Tag: increase
Inverse Proportion! John 3:30
Comment: How do we decrease and Christ increase? How did the Apostle John do this? Caesar boiled him in a pot of hot oil and when that did not work he exiled him to a slave labor camp stone quarry on the island of Patmos! There he wrote the Book of Revelation! The purpose of any ministry is to point people to Christ! If pride rules your life you cannot do this! Every time you point people to Christ, that is increase the Kingdom of God you must decrease! If we try to increase ourselves then Christ decreases in us! Our 3 years in India helped me to understand this! The more I decreased the more Christ increased in me! The more I try to puff up myself the less Christ has influence over my life! The measure of Christ’s influence over any culture is measured by church attendance! Today only 28 percent of young people between the ages of 23-37 attend church? Forty seven percent of all American’s are unchurched! Fifty nine percent of all millennials who grew up in church have left! Eighty five percent of all American churches are declining or have plateaued! Europe is even worse! Before we start blaming Pastor’s let us see how we got to this point! Supreme Court rulings banning prayer and the 10 Commandments in our public schools! The vacuum left is school shootings! The secularization of public schools by atheists John Dewey and Charles Darwin! The teaching of evolution as a science disregarding the creation model of our Bible! The pursuit of success and money robbing parents the time needed to instill religious values in their children! The list goes on but these are some honorable mentions! Imagine the millions of souls Dewey and Darwin have kept out of the Kingdom of God ? Certainly they are seated at the right hand of Satan! So how do we get America back? Is this prophetic heading us towards the one world government ruled by the Anti-Christ? I have asked President Trump to introduce school vouchers where private schools can replace our failing public tax funded education system! Schools must be competitive not paying our tax money to the failed public education system! Christianity is just one generation from extinction! Is America worth the fight to turn this around? Is it worth your time? Go to Reachrightstudios.com They have some good idea’s! The Southern Baptist’s found out after building 600 new churches that attendance increased 21 percent in these new churches over a 5 year period! Thankyou! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com
Public Service Bulletin! Fuel Pumps & Octane Ratings
How can you increase your electric fuel pump life and increase your gasoline octane rating? Gasoline has some lubricity although low but lubricates your electric fuel pump in your gas tank. What prompted me to investigate this is my old 2001 Dodge Caravan fuel pump began to whine and make a lot of noise! I found that to increase the lubricity of gasoline you can add 2 cycle oil to your fuel. You can add a small 3 ounce bottle to your gas tank of 2 cycle oil for about 2 dollars at Walmart. After adding this to my gas tank my electric fuel pump stopped whining! I have added a bottle with every tank of gas since! What ratio of fuel to oil is difficult to find! I saw one technical periodical that said 500:1 for gasoline electric fuel pumps and 128:1 for diesel pump injector systems. Another advantage of doing this is the oil slows down the burn rate of gasoline and increases the octane rating of the gas! Remember 2 cycle oils are designed to be added to gas to be burned in combustion chambers and will not smoke! Do not use regular engine oils in gasoline! A dirty fuel filter can also cause a noisy fuel pump but I changed my filter about a year ago and knew was not the problem! Some newer electric fuel pumps have the filter built into the fuel pump so you would have to change the whole pump! A bad fuel pump regulator can also cause fuel pump noise but later vehicles have regulator built into fuel pump! Would have to change whole assembly. Best thing is to add 3-6 ounces of 2 cycle oil to gas tank and see if noise goes away? I did some research and contacted one of the oil companies that supply oils to retailers such as Walmart to white label their product as a fuel additive to lubricated fuel pumps and they did not care if I used their oil for another purpose but suggested I get product liability insurance! One gallon of this 2 cycle oil at Walmart is about 10 dollars. This is 128 ounces. That would make 42 bottles of 3 ounce 2 cycle oil and if you sold each bottle for 2 dollars that would be 84 dollars! There are no fuel pump lubrication additives presently on the market in retail stores so there is a market available! I just want to stay focused on our Blog and web site especially at my age to reach people for Christ! Perhaps someone younger could take this idea and give it a try! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
How Did The Apostle John Decrease? John 3:30
John was arrested in Ephesus when his enemies threw him into a pot of boiling oil. However John was miraculously delivered from death! The authorities then sentenced him to a slave labor camp in the marble mines of Patmos! On this island on the Aegean Sea John under impossible odds had a vision of Jesus Christ and wrote the Prophetic Book of Revelation! John years later was freed due to his old age and returned to Ephesus in now modern day Turkey. He died an old man sometime after 98 A.D. He was the only Apostle to die peacefully! Comment: If we will decrease Jesus will increase! Most 21st Century Christians think of decreasing as missing a meal now and then or even a whole day! When you find yourself in a pot of boiling oil up to your neck you could easily think I am having a bad day! Especially when the local natives are cutting up vegetables and putting them in your pot! To be sentenced to a slave labor camp on a remote island under Roman guards in a stone quarry might cause you to think you are having another bad day? John probably said all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
The Last Battle on Earth? Revelation 16:14
If we are serious about looking for Jesus second coming then we have to look at the Prophesies in the Old and New Testaments of our Bible! According to statistics man has known one year of peace for every thirteen years of war! However, since the end of WWII (1945), the number of wars has increased dramatically! The World Atlas concludes that the world has not known a single day since WWII without some nation waging a conflict some place on earth! Remember Jesus told us there would be wars and rumors of wars before His second coming! So what and where will the last war be waged on earth? The Battle of Armageddon! Who will be Commander and Chief against the armies of Satan? Jesus Christ! At this time all human government will end! Jesus is not a democrat or a republican! Jesus will not destroy mankind but save it! This last battle will take place in Israel. So keep an eye on Israel as the armies of the world surround her! Your Bible is front page news! Read it! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
In Europe first and now in America, elected men have taken it upon themselves to indebt their people to create an atmosphere of dependency! And why? For their own selfish need to increase their own personal power! Pope Francis
Christian Martyrdom Doubled in 2013, Persecution Growing!
The number of Christians murdered for their faith almost doubled in 2013 over the previous year, according to an annual survey by Open Doors, a non-denominational ministry that monitors the persecution of believers and supports persecuted Christians worldwide. Hardline Islamist regimes and Islamic terrorists—many funded by the Obama administration and other western governments—were behind most of the slaughter. However, for the 12th year in a row, the autocracy lording over North Korea was ranked as the number one persecutor of Christians in the world. According to the organization’s findings in it’s open doors World Watch List, released last week. Christians are still by far the most persecuted demographic on earth–and the trends are getting worse. In 2012, the group’s annual report documented the martyrdom of more than 1200 Christian’s. Last year there were more than that martyred just in Syria, where the Obama administration and a coalition of it’s allies–mostly European governments and Sunni Arab dictators–have been arming and funding jihadist rebel groups. Overall, the report documented 2123 murders of Christians for their faith in 2013. An estimated 100 million believers in Christ, meanwhile, still suffer from ruthless persecution around the globe, Open Doors has found. Among the other atrocities carried out against Christians for their faith; imprisonment, torture, rape, execution, forced labor, and more. Christians are persecuted in more than 65 countries around the world, with a vast majority in Africa and Asia–and especially in the middle east, where Islamist rulers often purport to make faith in Christ a crime. Source; Alex Newman, January 16, 2014.
God Sent Me To Preserve Life! Genesis 45:5
This is really what God is all about! In a world full of death, disease, wars and storms man needs someone to preserve life! These words were said by Joseph to his brothers when he revealed himself to them as second in command in Egypt. The name Joseph means, “God Will Increase.” When you let God do the increasing instead of by your own efforts peace will come along with prosperity for you and others around you. The world’s way is to get it for myself. God’s way is just the opposite. We receive from Him to benefit others! If Egypt ever needed a Savior it is right now. The Joseph God sends to them today may be you? You could spend a few years in prison there on false charges as Joseph did but God will raise you up through Christ as a mighty deliverer! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com