Psalm 23:4 Hebrew Translation

Even though i walk through spiritual darkness i will not be frightened of the wickedness around me for though art with me! Thou Rulership, support and sustenance, they avenge me! Comment: Notice David left the vengeance to God! That is why he did not go after Saul even though Saul was trying to kill him! Forgiveness does not stop God’s vengeance on the offending party! However your forgiveness allows God time to give the offender time to repent! If you do not forgive you also will not escape God’s vengeance! If the offending party will not repent God’s vengeance will fall like a hammer! However your forgiveness and the offending party forgiveness will bring God’s Mercy! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Fool Has Said in His Heart——-Psalm 14:1

The fool has said in his heart there is no God! This is not all the verse but we will start here. So what is a fool? Do they just live in Washington D.C.? It means to be stupid, silly, dull as one taught by idols! We have a Television show named American Idol. An idol is man made then worshiped by man as God! In other words it is self-worship! A fool means to dishonor, come to nought, disgraceful, perverse, dishonorable, wicked and to fall away! Sounds like a Democrat? It also means to be dull, absurd and crippled! Handicapped! It also means to be fat! A fat head! Now the fool said in his heart! The heart is the immaterial inner self. It is the seat of the mind and the soul. It is the eternal part of us that will live beyond the grave! This is why Jesus said we must be born again! The eternal part of us must be transformed before death for whatsoever state that is at death continues on forever! That is why soul winning is urgent! It goes on to say they are corrupt meaning they are spoiled, decayed, perverted and come to ruin! They have done abominable works! That is to cause fear, disgust and are detestable! They are hostile towards all authority! None of them do good works! Good means to be kind and morally correct! What about those that claim they know God but do evil? We will discuss this in a later blog. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Modern Warfare Prohibited for Israel Psalm 20:7

Joshua 11:6  Cutting the tendons of the legs of horses rendered them unfit for military use. This is illustrated in the word “hough.” Israel was forbidden by God to develop a calvary with chariots. (Deuteronomy 17:16) God wanted them to depend on Him, not in the strength of horses! (Isaiah 31:1-3) The 600 chariots with Captains, drivers and horses of the Egyptian army buried under the Red Sea was testimony that Trust in God was the only sure way to victory! Nothing has changed today for He is the same yesterday, today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is The Earth Eternal? Genesis 8:22

Contained in this promise is the stipulation that is easy to miss! Day, night and the seasons will continue as seen in the phrase, “while the earth remaineth.” The earth was not intended by God to be eternal. It’s final destruction is described in Psalm 102: 25-26 (quoted in Hebrew 1: 10-12). The most graphic account of the end of the world, indeed the physical universe, is found in 2 Peter 3:10. Remember what Jesus told us? I go to prepare a place for you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.