Gospel Lite! Romans 13:3-6

Much of the preaching today is what I call “Gospel Lite.” It is a reduced calorie Gospel just like Bud Lite beer! You are deprived of nutrients! A cheap substitute! All of our cultural wars going on in America are never discussed? Scripture warnings to gays, lesbians, transsexuals and abortionist are ignored! Sometimes I think our pulpits here in America are located on the moon! Nothing about Islam? Now school children here in America are chanting Praise to Allah! You only lose a war because you will not fight! While Christian’s are being tortured and beheaded in the Middle East much of the church here in America has the mute button on? It is a very strange time for us in history? Remember the Gospel applies to everyone not just church people! It either applies to all or to no one! Preach the Gospel like the whole world is in front of you and also those in Heaven and those in Hell! We have a great cloud of witnesses! The fire and brimstone in our churches is now a flickering candle! In the Book of Romans Paul speaks of the responsibility of the State to punish evil doers. This is the primary responsibility of the federal, state and local governments. Not to punish the good but to punish the evil! We are to pay tribute or taxes to help restore and maintain law and order! We are to remind our government leaders of their obligation to keep the peace! Even though Paul was a supporter and loyal Roman citizen he was still executed by the state! He never preached the overthrow of the government but the support of it! He just could not worship Caesar as God! We may have to pay the same price as Paul to pass the Gospel on to the next generation! When we preach the Gospel we should not fear anything but the truth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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