God Sent Me To Preserve Life! Genesis 45:5

This is really what God is all about! In a world full of death, disease, wars and storms man needs someone to preserve life! These words were said by Joseph to his brothers when he revealed himself to them as second in command in Egypt. The name Joseph means, “God Will Increase.” When you let God do the increasing instead of by your own efforts peace will come along with prosperity for you and others around you. The world’s way is to get it for myself. God’s way is just the opposite. We receive from Him to benefit others! If Egypt ever needed a Savior it is right now. The Joseph God sends to them today may be you? You could spend a few years in prison there on false charges as Joseph did but God will raise you up through Christ as a mighty deliverer! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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