the way for the sale of this failed product by the Democratic Party! Public education produces Democrats because they brain wash the children that there is no God and teach them the socialist ideologies of Darwin, Lenin, Marx, Engels and many more founders of socialism! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Justification for Revolution!

Advances in science help to delegitimize the Rule of Kings and the Power of the Church! Karl Marx (1818-1883). Comment: History has shown us that science has increased the Rule of Kings! The invention of gun powder would be an example! WWII ended because the United States was the first to develop an atomic bomb! The Power of the Church is increased with the technology to reach millions of more people with the Gospel! So what was Marx really talking about? The Godless Theory of Evolution by Darwin and the embracement of it by Marx! If you believe the lie there is no God then the Church is purposeless! This is the false science Marx is referring too! Since there is no God there is no legitimate government authority and a revolution is needed to overthrow all existing government! This is the root ideology of socialism and communism! De-legitimate the existing government into revolution! This is what the political left is trying to do with President Trump right now here in America! This is right out of the Marx socialist playbook! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tattoo’s Taboo? Leviticus 19:28

“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks on you: I am the Lord.” Comment: The English word “dead” used here is probably not the best choice because the Hebrew root word (Strongs #5315), means a living creature or breath! So do not cut your flesh for any living creature! Why? Because only God could do this through his Son Jesus Christ on the Cross for our sin! Jesus was marked for the living and the dead! Taboo is an old word that today we would call political correctness! Taboo means a social or religious discussion that is prohibited from speaking about! It is the practice of not allowing any conversations about certain topics! Hear no evil see no evil. So what are some of these topics? Gay marriage, drugs, homosexuality, lesbianism, divorce, tattoo’s and the list goes on! Even though our Bible is loaded with warnings about these topics most Pastor’s across America are muted? They will not bring up these important moral issues and some will even support these sins? These issues are killing our young people and families yet nothing said? Why would our Lord prohibit tattoo’s? In addition to what I previously said let us see what science says about tattoo’s! Remember true science will always support scriptures! The Book of Leviticus was written around 1400 B.C. So it was written about 3400 years ago! The political left mocks our Bible saying the times change and no longer has application! They say the same thing about our Constitution? Here is what science and our military says about tattoo’s! The U.S Military is no longer taking recruits that have tattoo’s on their bodies! Testing has shown their bodies will overheat in extreme conditions such as jungle and desert warfare! Here is a quote from Mayo Clinic: “Tattoo’s break the skin which means skin infections and other complications are possible including allergic reactions! Tattoo dyes especially red, green, yellow and blue cause itching rashes even years later! An area of inflammation called granuloma can form around tattoo ink. Tattoo’s can also lead to Keloids–raised area’s caused by overgrowth of scar tissue. They can also cause blood borne diseases! If the equipment is contaminated with infected blood you can get Methicillin–Resistance Staphyloccus Aureus (MRSA), hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Tattoo’s can also interfere with MRI imaging.” Also Tattoo’s block sweat glands of your body! Sweat is a natural way for your body to cool itself off and dissipate heat produced from work and exercise. It is like the radiator of your car which takes away engine heat produced by combustion. If your radiator is plugged up your engine will overheat and destroy itself! Heat injuries in the human body cause muscle death, kidney injury, brain injury and many other problems. Source: Healthline Studies have shown that benzo (a), pyrene, a chemical used in black dye ink, can induce skin cancer as shown on test animals! Need we say more? Science supports scripture! The whole verdict is still out as young people age with tattoo’s other things will show up! Hear no evil see no evil? If clergy will just preach the whole Bible and not cherry pick cultural popular verses our young people can be saved from destruction! Our young people should not be sacrificed in the name of political correctness! Science will have the last word unless we give our American youth the Word of God displayed in your Bible! Proclaim God’s Word to our Nation in it’s completeness holding back nothing! If they hear about evil they can avoid evil! James and Hamsa Sasse

Faith & Science Psalm 14:1

Vanity of science. Knowledge of physical science will not console me for ignorance of morality in time of affliction, but knowledge of morality will always console me for ignorance of physical science. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician, physicist, inventor and Catholic Theologian. Comment: These are the words of a genius who are rare as hen’s teeth in the earth! His great genius could not console him in time of affliction! However the knowledge of God could! Why? Because God created the science! God created us! If we worship God’s creation it becomes idol worship! It will leave you empty! Science is a good thing as long as it does not become your God! The Theory of Evolution is a false science and the most destructive ideology ever known to man! Hitler followed Darwin and drove his ideology to the destruction of Europe! Most of the political left in American politics are Darwinists! If you take God out of your life you end up with nothing! In a Godless world violence rules the day! Anarchy is King and Hell is popular! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Treasure in Heaven? Upon the Earth?

Matthew 6:19-21 Comment: So what is the difference between earth and heaven? What did Jesus mean here? You might think you know the difference but let us look at the Greek root words used for these two English words! The word earth means the dust part of the earth! It does not include the above ground earth! However we are made from the dust of the earth! We will return to the dust of the earth! All the elements in the human body are found in the dust of the earth! Science confirms the scriptures of your Bible! The word heaven used here is also interesting because this word used here by Jesus means in a physical sense! It means the all embracing heaven beneath which is the earth. What does the word heart mean? It means every thought, reasoning, understanding, will, judgment, designs, affections, love, hatred, fear, joy, sorrow and anger of a human being! We cannot hide our heart from God! This is reason alone to repent of our sin! Misplaced values of the heart will lead to wrong choices! So what did Jesus mean when we put all these three words together? Jesus was saying do not invest your life in dust! Your earthly treasures will perish with your body! Jesus is saying the eternal part of us will never perish! It is your soul, mind and eternal body! Jesus will one day raise us from the dead! To invest treasures in heaven means to invest in souls here in the earth! Use your resources to reach people for Christ! This is why our Pastor Cope Sunday had an emphasis on Vacation Bible School for our children! This is why he had a Gideon’s International speaker at the pulpit to fund Bible distribution world wide! If you go after money and not soul’s you will become spiritually bankrupt! Separated from God! Will your treasure perish with you or grow the Kingdom of God here on earth? Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! James and Hamsa  Sasse.