Help Wanted! Vacancy! Prophets Wanted! 1 kings 22

Where is the voice in the wilderness today in America? Where are His Prophets today? It is probably the only Church office vacant today! There are few around today! Hal Lindsey would be one of them in my generation! He is still going strong and he is in his eighties! A true prophet will not just address the Body of Christ but the political leaders and popular culture! John the Baptist got into King Herod’s face! His head was served up on a platter! Are the Jihadists the prophets of today? Not a lot of people running for this office! Remember King Ahab? He went to 400 prophets of Israel to get the green light to go to war with Syria. One prophet of Israel, Micaiah told Ahab not to go to war with Syria for the dogs will lick up his blood! The prophet got his face slapped and thrown in prison! King Ahab thought 400 to 1? How could i go wrong? The Lord told Micaiah i have put a lying spirit into these 400 prophets! Who is warning our political leaders in America today? Obama, Clinton and others? Is your 501c tax break worth it? Does it buy your silence? Do you take bribes and pervert justice? Donald Trump wants to change this law! If you as a Church leader get nervous when you hear this resign today! Some will say well Jesus has already come so we do not need them? Hold on! Jesus is coming again not as a Savior but as a Judge! If ever we needed Prophets to save the lost it is today! The lack of prophets today is a big part of our mess! My Bible says Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy! If Jesus is dwelling in you then Prophecy should be flowing out of your mouth like water! I believe Dinesh D’Souza is a modern day prophet for America! If Obama could get away with it  he would chop his head off but instead put him in prison and ordered a mental insanity examination! If they cannot kill you then label you insane! My prayer is the Voice of the Prophets will return to America to oppose the evil in our land! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Does Knock Mean? Luke 11:9

Everyone knows what it means! Come on! Give me a break! I had an old car and the engine used to knock! Not very pretty! Jesus said knock and it shall be opened unto you! We know what he meant but our point of reference could be wrong! The Greek root word used for the English word knock used in this passage of scripture means to overthrow from captivity! So you are knocking on the door to escape from your captivity of sin! When you knock and Jesus opens the door you are not inviting him in for a cup of tea! You are going through a fire escape leaving a burning building named Hell! Jesus is inviting you into His House and you are exiting Hell! Your house will not stand! Remember the four men that carried the paralyzed man to Jesus on a stretcher? The crowd was so great around the house he was visiting that they tore the roof apart to get to Jesus! They wanted the paralyzed man to escape his physical captivity! Notice Jesus was first concerned with his soul! We are exiting our troubles and entering into His Kingdom with protection from Hell and death! How do we as believers knock on the door? We attend church regularly! We tithe and make offerings to God through our local church! We read and study our Bible daily and pray often! Can Jesus hear your knock? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Adopted Parrot!

Jack was a retired Naval Officer who had a parrot for over 20 years! His name was Pirate and he even took him aboard ship on some of his deployments! The sailors would give him treats and teach him new words over the years. Pirate learned some really bad words but the crew would just laugh at his nasty vocabulary! Jack passed on after some time and left his estate to his cousin William. William did not know what to do with Pirate? He filled his house with horrible words that would make a sailor blush! William invited his aunt over for dinner one Sunday afternoon. They sat down at the table and Pirate started off! Hey prostitute! Hey prostitute! Time to go to bed! Past your bed time! Ha Ha Ha! So William put a blanket over his cage but Pirate responded, “Hey baby i know you are in here somewhere! I will find you!” William went to his Pastor to ask for advice! Pastor Luke advised William talk to another member of the congregation who had a lady parrot. Mrs. Boatwright was a retired widow who had a sweet parrot named Angel. Angel was quiet, respectful and even sang Mrs. Boatwright to sleep at night! She even taught Angel to pray! Mrs. Boatwright asked William to bring his parrot over and place him in the cage with Angel and her goodness would rub off on Pirate! Pirate was put in the cage with Angel and immediately Pirate jumped up into her swing and snuggled next to Angel and said, “How about a kiss baby!” Angel replied, “WOW, Finally an answer to prayer! James

Is Israel Important to You? Zechariah 14:12

As a Christian is Israel important to you or is it a bump in your theological road in your travel? Is it just a wayside inn or a tourist trap? Jesus at His second coming will rule the world from Jerusalem! That fact alone should get your attention? Zechariah’s prophetic ministry began 520 years before the birth of Christ! He addresses both the first and second coming of Christ! Zechariah’s name means, “The Lord Remembers.” An elephant may forget but never God! Zechariah was of the priestly line. How did Zechariah know about nuclear war 2500 years ago? He says in verse 12, “Those that fight against Jerusalem will have their flesh consume away while they stand on their feet! Their eyes will consume away in their sockets! Their tongue will consume away in their mouth!” The Bible goes on to say in verse 13 that those who fight Israel will turn on each other in war! They will nuke each other! Do you vote for and support political leaders who oppose Israel? Do you vote for and support political leaders who strengthen the hands of their enemies? These are important questions for you and God already knows where you stand but the danger is you may be blind to your sin! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Old Charley!

It was the summer of 1958. I remember because my parents bought a brand new Ford Fairlane 500! We thought we were in Heaven! We lived on a farm in Nebraska and as kids did not know we were on the bottom end of the food chain! Me and little brother Tommy were out harassing the little birds with our BB guns in the grove behind the house! Mom shouts out the door of our house and tells us grandma wants us to come over and help her butcher roosters! We were excited! Mom takes us over to grandma in our new car! Grandma would pick out a young fat rooster from the flock and then tell us to catch it! The race was on! We had help from my cousin Bill who was two years older than me. Once we caught the rooster grandma brought out the hatchet! It was Jihad on the rooster! We would get tired because we would do about 25 roosters per day! I asked grandma if we could catch old charley because he was really a slow bird! Grandma told me he was too old to eat! Why grandma? Well Jimmy old charley is like a Christmas tree without the lights! He is totally unplugged! Every time the fox breaks into the chicken house charley gets a free pass! Charley struts around trying to look and act like a rooster but the hens don’t pay him no mind! Charley can’t even crow anymore even if he tries! Grandma poor charley! Grandma charley needs a friend! I can be his friend grandma! Yes and bring all his lice into the house? Well i guess charley does need a friend! Why don’t you be his friend! Thankyou grandma! James

Destruction of Western Civilization!

Europe is no longer Europe, it is Euabia, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in the mental and cultural sense! Oriana Fallaci (1929-2006) Comment: She was a wise woman for she could see the hand writing on the wall. However she did not live quite long enough to see an American President come to power that would power Islam to defeat America and Western civilization! As the millions of Syrian, Iraqi and North African Muslim refugee’s pour into our cities the stage is being set for a civil war in America and Europe! If the Christian’s will rise and fight we may save America if not the Islamists will take over! Every American is going to have to make a decision of whether America is worth saving as our Founding Father’s had to make! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Selfies, Selfish & Selfless! Matthew 16:24-26

Selfies are not wrong or bad! Hey, look at me! They could be called the poster child of selfishness! Selfish seems to dominate American culture! Every group wants attention! They all get up on their soap box! Sin is about selfishness! No sacrifice required! Satan, Adam and Eve thought they could rise above God! Do not be denied God is holding out on you! Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God! Would you lose your life for Jesus? Take up your Cross and follow Him! Deny yourself! When you do that you are following Him! Ditch your selfie! His words seem as foreign to our culture as they did back in the 1st Century! To take up your Cross is to live in self-denial and lay your life down and take up His life! You will be exposed to death! For the first time in American history Christians are being executed for their Faith on our home soil. The executed had to carry their own Cross to the execution site after scourging! When you carry your own cross the popular culture will look at you as a criminal. You will undergo suffering, trial, punishment, disapproval and death! The only way to deny self is die to self! Others are more important! No wonder Jesus had so few disciples! Very few sign up and stay on! It is easier to live for you and not for Him because you have to trust your outcome to Him! Faith is taking your destiny out of your control! To follow Jesus means to walk in the same path! It means to be in union on the same road like military soldiers marching down the same path! To lose your life means to destroy it completely with a new identity! Save my life or lose it. The word life used in this scripture means the Spirit or eternal soul. It is more than just the here and now! Self is about the here and now! Gain the whole world and lose your soul? The word soul used here is the same Greek root word used for life! The world will never be able to save your soul. You were purchased with a price! His blood for your soul! Matthew 6:33 To seek first means in time, place and order of importance! Seek His righteousness! That means to seek His innocence and justification! Can we do the math? Then all these things will be added unto you! II Corinthians 5:15 Do you live for yourself? Live for Him! As He was raised He has promised to raise you up from the dead! Live like it! Look for Him and live for Him! Pastor Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

How Many Does it Take?

How many people does it take to change a light bulb? How many college football players? One as long as he gets 3 hours credit towards his graduation! How many psychiatrists does it take? One as long as the light bulb is willing to change! How many baby boomers does it take? One as long as they can hold the light bulb for all the world to see and the world spins around them! James