Law and Order! 1 Chronicles 9:16

The word shewbread used here in this passage has more meaning than i have time to explain here! The word means to line up in order with two rows of six loaves each. Most of us get the numerology of twelve tribes and twelve disciples! The Hebrew word means to get in line or order to prepare for warfare and to be an expert in warfare! To be a defender of the Faith! Is the church in America in the 21st century ready for warfare? Do we have an organized army with real leaders or do we have a rag tag militia asleep not even recognizing we are at war? That is what happened on 9-11. Do we have a church with no rank, no order, no discipline, no mission, no vision and no passion? We war against principalities of darkness in high places! The table for the shewbread was made of acia wood which does not rot! The wood was covered in gold which represents purity! There was a purple cloth which covered the table and this represented royalty! Then the bread was laid on top of this cloth. Then a red scarlet cloth was laid over the bread which represents the sacrifice! Then a thin skin was laid over the scarlet cloth which represents humanity! Jesus was the royal seed of God who took on humanity and shed His blood as the final sacrifice for the living and the dead! Jesus said i am the bread of life! When you share the communion meal with God next time think on these things! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Pope for President! Isaiah 5:20

The following are polling questions that will help us determine who is in the lead in this race? This form was developed to help you critically think about your choice? If you were voting for the Pope how would you vote? Which Pope makes money and which Pope steals money? Which Pope hates Catholics? Which Pope would not name the religion that beheads people as a sporting event? Which Pope would herd young boy’s into your daughter’s bathroom? Which Pope would take non-Catholic donations from foreign governments? Which Pope would dare say Merry Christmas? Which Pope would allow gays and lesbians to graze in their congregations and not say anything was wrong? Which Pope would sanction their marriages with state approval? Which Pope would sacrifice children on the altar of choice? We hope these questions will promote healthy choices for our next leader! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Blood and water! 2 Kings 3:22-24 Part 1

There was constant war between Israel and her neighbors thousands of years ago just like today in 2016! What was the source of this conflict? In this scripture the Moabites were at war with Israel. Who were the Moabites? They were the descendants of Lot! Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? God destroyed the gays living in those cities! The only reason Lot and most of his family escaped was because of Abraham! However Lot’s wife had to look back on those cities as they were burning and turned into a pillar of salt! Her heart was still in Sodom and Gomorrah! Lot hid in a cave on a mountain with his two daughters. Lot had sex with his two daughters and produced offspring that became the enemies of Abraham and the Covenant Jews! The Moabites was one of these tribes. So again what was the source of the conflict? The Moabites chief God was Chemosh and required human sacrifice! Much like Islam today which requires human sacrifice! The practice of human sacrifice was strictly forbidden by the Jews! Here is what the Jews believed! The only true sacrifice that would appease God for the sin of mankind was not going to be made by man to God but God was going to provide a sacrifice to man! If you miss this point you miss everything! All the wars of earth fought or ever will be fought are based around this difference in concept of God and the redemption of man! The war with Islam in 2016 and wars with them over the past 1400 years are all about this! Man dies for God or God dies for man? Which is it? We are dealing with opposite theology! You cannot have it both ways! Some try and become atheists! They believe this will solve the problem yet atheist leaders in history have killed more people than religious wars! We will continue that subject, :Blood and Water on next posting! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Test of True Friendship?

If someone whether family or other is not willing to sacrifice for you they are no friend! A true friend will sacrifice everything to even his life for you! Jesus is first in sacrifice for you and you make sacrifices for Him but the field gets real slim after him! Church friends, Facebook and other social media is what i call junk friends! They will never be tested or tried to meet the standard of a true friend! If they want you to sacrifice for them but not they for you it may be time to be and find a true friend! T.D. Jakes

Hall of Fame! 1 Kings 17:1

Is there a Hall of Fame in Heaven? Who is going to be in it? Will you be in it or will you be on the J.V. Team? Will God have to enroll you in remedial courses? Will the martyr’s be there? Will the servants of all be there? Some are probably thinking if i can just get my foot in the door! O’ you of little Faith! There is a Faith Hall of Fame! Elijah was a Prophet of Israel who went to King Ahab and told him he was a jerk! Elijah did not worry about losing his 501c tax benefit for his ministry! His ministry was not about collecting money! Great leaders could care less about money but will sacrifice their lives for the benefit of the people! Martin Luther King is one of those men i have witnessed in my life time! King Ahab married Jezebel who was basically a witch! She had a lot of brooms in her closet! They together had raised up an altar to Baal worship in Israel. Baal worship was sacrificial child worship like abortion is today in America! Elijah told Ahab there would be no rain in Israel until this stopped! Remember Elijah and all Israel was going to suffer in this drought! Great leaders are willing to suffer! However God sends Elijah to a brook that feeds the Jordon river and sends a raven to him to bring food daily! After the brook dried up God sends Elijah to a widow and her small son! Elijah asks the widow for food and she gladly obliges telling him she was preparing her last meal so they could all die! God does a miracle and keeps food in her pantry! Then her son gets sick to death and she blames Elijah? Elijah prays and the little boy recovers! The widow finally proclaims Elijah is a man of God and speaks truth! Elijah’s prominence among the Old Testament Prophets is seen in the fact that the forerunner of Christ, John the Baptist, was to come in the Spirit and Power of Elijah! Elijah representing the Prophets and Moses representing the Law stood with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do We Worship The Sacrifice?

In the Old Testament the blood animal sacrifice was never worshiped. It was used as a means to atone for the sin of man! Remember also that human sacrifice was never allowed! It had to be innocent blood and man was a sinner! The Jews used animal sacrifice for thousands of years looking forward when God would one day provide the sacrifice! I could do a good thing but I am still a sinner! I could kill a terrorist and you might applaud me but I just killed someone! Finally Jesus comes along! The Jews and the Romans did not look at Jesus as a human sacrifice but a criminal making crazy proclamations! The Jews could not comprehend Him even though their scriptures predicted Him hundreds of years earlier! Jesus was not a human sacrifice because He was God! Today we worship the sacrifice because He is God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Worship The Right Way! 1 Samuel 13:

Saul was the first King of Israel. He was appointed and anointed by Samuel the Priest of Israel. Saul won a lot of military victories but lost the Spiritual victory! If you lose this victory you lose everything! Saul worshiped the wrong way! He tried to do the Priest’s job! Do not try to worship without the Priest! Jesus is our High Priest but we also have an earthly Priest! Jesus had an earthly Priest and his name was John the Baptist! He prepared the way for Jesus! Your earthly Pastor or Priest prepares the way for you to meet Jesus! Through Jesus you worship the Father! Please do not let your earthly Priest live on locust and wild honey! Your tithe supports your Pastor! You honor your High Priest by honoring your earthly Priest! Give your tithe do not be a fake worshiper! Judas stole the tithe! Saul was in great danger surrounded by the Philistine armies! Samuel was separated from him so he offered the sacrifice for worship! Caiaphas the High Priest of Jerusalem felt threatened by Jesus so he unknowingly offered the true sacrifice for the redemption of man! God Himself! The earthly Priest arranged for the redemption of man! Why we worship and how we worship and who we worship is very important! We worship God alone but understand God became man to establish His Kingdom here on earth! God uses men and women to build His Church! He chooses earthly men and women to lead His Church towards Heaven on earth! Enlist in His Army and follow your leader here on earth! Find a Church this Sunday and worship Him! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Cast Your Vote! 1 Samuel 8:4

Samuel made his son’s judge over Israel when he was old. However his son’s took bribes and loved money more than God! Their judgments were perverted! The Jews got fed up and wanted a King! They were going to take their chances with a political leader rather than a Priest! So they got Saul! As elections loom over America we try our best to find someone better than the last guy! Every four years our hopes are dashed! Surely the next guy will be better? Hope and change? No thank you! I would remind our voters there is only one Prophet, Priest and King! His name is Jesus Christ! He has been running for election for 2000 years! There is only one who is both God and man! He is not a democrat, republican or dictator! He rules in love! He sacrificed Himself for you! Usually politicians sacrifice you for their gain! He went voluntarily to the Cross for you! He is returning to redeem this lost world! A vote for Christ will frame your eternity! A vote for the world will separate you from Christ for all eternity! Your eternity can begin today with Christ! The choice is yours! James and Hamsa Sasse.

To Know or be Known? Genesis 3:5

Which is it? What drives people to want to be known? Social media and technology is reaping billions of dollars off this trait of human nature! Facebook, this book, that book and every kind of platform to become known! What drives people to want to become famous? The foundation of what we do is more important that what we do! I have to examine my motives everyday! Does God want to be known? Does Satan want to be known? My best friends were not people who were driven by fame and fortune but just wanted to be my friend! Do you know how rare these people are? Like finding a needle in the haystack! We face the same challenges in ministry! If you want to know your Pastor in a large congregation you can forget it! If the Pastor wants to be known by the world but not to know you he will not take time with you! Jesus had 12 disciples and He was God! One betrayed Him! Effective ministry requires one on one! Is there a connection between knowing and wanting to be known? Why do people want to become President? To know or to be known? I cannot read motives but if you think they are running to personally know you could you be crazy? Why do I do a web site? Why do I do a Blog? God wants to be known! Believe me He does not need social media to find you! God wants to save us! Satan wants to destroy us! Satan wants to be unknown while destroying us! He wants to hide his motives through deception while destroying us! Hitler hid his motives by proclaiming he was a Christian to the German people. The Islamist claim they know God yet destroy each other and others! We live in a world where there is tension between good and evil! We all understand evil but do we understand the God who loves us and knows us better than ourselves? To understand there is one who loves us and yet completely knows our evil but has sacrificed Himself to deliver us from evil! Redemption is an overwhelming experience! To know His love and experience His love establishes a desire and commitment to live for Him and live for others! If you really want to know Him you will understand yourself better because He created you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wood and Gold! Deuteronomy 10:1-5

God’s rewriting of His law was a demonstration that no man could fulfill and keep the law! Sin built the golden calf! The two tablets of the law were placed in the Ark of the Covenant waiting for the one who could keep the law! The Ark of the Covenant was made of wood (humanity) and was covered with gold (Deity). Only Jesus was fully man and fully God could keep the law and be the perfect sacrifice to satisfy God’s Justice and Judgment! You cannot have gold without wood! When mining for gold you have to have thick wooden timbers to support the mine shaft. Without God becoming humanity (wood) you could never have Deity (gold) dwelling in these earthen vessels! The Cross members of wood supporting humanity dwelling in God delivers us from a lawless life! The Ark of the Covenant shows us that man’s best efforts cannot save us! Only God’s plan and effort will deliver us from our own attempts to reach and dwell with God! We did not go to Him He came to us! In the Book of Revelation it describes the Golden Altar before the Thrown of God! The Ark of the Covenant on earth represents what is already in Heaven! When you accept Christ God’s plan in Heaven becomes a reality in your life here on earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.