Jesus Words! Matthew 24:13

Greek Translation: “But he that endures a load of miseries, adversities, persecutions, provocations in faith and patience towards people until your goal of perfection is accomplished completely shall have the spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God through Jesus Christ,” Comment: Did you ever notice you do not start off your life with Jesus Christ? You start out by being in love with the world. However after a load of miseries, adversities, persecutions and provocations you figure out something is wrong? Most of our woes are self inflicted but a few done by others! Then Jesus Christ comes into your life with a love you never thought possible? Jesus fills your emptiness with His love! You still have the miseries, adversities, persecutions and provocations however they are no longer internal but external! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mary’s Song! Luke 1:49

“For He that is mighty hath done miracles and perfect is His name!” Comment: Our God majors in miracles! God never went to school! He is mighty because of who He is! He is perfect because perfection is in His name! He is creator of all things! No evolution with God! He is creator of all things but He Himself was not created! He always was and is and is to come! He is the pre-existent one! No one proceeded Him! He is the cause for all that is and everything that has been! His Son Jesus Christ also proceeded creation! God is the designer and cause for all life! You are created as all the angels were! That is why we do not worship angels! Miracles and perfection are the character of God! God being born into the earth through flesh causes me to sing songs of Praise along with Mary! Mary was impregnated by God for the birth of His Son Jesus Christ! Human parents by themselves could never achieve this! Man could only be saved from His sin through divine intervention! Signs and wonders will follow those who believe in Him! The Christian story is a miraculous story and those miracles are lived out on those who follow Christ! Be like the wise men and follow Him! The perfect God brings perfection in your life! He has done His best in us and we are to do our best in Him! Let us like Mary break forth in Praise to our God as we experience the miracles and perfection of a little baby born in Bethlehem! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.