Who Are They? Revelation 2:6

Who are the Nicolaitians? The word in the Greek means the conqueror of the people! Specifically in the Church of God! They are only referred to twice in the Book of Revelation. Both the church at Ephesus and the Church at Pergamos had the same problem! (Verse 2:15). The Nicolaitians were Bishops and prelates of the church gaining a triumphal victory over the laity! This is the very sin that brought forth the Reformation! It is mostly responsible for all our denominational and non-denominational churches around the world! The Nicolaitians compelled and forced church members to submit to the arbitrary dominion of men who have become the ones which the eternal hates! The Apostle Peter warned us that those who are leaders among God’s people must not dominate the faith of others but rather exhort them to do right! (1 Peter 5:1-3). The Nicolaitians are people in the church who have established a hierarchy of power and dominion under a government of ecclesiastical rulers! Comment: Yes! God hates these folks! Correction is very different from condemnation! We take the word disciple from the word discipline. Jesus used the techniques of correction and commendation very effectively! We as parents either tend to over correct and under commend or over commend and under correct! Everything I do cannot be right and everything I do cannot be wrong! That is why I need a Savior! My experience in ministry over the past 45 years has shown me people do not like to submit to authority! This is the nature of Satan! Most people will submit to authority if commended and corrected in love! However some will never! Hell is reserved for these folks! Why will some never submit? Because they want to replace God! This explains why the world is a war! War on God! Jesus asked the churches at Ephesus and Pergamos to repent! Sunday our Pastor Oscar Cope made an important point to us in his sermon! He said that the beginning of repentance is the end of judgment! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


In this spirit, Thanksgiving has become a day when Americans extend a helping hand to the less fortunate. Long before there was a government welfare program, this spirit of voluntary giving was ingrained into the American character. Americans have always understood that, truly one must give in order to receive. This should be a day of giving as well as a day of thanks. President Ronald Reagan 1981. Comment: If we really believe that all our gifts that we have are gifted to us from God then we would have no problem with giving them away! If you believe everything you have is made by your own efforts then you will hang on to them in selfishness and deny God’s Blessings!  James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Destroying Images!

To destroy images is something every revolution has been able to do! Alfred Rosenburg, Sentenced to death by hanging at the Nuremberg Trials for war crimes. Known for his rejection and hatred of Christianity! Comment: Those in America promoting the tearing down of our historical images and defacing Jewish Synagogues and removing Crosses across our land have one motive! Revolution! To destroy our existing system of government and replace it with a revolutionary government! Rebellion is in the heart of man and only Christ can heal a wounded soul! We were created in the Image of God! Our image can only be perfected to be God like in Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Why Democrat Gains?

Specifically in Arizona and Nevada many people who are Democrats have moved from California to these states! Also 35 percent of all American’s are on some sort of public assistance! They will not give up the free stuff so they vote for the Democrats who dole out this stuff! However it is not free and our National debt reflects these giveaway programs for votes! The great economy is good for those that have a good education! Those that do not do not benefit from the booming economy and stay in the welfare trap! This is how I see it! Bill O’reilly

This is How it will End! Daniel 7:27

“And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High (True God creator of Heaven and earth), whose kingdom, and all dominion and rule, shall serve and intelligently hear and obey him.”


As with Christianity, the worst advertisement for socialism is its adherents! George Orwell, (Pen Name), Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), English Novelist, Born in Motihart, Bihar, British India.  Comment: Mr. Blair is no longer with us but I would remind him and others that the difference between the world and the Christian is that we who are in Christ are forgiven sinners and those outside of Christ are unforgiven sinners! This condition is what separates all people between Heaven and Hell.  James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

Human DNA In Household Dust!

New York: Criminals beware! Researchers have found for the first time identified human DNA in household dust which is a breakthrough which could be used in the future to trap murderers and thieves by proving their presence at a crime scene at a certain time! Source: Times of India,  June 2, 2008 Comment: The dust of the earth has the DNA in it that is contained in plants, animals and humans! Why? All the elements in the dust of the earth are found in the human body! Why? We have to go back about six thousand years to Genesis 2:7.  God created man from the dust of the earth! So all living creatures, plants and tree’s and the soil contain the same DNA properties! This is not rocket science but science will always verify the Holy Scriptures! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Christ! Servant! King!

There is no King who has not had a slave among his ancestors! There is no slave who has not had a King among his ancestors! Helen Keller, Deaf, Mute, Blind, Writer, Author.  Comment: When Helen was introduced to Christ and Christianity she said I knew he was with me all the time but I did not know his name! Helen said her greatest pleasures were curiosity and imagination! We were all made in the image or imagination of God! Curiosity is about the awe and wonder of God! She also said the only excuse humans had for being in this world is to help others! In regards for a Texas school board removing Helen and Hillary Clinton from their text books we must remember we should not change history to fit our prejudices! I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton! I would not consider a role model for my children! However we cannot have a Democrat history book and a Republican history book! History must be reported as unbiased as possible to our children! History must not be changed or the history of people must not be ignored! Even though Hellen leaned towards socialism I believe it was more towards a spirit of helping others not overthrowing present systems of Government with revolution! The strongest case against abortion is Helen Keller! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com