Jesus Words! Matthew 24:13

Greek Translation: “But he that endures a load of miseries, adversities, persecutions, provocations in faith and patience towards people until your goal of perfection is accomplished completely shall have the spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God through Jesus Christ,” Comment: Did you ever notice you do not start off your life with Jesus Christ? You start out by being in love with the world. However after a load of miseries, adversities, persecutions and provocations you figure out something is wrong? Most of our woes are self inflicted but a few done by others! Then Jesus Christ comes into your life with a love you never thought possible? Jesus fills your emptiness with His love! You still have the miseries, adversities, persecutions and provocations however they are no longer internal but external! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do You Need Intervention? Romans 8:27

Greek Translation: ‘He that searches the thoughts and intentions of the heart knows what is the purpose of the Spirit because He intervenes for the morally blameless (Saints), according to the will of God.” Comment: Mt biggest surprise when translating this passage from the Greek are from the two English words “Maketh intercession.” The two English words used here have nothing to do with prayer! In fact I looked up every Greek word used for prayer in the New Testament and the Strongs#1793 is never used for prayer! I assumed all my life that this scripture was talking about prayer? The Holy Spirit is the active agent of the Trinity! The Holy Spirit is the servant of the Father and the Son! The Holy Spirit will and does intervene for the Saints when required! The word intervene is a more accurate English word for making intercession! The virgin birth is probably the best example of the Holy Spirit intervention into our natural world! The Holy Spirit intervened into the natural biological processes of Mary and Jesus Christ the Son of God was born into the earth to redeem the earth! This is important because Muslims believe according to the Koran that God had sex with Mary! Another example of intervention would be the speaking in Tongues at Pentecost! God knows the thoughts and intensions of our heart! The Holy Spirit knows His purpose and the will of God for you and me! The will of God is expressed in the Word of God! You might want to read your Bible regularly? Based upon the will and Word of God He intervenes as required for us! Are the thoughts and purposes of our heart right with God? We may need intervention! Start by confessing your sin to Jesus and ask Him to clean and sanctify our hearts! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Lazarus Sleepeth! John 11:11 Greek Translation

The Greek word “Koimao” used here for sleep means deceased or dead! Jesus goes on in a later verse to emphasize that Lazarus is dead! There is another Greek word used for sleep in the New Testament which is “Katheudo.” This word means to lie down and rest but was not used in this passage of scripture. What may be of interest to you is this same Greek word used for sleep which means deceased or dead is the same word used in Acts 12:6. Peter was sleeping between two soldiers in chains! Verse 7; The Angel of the Lord came upon him and light shone in the prison and smote Peter on the side and raised him up, saying arise up! His chains fell off! Herod had Peter beaten badly! By definition of the word used Peter could have been deceased lying between the two soldiers! Peter may have been raised from the dead! The angel was probably Jesus Himself! The events recorded in our Bible are important to our Faith so I make an effort to go back to the original languages to see greater detail! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do Bible Translations Matter? 1 Chronicles 16:3

If you are a student of the Word of God then it does matter! If God created the Heavens and the Earth by His Word then His Word matters! If you believe your Bible is the Word of God then your translation is important! Let us zero in on verse 3 and the later part of this verse. The King James Version (KJV) and the American King James Version (AKJV) translate the last part of this verse as “a flagon of wine.” A flagon is a flask or container for liquids. However the following 5 English translations; American Standard Version (ASV), Basic English Translation (BBE), Webster Revision, World English Bible and the English Revised Version say something very different? They render this English translation as a “cake of raisons.” Is it a jug of wine or a cake? Why does it matter? They cannot be both right? Here is the problem! If you look at verse 3 in it’s totality you have 3 elements listed! The bread, wine and flesh! This with the preceding and following verses presents a picture of Communion in the Old Testament! A cake of raisons completely throws this concept away! There are even more translations out there but I strongly make a case for the King James Version! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Galatians 6:7-10 (Greek Translation)

Verse 7; Do not go astray, do not be a tramp, the God of all is not mocked, for whatsoever the imperfect and mortal man sows that will he reap. Comment: When you sow a seed whether good or bad you will get a harvest! Life or death! Verse 8; For he that soweth to his mortal body shall of his mortal body reap decay and ruin, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap eternal life both past, present and future! Comment: Sowing to your mortal body is sin and death! Sowing to the Spirit is sowing salvation, love, peace, joy, and eternal life! Verse 9; Let us not be slothful and lose courage in valuable words for in ownership at the set and proper time we shall reap if we do not relax! Comment: Laziness is a sin! We take ownership of our words! Good or bad they own you! They identify you! In God’s time you will reap a reward! Verse 10: As we have time and season let us labor and toil for what is profitable and useful to all men, especially to those that are of the family of religious Faith! Comment: Your labors for the word of God will profit many! Especially to fellow believers! You are saving the lost and encouraging believers! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Idols! 1 Chronicles 16:26

Hebrew translation: “For all the gods of the people are as shepherds over worthless things! They are as physicians attending corpses! Good for nothing! Vanity! No purpose! But the Lord built the heavens with purpose!” Comment: So what are you a shepherd over in your life? Is in something of eternal value? Will it continue on after you leave the earth? If you cannot take it with you it is an idol. Will the family you leave on earth shepherd over things of value? Anything of eternal value will outlast you! God built the heavens with you as the purpose in mind! Are you supporting His purpose? Your purpose is to mirror His Image! We were not created in our own image but the image of God! God’s purpose from before the beginning was to deliver us from evil. That is why Christ pre-existed creation! Sin will always lead us to worship idols! Why? We would rather trust in ourselves than the work of God! When i came to Christ back in 1973 everything changed! It was no longer about me but about Christ and others! He did for me what i could not do for myself! Deliver me from evil! That is Grace! Men try to build empires, organizations and name them after themselves! Until we find the name and Savior that is above every name we will serve idols! Jesus has promised to raise you from the dead one day! After you are gone from the earth you cannot raise your idols! You have only two options! Believe Jesus or trust in yourself! Serve God or an idol. The worst idol you could ever invent is yourself! Serve God and others! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Psalm 23:4 Hebrew Translation

Even though i walk through spiritual darkness i will not be frightened of the wickedness around me for though art with me! Thou Rulership, support and sustenance, they avenge me! Comment: Notice David left the vengeance to God! That is why he did not go after Saul even though Saul was trying to kill him! Forgiveness does not stop God’s vengeance on the offending party! However your forgiveness allows God time to give the offender time to repent! If you do not forgive you also will not escape God’s vengeance! If the offending party will not repent God’s vengeance will fall like a hammer! However your forgiveness and the offending party forgiveness will bring God’s Mercy! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Allah in our Bible? Revelation 13:16-18

Absolutely! It is the word “Beast” used 37 times in the Book of Revelation! The Strong’s number for the Greek word is 2342. If you go to that Greek word it says it has a Hebrew origin. The Strong’s Hebrew number is 5927 and 5928. You can look this up yourself in any Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. The Chaldean root word means holocaust! The Hebrew root word means to cause to burn, carry up(smoke), to grow, to make to pay, to shoot forth, to stir up, and to take away. So if you do your homework and study your Bible the word “Beast” in the Book of Revelation is not a mystery! So Allah and the Beast are the same words so Islam is the Beast prophetically revealed in our Bible! You may think holocaust and Islam? How about 9-11? How about the Jordanian pilot burned in a cage? How about Hitler and the millions of Jews incinerated in ovens! Islam was allied with Hitler! Obama is helping Iran get the hydrogen bomb with delivery systems! They want to incinerate the world! How about the Christians being burned in Syria? Remember the Book of Revelation was written about 600 years before Islam and Mohammed came along! With 1400 years of Islamic war and history I get it! If you believe your Bible is prophetic then the words that make up those verses and chapters are also prophetic! The scripture always have application whether yesterday, today or forever! God is and has spared His elect from judgment through Jesus sacrificial work on the Cross! How is God going to destroy the world? Fire! Muslim’s believe they are judging the world for God but only God has reserved that for Himself because He is the perfect Judge that knows every heart! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Beast and “666” Revelation 13:16-18

Before we can talk about 666 we need to discuss the “Beast.” The Strong’s number in the Greek for this word is 2342. If you go to this Greek root word it says this word has a Hebrew origin. If you go to that Hebrew origin it says this word was taken from another Hebrew word. The Hebrew Strong’s number for this word is 5927. This word is the word, “Alah”. Now this is where it gets interesting! This Hebrew word Alah is never used in the Old Testament scriptures! It is a Hebrew word never used in the Bible except to be translated into the New testament word “Beast” used in the Book of Revelation! The word is used 37 times in the Book of Revelation. So the word Beast used in Revelation can also be translated Alah! Remember the Book of Revelation was written about 600 years before Mohammad and Islam ever came along! In Islam the number 666 is a sacred number! We will discuss this in further detail on our next Blog posting. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.