Much of the preaching today is what I call “Gospel Lite.” It is a reduced calorie Gospel just like Bud Lite beer! You are deprived of nutrients! A cheap substitute! All of our cultural wars going on in America are never discussed? Scripture warnings to gays, lesbians, transsexuals and abortionist are ignored! Sometimes I think our pulpits here in America are located on the moon! Nothing about Islam? Now school children here in America are chanting Praise to Allah! You only lose a war because you will not fight! While Christian’s are being tortured and beheaded in the Middle East much of the church here in America has the mute button on? It is a very strange time for us in history? Remember the Gospel applies to everyone not just church people! It either applies to all or to no one! Preach the Gospel like the whole world is in front of you and also those in Heaven and those in Hell! We have a great cloud of witnesses! The fire and brimstone in our churches is now a flickering candle! In the Book of Romans Paul speaks of the responsibility of the State to punish evil doers. This is the primary responsibility of the federal, state and local governments. Not to punish the good but to punish the evil! We are to pay tribute or taxes to help restore and maintain law and order! We are to remind our government leaders of their obligation to keep the peace! Even though Paul was a supporter and loyal Roman citizen he was still executed by the state! He never preached the overthrow of the government but the support of it! He just could not worship Caesar as God! We may have to pay the same price as Paul to pass the Gospel on to the next generation! When we preach the Gospel we should not fear anything but the truth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: paul
The Pope on Sex!
Men and women will retain their sex in Heaven! Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) Comment: This may make some people happy and others sad? Jesus made it clear there is no marriage in Heaven except His Church to Christ! Can you have marriage without sex? Many couples have proven this can be done! Sex is more than a physical act! It is an identity! It is God given and is retained with us forever! Jesus was a man in Heaven before He was incarnated to earth as a man and He will return to earth again as a man! The world and Satan tries to pervert sex and oppose God’s plan for our lives and our sexual identity. Gay;s, lesbian’s and cross dressers all try to pervert the sexual identity God has given them! However gay’s are still men and lesbian’s are still women! It is the perversion will not allow them to produce children and this lifestyle would result in the earth’s population to go to zero, thus destroying civilization which is Satan’s plan! God’s plan was and is to save civilization by sending His only Son the God/man Jesus Christ into the world and to establish marriage between a man and a woman. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Why Believe?
The Apostle Paul told us five things we must remember if we are to be sincere followers of Jesus Christ. We follow Him out of conviction not out of convenience! First Jesus has always existed! He is the only sure foundation! All else will fail and pass away! Jesus will never leave you or forsake you! He was and is and is to come! Second Jesus is fully God! He took on our humanity but kept His Divinity! Fully God and fully man! Why are our prayers answered? His death was full payment for our sin and we are no longer separated from God! Third through Jesus all things were created! All things were created for Jesus! He exists for you! Invite Jesus into your life! Invite Him into your marriage, your work, your plans and your future! No future without Jesus! Jesus created marriage! He knows how to hold it together! When a couple has Jesus on the thrown of their lives and marriage great things happen! Jesus created all human life! Fourth the Holy Spirit will give you the power you need to continue in His purpose! Everyday is a new day! All things become new! The Holy Spirit has changed the game! You can win now! Jesus said no man comes to the Father but by me! Fifth you need to decide today to believe! Is He your Lord? Is Christ your Lord or someone or something else? Are you on your own throne? Christ left a perfect Heaven to suffer for you! His Kingdom will have no end! Do you want to be a part of forever? C. S. Lewis said that Christ is either a lunatic, liar or He is Lord! How many bad choices before you choose Christ? How much suffering do you want trying to make it own your own? Nobody has ever succeeded trying! Victory or failure depends on who you have on the thrown of your life! Self or Christ? I cannot choose for you but I can say when I chose Christ things began and continue to get better in my life! Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
The Gifts of God!
Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one must not misuse it! Pope John Paul II
Christian Scapegoats! Leviticus 16:18
A scapegoat refers to someone who is unfairly blamed by others for their problems! Leviticus 16:18 “And Aron shall place lots upon the two he goats: One for the Lord and the other for absolute removal.” The second goat was sent into the wilderness carrying the people’s sin’s! The two goats were chosen by lot. Why? Casting lots was used to render a decision not based on human choice but letting God decide the matter. Either outcome was not good for the goats! If I were a goat I might say, “heads I win tails you lose!” Remember Judas replacement was done by lot! The Roman soldiers cast lots for Jesus clothes at the Cross. One goat was offered as a blood sacrifice for the sin of the people and the other to be the scapegoat sent into the wilderness. Jesus really represented both goats! He was the blood sacrifice for our sin and wandered in the wilderness carrying our burdens! Since Jesus is in Heaven today the only way the world can get Him is to persecute His followers! According to the Koran the final solution is to kill all the Christians and Jews! Secular America sees the Christians as getting in the way of their agenda! Wickedness cannot prevail with Christians in the way! Christians today are fleeing for their lives in many parts of the world! Persecution is rising in America also! Remember the persecuted Church is the strongest Church! We will be more dependent on Christ as troubles rise! Remember the hope that lives in you is the only hope for the world! Paul was the greatest persecutor of the Church! Yet he became the greatest promoter of the Church! People have the greatest potential for good or evil depending on who lives inside them! Continue to take the Good News into a world filled with very bad news! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Pray For Our Leaders 1Timothy2:2 2Peter2:17
Did Paul and Peter pray for their leaders? I assume they did yet they were executed by Caesar! Some of their best works were written from prison! The authorities did not like to keep Martin Luther King Jr. in jail too long because he was working on his next speech! During the civil war Pastor’s and their congregations north of the Mason-Dixon line were praying for the north to win while Pastor’s and congregations south of the line were praying for the south to win! They were both praying for their leaders! A famous German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed by Hitler but I assume he prayed for Hitler. Some of our famous reformation leaders were burned at the stake by their King! I assume they prayed for them! Jesus called his political leader Herod a fox but prayed for him! He called the religious rulers of his day a generation of vipers but prayed for them! Do we pray for ISIS leaders? What would be your prayers to those who were about to behead you! Father forgive them for they know not what they do! Different from prayers of the west? Father give me a big house, big auto, big money and fame and fortune! Jesus taught us how to pray! I love this prayer because it is not a political prayer! I personally have one leader or ruler and Savior and His name is Jesus Christ! I am loyal to one Kingdom and that is the Kingdom of God and His Christ! It is so funny I have a friend in Colorado Springs who was my military boss back in the 1970’s. We are both retired and meet once a month and tell old war stories! I told Kenny we were praying that our house would sell so we could move back to Georgia. Kenny told me he was praying that our house not sell and we stay in Colorado! I told Kenny you are my friend but not my prayer partner! Our prayers should be in agreement with God! We usually pray for an outcome. Do we always get it? God’s will is often different from our will! To deliver us from evil means not to partake in promoting evil! We pray for our leaders but also knowing it is vanity to trust in man! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Man’s Purpose!
Saint Paul would say to the Philosophers that God created man so that he would seek the Divine, try to attain the Divine. That is why all pre-Christian philosophy is Theological at its summit! Hans Urs Von Balthasar (1905-1988)
The Strength of Great Wisdom! 1Cor. 1:20-25
Verse 25– “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” What is Paul talking about here? He is talking about the Cross! This is God’s genius plan! Christ! Born of a virgin? Sinless? Dies on a cruel Cross as a common criminal? Rose from the grave? Conquered death and hell? Seated at the right hand of His Father right now? If you could figure this out it would not be of God! Only the revelation of God through His Holy Spirit can reveal this to you! Spiritual discernment is required not man’s wisdom! Pilot told Jesus I will determine whether you live or die! Jesus told Pilot I lay down my life! Using man’s wisdom you will decide to enslave others! That is what all our wars have been about over history! Using God’s wisdom you will serve others! When you make decisions love people through the Cross! The world’s way is to use power to dominate them! God’s way is to serve men! I traveled down to Central America last week. I know enough Spanish just to get by! The people there encouraged me there to stay there for some time and learn their language! It would probably take me about two years! Why do we hear these messages over and over again every Sunday? Why do we take communion every week? Is it we have nothing else to do? We need to learn the language of God! We need to learn His language! If you are in love with God read His Bible! Study, pray and do the things that please Him! Live righteously! Hate sin! Love God! Love people! Serve others sacrificially! Praise Him! Serve Him! As we come forward for communion this morning let us receive His language of love! Excerpt from message by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. His entire message may be viewed by going to web site;
Christ Promotes Beheaded Christians! Revelation 20:4
John the Baptist was beheaded along with James the Son of Zebedee and the Apostle Paul. How many Christians have been beheaded since Christ in history? It is in the millions! The Koran allows Muslims to behead unbelievers! We do not have the exact number of Christians beheaded in Iraq and Syria this past year but it estimated in the thousands! This includes women and children! We have millions of Christians who have left these area’s with just the clothes on their backs! Christ promises that during His millennial reign this special group of people will reign with Him during this one thousand year period! If John the Baptist is the least in the Kingdom of God we know that Jesus does not give away promotions! I am not saying you should have a Martyr complex but let God take you to the pinnacle of His will and purpose for your life wherever that leads! Remember our primary goal is to live with Christ forever! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Warning to Gays and Lesbians! Romans 1:24, 26, 27, 32
Dear Pastor Brady Boyd, Paul in verse 32 says that those who do those things are worthy of death! Verse 31 says without natural affection which to me would mean a man attracted to a woman. It is interesting in verse 24, God gave them up to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. We often look at God delivering us from sin but it looks like here God is keeping us from sin! God is not just the medicine to treat the sin but He delivers us from the disease of sin! You mentioned Sunday that some gays have an attraction for each other but never perform the physical act! Jesus said that if I look on a woman with lust it is the same as committing the physical act!. It says in verse 18 of Romans, chapter one, that ungodly men attempt to restrain the truth through unrighteousness! The sin of gays and lesbians appears to be against creation itself! Greed is a sin no doubt but I have a problem lumping them together for Paul did not say greed was worthy of death! We appreciate our questions being addressed by you and presenting your answers on Sunday! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.