Love Made Perfect! 1 John 4:17

“Herein is our love [made perfect], that we my have boldness in the day of [judgment] : because he is, so are we in this world.” Commentary: “Made perfect” in the Greek again means to finish or complete the work of Christ enabling him and qualifying him to discharge his duties as judge of all men! Did you know you are an enabler! You by your choice enable Christ to either convict you or forgive you of your sin! “Judgment” means to pass a sentence on all men separating them from heaven or hell depending on their decision about the judge! Judgment is a double edged sword because it produces two very different outcomes! God’s judgment through his Son will either save you or condemn you! Judgment is done by law! The penalty of death for our sin! As a Christian I can only have confidence on judgment day after my death because I have accepted the death of Jesus on the Cross for my sin! He took my judgment of death upon himself! He was sinless yet took my place on the gallows for my sin! The Father (sorry Nancy), has rendered all judgment unto the Son! Both the living and the dead! I would never want to fall into the hands of an angry God! But to reject Christ does just that! God’s anger was appeased by the sacrifice of his Son on the Cross for our sin! Now we as forgiven can forgive others! Do you want to take your future and eternity into your own hands? Jesus hands were nailed to a Cross for you! Are you a forgiven angel or a devil unforgiven? All depends on what you do with Christ! Reject him or accept him? Your choice! To reject the love of God establishes an eternity separated from him! Jesus on the Cross said not my will but thy will be done! He chose death for you in your place! He arose from the dead for you! Jesus will one day raise you from the dead! To either everlasting life or everlasting punishment! The only way you could reject his love is to believe the lie that he is not what he says he is! Then after that rejection look at the evidence of the truth of what you have become! Love made perfect was sacrificially given to you on a Cross! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Wood and Gold! Deuteronomy 10:1-5

God’s rewriting of His law was a demonstration that no man could fulfill and keep the law! Sin built the golden calf! The two tablets of the law were placed in the Ark of the Covenant waiting for the one who could keep the law! The Ark of the Covenant was made of wood (humanity) and was covered with gold (Deity). Only Jesus was fully man and fully God could keep the law and be the perfect sacrifice to satisfy God’s Justice and Judgment! You cannot have gold without wood! When mining for gold you have to have thick wooden timbers to support the mine shaft. Without God becoming humanity (wood) you could never have Deity (gold) dwelling in these earthen vessels! The Cross members of wood supporting humanity dwelling in God delivers us from a lawless life! The Ark of the Covenant shows us that man’s best efforts cannot save us! Only God’s plan and effort will deliver us from our own attempts to reach and dwell with God! We did not go to Him He came to us! In the Book of Revelation it describes the Golden Altar before the Thrown of God! The Ark of the Covenant on earth represents what is already in Heaven! When you accept Christ God’s plan in Heaven becomes a reality in your life here on earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.