Much of the preaching today is what I call “Gospel Lite.” It is a reduced calorie Gospel just like Bud Lite beer! You are deprived of nutrients! A cheap substitute! All of our cultural wars going on in America are never discussed? Scripture warnings to gays, lesbians, transsexuals and abortionist are ignored! Sometimes I think our pulpits here in America are located on the moon! Nothing about Islam? Now school children here in America are chanting Praise to Allah! You only lose a war because you will not fight! While Christian’s are being tortured and beheaded in the Middle East much of the church here in America has the mute button on? It is a very strange time for us in history? Remember the Gospel applies to everyone not just church people! It either applies to all or to no one! Preach the Gospel like the whole world is in front of you and also those in Heaven and those in Hell! We have a great cloud of witnesses! The fire and brimstone in our churches is now a flickering candle! In the Book of Romans Paul speaks of the responsibility of the State to punish evil doers. This is the primary responsibility of the federal, state and local governments. Not to punish the good but to punish the evil! We are to pay tribute or taxes to help restore and maintain law and order! We are to remind our government leaders of their obligation to keep the peace! Even though Paul was a supporter and loyal Roman citizen he was still executed by the state! He never preached the overthrow of the government but the support of it! He just could not worship Caesar as God! We may have to pay the same price as Paul to pass the Gospel on to the next generation! When we preach the Gospel we should not fear anything but the truth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: scriptures
Angel Worship? Psalm 148: 2-6
Do you have a guardian Angel? There are about 300 scriptures in your Bible on Angels! First remember Angels are created beings. The Trinity created them and you and me! They also created the Heavens and the earth! The Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit all pre-existed all creation and are authors of creation. There is some debate as to whether Angels were created prior to the six day creation on Genesis chapter one! We do know Adam and Eve were tempted by Lucifer so the Angels had to exist before them! Lucifer is a fallen Angel. Since Angels are created beings they have a free will to obey or disobey! The same choice we have! One third of the Angels rebelled against God and were cast out of Heaven. However two thirds of the Angels stayed faithful to God! It seems just the opposite on earth as one third of the world’s population is Christian and the other two thirds reject Christ! However the Christians replace one third of the Angels who rebelled! Also remember Angels are immortal! That is why the lake of fire awaits the fallen Angels. Angel’s primary purpose is to worship God! So likewise with mortals! God can dispatch Angels at His will! Whether to announce the virgin birth to the shepherds or deliver Paul and Silas from prison! Gabriel is the messenger Angel, Michael the war Angel and Lucifer the Praise Angel who rebelled and now is Satan! These are the three primary groups but the others we will not discuss here. Sort of like the Trinity of Angels! Again the Saints replace the worship to God that Lucifer abandoned through rebellion! You cannot dispatch Angels but Christ will if needed! You do not pray to Angels! You cannot depend on created beings! Angels are servants of God and obey His will to accomplish His purpose! Trust God and His Christ and He will come to your rescue if needed! He could send millions but one would be enough! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
False Prophets! 1 John 4:1
The Bible from Deuteronomy to Revelation has many scriptures warning us about false prophets! How do you guard against deception from these spiritualists? First and foremost know your Bible! What will happen when error is introduced by a speaker or writer the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance a scripture that will refute the error! If truth is spoken the Holy Spirit will confirm the truth by scripture! False prophets will try to lead you away from Christ! An obvious example would be where Mohammed in the Quran says that Jesus did not die on the Cross! False prophets in the Church is more subtle! Eighty eight reasons why Jesus is coming back in 1988? Remember? Millions of books were sold and some Christian’s burned their mortgages and stopped making their car payments! Here in this example many thought this author was leading them towards Christ but he was fleecing them! It says in our Bible that Jesus does not even know the hour of His return except the Father! A church leader might infer that you are blessed because I am so Holy and into so many good works! Because of only my prayers you are blessed! Remember it is Jesus response to our prayers that brings blessings! Jesus is also praying for us! Remember your scriptures? I love my Pastor Brady Boyd but he cannot save me! His job is to lead me and others to Christ! Just be careful your attention is not drawn away from Christ unto men! False prophets will try to divide the Church! They promote Church splits! They will promote one group against another! They will spread lies against leadership! We need to come alongside our leaders but be honest enough to say something if you believe error exists! We are all human and need each other to watch over the body! When we were in Pastor Cho’s office in Korean in the 1980’s before leaving for India for three years he made it very clear what our mission was to be in India! I thought he was going to say Evangelism! No! He told us our whole mission in India was to help local Pastor’s! It was such a challenge for us because most do not think they need any help? Cho told us Satan will attack the head to break up the body! Satan is a divider and that is why we have war between Heaven and earth! Between good and evil! Satan is constantly recruiting people into his Kingdom! One of Satan’s tools is false prophets! However he has no power against the Word of God the Holy Scriptures! Put on God’s armor against the wiles of the devil! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
The Pope and Politics!
The separation of church and state was dead when it came to Pope Francis visit to America! The Pope got on the State Bandwagon! Why was the Pope well received? Because he kissed babies? Earlier this year the Pope was asked about the homosexual lifestyle? His response was why should I be a judge? The community here in America thought he had caved in on homosexual behavior! There was a song back in the 1960’s that went, “Hey, Mr. Postman have you got a letter for me?” Hey, Mr. Popeman do you read your mail? God’s letters to him are in his Bible! There are over 200 scriptures in the Bible on judgment! My Bible says that Jesus is coming back to judge the living and the dead! His judgment will be based on a document called, “The Holy Bible.” Pope Francis why should we judge Hitler, Stalin, Ben Laden and Islamic terrorists? Don’t resist just surrender! The Pope is also on the Global Warming and the United Nations one world government scheme! The Bible makes it clear that homosexual activity is a sin! If the Pope does not have the guts to tell the truth I will! On the 200 scriptures in our Bible on judgment here is one of them! Revelation 11:18 “And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and thou will give rewards to thy servants the prophets and the saints and to them that fear thy name small and great, and should destroy them that destroy the earth.” Note: The word earth used here refers to the sin of the inhabitants that pollutes the earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Should We Build The Wall? Revelation 21:12-19
There are about 190 scriptures in your Bible about walls! This should be enough Theology to help you make up your mind! Nehemiah was a great wall builder! Did you know that Heaven has walls and gates? Really? I thought God was a Democrat? Read Revelation 21:12-19. When did illegal immigration start in Heaven? There is no illegal immigration in Heaven! If your Visa is stamped with the Blood of Jesus God will let you through one of those twelve gates and you will become a legal immigrant! Lucifer and 1/3 of Heaven emigrated out of Heaven! Rebellion in the ranks! Lucifer became Satan and these immigrants flooded the earth by the millions! They will eventually immigrate to Hell but they will try to take as many of us with them as possible! The Blood of Jesus will secure you from this plight! Nothing else will secure you! Nothing! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse
American Education System Today!
2 Timothy 4: 3-4 For the season will come when they will not put up with superior teaching; but after their own lusts of the flesh shall heap themselves instructors having itching ears. They shall pervert their ears from what is not concealed, open and known but shall be turned into fiction. Note; Greek to English translation Comment; America was founded on Truth and the Holy Scriptures! Sadly, today we are living in a land of fiction! Whether we perish or not will depend on what Americans do with the Holy Bible and those who follow it! Our choices will either lead us to life or death! Pray for America! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Why Did Jesus Say Buy a Sword? Luke 22:36
I have probably read every commentary on this scripture! The words Jesus told His disciples probably have more meaning now that America is becoming more lawless ! The American Christian would have a different interpretation on this scripture than a Christian living in Iraq or Syria today! Ask the Kurdish Christian about this passage! Jesus also said those who live by the sword will die by the sword! Meaning those who use weapons for violence rather than self-defense! Peter has a knife and used it well but Jesus rebuked Peter? Why? Peter was trying to keep Jesus off the Cross! Some commentators say it is just an allegory? Like ObamaCare? The law does not really mean what it says so goes the Supreme Court! Jesus was preparing His disciples for their journey after His resurrection and ascension! They would be traveling into dangerous areas to take the Gospel! Interesting that earlier Jesus told them to take nothing on their journey? However, Jesus was with them! Now he is leaving but did promise them the Holy Spirit! Was Jesus for gun control? What would Jesus do? Question is what did Jesus say? We have that! Interesting that the cities and states in America that have the toughest strictest gun control laws have the highest crime rates! We have to interpret scripture within context and in context of other scriptures! The Bible interprets itself! Every Christian has to decide for themselves what Jesus meant when He said go buy a sword! Get provisions? Be prepared? I know what the scriptures mean for me and my house and you have to decide for your house! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Home Sweet Home!
When we consider the beginning of our life and compare the same we have in the Promise, we cannot say or find that we are at home in this life! Jakob Bohme (1575-1624) Comment: The Holy Spirit dwelling in us does bring Heaven down to earth in us! He is the escrow or down payment of Heaven in us as Scriptures declare! Thankyou James and Hamsa Sasse
Signs of the End! Matthew 24:7 Earthquakes
First our condolences to the families of Nepal in their great loss of life! God does not cause earthquakes! God does not cause physical death! Man’s rebellion and sin against God is responsible! But God has promised to raise us from the dead! According to the Bible there are many signs on the earth and in the heavens in the last days before Christ’s return that will be present. Here is a brief summary: 1. Increase of knowledge 2. Government ability to enforce the Mark (One world government) 3. Man of Sin revealed 4. Violence and sexual immorality 5. Rise of spiritualism 6. Massive animal deaths 7. Natural disasters 8. Unsealed prophecy 9. False Christ’s and prophets 10. World pushing for peace 11. War 12. Famines 13. Christians being killed 14. Increase in Sin 15. Christians departing from the truth 16. God destroys those who destroy the earth 17. The Gospel preached into all the earth. There are many scriptures that support these signs! Most all the signs are on us today! I want to talk about natural disasters today. There has been a 200 percent increase in natural disasters since 1979. Large earthquakes with a value of 5 or higher have doubled in 2014 compared to each year since 1979. You can see by viewing USGS stats page. As of February 22, 2015 there are around 3100 earthquakes happening every month! Remember Jesus on the Cross at the 9th hour when He gave up His Spirit in death? The earth was covered in darkness and then a great earthquake! The vale in the Jewish Temple was rent in two and the graves were opened and people were raised out of their graves and brought to life! This particular earthquake did not kill people but raised people from the dead! This is historical evidence that those who trust in Christ will be raised up! Remember that all will be raised from the dead! Some to everlasting life and some to judgment! Why does the earth quake? It longs for redemption! What you do with Christ will determine your outcome! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Bible and Schools!
I am afraid that the schools will prove the very Gates of Hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of youth! Martin Luther 1483-1546 A.D.