Phyllis Schlafly 1924-2016

We pay tribute to her as she brought the Kingdom of God down to earth! She was a Constitutional lawyer and conservative activist. A Harvard graduate she successfully campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment and opposed the feminist movement! Her books sold millions of copies over the years. She hosted a daily talk show Eagle Forum and i was an avid listener back in the 1970’s and 1980’s! Her father was granted a patent on the Rotary engine design in 1944. Donald Trump is going to honor her at her funeral. She was a great lady and her input made my life better! She respected God and country and honored Christ with service to our nation! Being so close to 9-11 in her passing we are reminded that she stood for American values in which our enemies hate! She will be missed and we know God has a greater work for her now! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

U.S. Constitution Original Intent!

If we are picking people to draw out of their own experience a ‘New” Constitution, we should not look principally for good lawyers. We should look for people who agree with us. When we are in that mode, you realize we have rendered the Constitution useless! Judge Anthony Scalia.  Comment: Looking at and interpreting our Constitution through a secular lens is like a sinner looking at the Bible and trying to figure out how he can keep his sin! Our Constitution is a Christian document! What our Founding Father’s realized is that without the Christian base the document would become insolvent! The eroding of our Constitution’s intent and purpose is proportional to the eroding of Christian values in American culture! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Esau and Jacob Romans 9:13

Why did God hate Esau and love Jacob? Esau was the first born and should get all the perks! The name Jacob means trickster or to supplant or replace. The name James in the New Testament is the same word as Jacob and has the same meaning! In fact in some foreign language translations of the New Testament calls the Book of James the Book of Jacob. God does not personally hate Esau but hates his priorities! We must value what God values! Our priorities must be God’s priorities! We must define our priorities according to scripture! We must make wise choices! Seek first the Kingdom of God! God will either respect or disrespect your priorities! There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek! Whosoever calls on His name shall be saved! Esau despised his birthright but Jacob valued it! If you value what God values then you will find favor with God! Live your life with integrity! The root word for integrity is the word integer. Something complete and not a fraction of something but a whole number. Let your yes be yes and your no be no! Do not add or subtract from the Bible. Do not cherry pick the Bible! That is only what you like! Some people think they will be cheated if they do the right thing? Jacob was cheated by his uncle Laban! Jacob did not take vengeance but let God Bless him more than if he had not been cheated! Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob because he was a hunter. Jacob tricked his father into thinking he was Esau! He did this to get the Blessing of the first born. Jacob comes in the name of another! To receive Blessings we do not come in our own name but in the name of Jesus Christ! We despised our birthright by living in sin! He took our sin away! We cannot save ourselves but in the name of another! Jacob wrestled all night with God! Jacob did not give up until he was Blessed! Do not compete but get complete! Jesus wrestled in the Garden of Gethsemane for us! Jacob in Faith got a name change! Yes, Israel! God promoted him to be a Prince! Jesus is our Prince of peace! We serve the God of Israel! Source; Pastor Steve Vaggalis, Destiny Worship Center. He was guest Pastor at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

US Intervention in Syria? Genesis 16:12

Over 93000 casualties in Syria over past two years. Iran and Russia are supporting Syria. The US was to pull all forces out of Iraq next month but the US military leaders say will not be possible with all sides feuding and elections next month. Will have to stay to see if stability will come? Afghanistan falling apart as we prepare to leave. Libya was a disaster for us in trying to get a democracy going? Giving tons of money to Egypt to try to buy stability? With hundreds of billions of dollars of debt fighting the muslims over past 12 years where are we going? Do we give up and surrender to tyranny? What does the Bible say about this problem? The Bible says the descendants of Ishmael will be wild men and every man against his brother. One of the few things I did agree with was President Obama’s do nothing policy on Syria! It looks like he is changing since use of chemical weapons in region? In Islam there are no good and bad guys! They are all bad! The military weapons we would give them would be turned on us sooner or later. I would suggest to our elected leaders to make decisions based on Biblical values and not just jump into a fight knowing the spending of our blood and money would be in vain trying to help an enemy who abhors our American values! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Billy Graham’s Prayer For America!

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know your Word says, Woe to those who call evil good; but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and have reversed our values. We have: Exploited the poor and called it the lottery, rewarded laziness and called it welfare, killed our unborn and called it choice, shot abortionists and called it justifiable, neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem, abused power and called it politics, coveted our neighbor’s possessions and called it ambition, polluted the air with profanity, pornography and called it freedom of expression and ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from sin and set us free. Please come back and rule our nation, be number one in our nation. Amen! Comment; If we want to be number one as a nation above all nations then as a people and nation we must make God number one through His Christ. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Voting is a Christian Doctrine !

Choose this day who you will serve! Joshua 24:15. The enemies of “The Cross” try to take our choices away through religion(Islam), and through politics(ObamaCare) ! Vote Biblical Values so that our way of life and freedoms we have are not taken away! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Who Speaks For America?

On our previous Blog we mentioned a quote by William Kristol. Here it is again quote; “The important point is not to win a debate! The point is to win the presidency! The way to win the presidency is to speak for America”. Unquote. President Obama over the last 4 years has spoken for the gays! He has under the disguise of ObamaCare spoken for the abortionist! He has spoken through ObamaCare for euthanasia to limiting life saving procedures to senior citizens(70 years and older) through his 15 member board(death panel). He has spoken for the communists in trying to turn us into socialists! He has spoken for the Muslims in degrading Christian Values and isolating Israel! He has spoken for State control over free speech! Instead of speaking for America he has spoken for those who stand against America! I am tired of this guy apologizing for me and America! Vote; Romney / Ryan on November 6, 2012. Thankyou. James Sasse.

Muslim or Mormon for President?

Which one do you want?Would you rather be Muslim mad or Mormon mad? Just a joke here but I cannot help myself! Another Joke; Muslim mad is to blow yourself up and get 70 virgins! Mormon mad is to marry and add another woman to your wives list! Obama will never blow himself up and Romney is faithful to his wife! Evangelist Billy Graham encouraged Americans to vote Biblical Values! I agree! Mr. Graham went on to say that these values include three impotant points. 1. Protect sactity of life. 2. Protect definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. 3. Support the Nation of Israel. Unquote. When I apply these 3 principles to the candidates running for president of the United States I am left with only one choice! Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Thankyou. James Sasse.

Beat Obama with a CAIN!

The lastest fight song for the Christian conservatives as they look to replace our President with someone who holds Biblical values! Anti-abortion President is needed and also a candidate who believes small buisness can rebuild American! Also Obama has a big government plan that will not and has not worked! Our government has to be down-sized and live on its budget. We are headed to problems like the euro-zone is facing because of debt! Herman Cain is the most conservative minded man with buisness experience and success in buisness! Our prayers are with him as we try to give America back to the people! Thankyou. James Sasse.