Eclipse & Hurricanes! Isaiah 5: 26, 30

Verse 26; “And he will lift up and ensign or a hurt, strike, defeat or conqueror to the gentile nations from afar, and hiss at them from the end of the earth; and behold they shall come with speed swiftly.” Verse 30: “And in this day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea, and if one looks unto the land, behold darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened in the Heavens.” Comment: So what is this judgment all about? A nation rejecting God and His Christ! So if God would not spare the Jews who are we? What troubles me most about recent events in America is I see no call for National repentance especially from the pulpits of America? People here including spiritual leaders are viewing these events as a natural occurrence outside of God? Even as the Jews were marching towards Babylon they still did not connect their captivity with their actions? It took 70 years for them to repent and return back to Israel from captivity! Who will be the nation from afar to attack us? North Korean the proxy for China, Russia and Iran? We do not have to worry about it just repent from our sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.

By Faith!

For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not use intelligence, mathematics or maps! Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Comment: If not for the fact that he preceded Plymouth Rock by over 100 years and 300 years prior to our first 4th of July celebration I would have assumed Christopher was born in Washington D.C,! There were no maps of the new world and he bumped into North America on his way to the Indies! If you read some of his journals of his voyages he was an evangelist and God had him on a journey to find a land and nation that would support and protect the Jews and promote the Gospel around the world! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Holy Month Final Score! 2017

The month of Ramadan is finally over so what is the score card for Islam’s Holiest month? Terrorist Attacks: 174. Kills: 1545. It could have been a Holy month for some of the victims who have gone to Heaven! Islam can only threaten Christians with Heaven! The world events we see everyday are prophetic according to our Bible! The False Prophet or one world religious ruler who co-reigns with the Anti-Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period will be a Muslim! Remember we have the Rapture of the Church just prior to the Tribulation period! So if the Christians are raptured who will be the new targets of the one world regime? They will be the new Christians and Jews who get saved during this period! Running neck and neck with the promotion of Islam is the promotion of gays! Remember the Anti-Christ will be a Jew and a homosexual! Our Bible says he will have no natural affection for women! How can the Jews and the gays and the Muslims have a marriage together to run the world for 7years? Jesus is a Jew and His rival is a Jew! The Quran verse against gays cited by Mohammad was taken from our Bible! The Quran was written when our Bible had been around for about 700 years! What Mohammad did was insert some Biblical scriptures between his ranting revelations and that is why the Quran contradicts itself! The verse he borrowed is about Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember what Paul said in Romans 9:29 ? “And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma and been made like Gomorrah.” Islam and the gay Sodomy system will eventually merge as one! They are already merging! Same sex intercourse is already legalized in 20 Muslim majority countries! They are; Albania, Azerbajan, Bahrain, Bosnia, Herzogovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Tunisia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgzstan, Mali, Niger, Tajikistan, Turkey, West Bank (Palestine), Indonesia (Except Acehan and South Sumatra), and Northern Cyprus. Many of these countries have now legalized same sex marriage! So now do you understand why a Colorado baker who will not bake a cake for gay marriage gets death threats everyday? Do you see why most Pastors are mute never to talk about how the Bible opposes homosexual lifestyles? The lack of resistance by the Church will help accelerate these end time events! I believe the Islamists will be the military arm of the one world government to enforce violence against those that support Biblical values! If there is one thing you do not want to miss it is the Rapture! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Two Destinies! Genesis 3:1

“Now the hissing creature was more cunning and crafty than any of the created beings in the field God the creator, ruler and judge had made.” Comment: Remember the Jews again murmured against God in Numbers 21:9. The serpent called God a liar! Moses constructed a brass serpent upon a pole for the people to look at after they were bitten by the fiery serpent in judgment by God! Why? God had instructed Moses to do this to save the people! Remember the brass serpent is an image and not the fiery serpent! We were created in the image of God but we are not God! There are religions today such as Islam that make themselves God and decide who should live and who should die! Remember Lucifer was at one time Heaven’s choir leader and highly ranked in Heaven! He is a created being and rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven down to the earth! His image on a brass pole represented his position and condition before his fall. He was pure and Holy at one time! His pure condition represented by the brass serpent delivered the Jews from same fallen serpent! Any Savior has to be greater than those saved! We cannot be like God unless we are restored to the previous estate of no sin! Jesus has made this possible for us! The wars on planet earth are between the Image of God and the Image of Satan! We have to chose the right side of this war! Adam and Eve had to chose between two tree’s! Today there are still two tree’s in the midst of the garden! One tree looks good to the eyes and the fruit is pleasant but is deceptive and leads to death! The other tree has life in it and healing for the nations and mercy but does not appeal to the carnal nature! Christ was hung on a pole or Cross and took your place in His death and resurrection! He took your punishment for your sin and rebellion! Your image is restored and now you live in the Image of God as first intended at creation! You now live as if you had never sinned! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Olivet Discourse! Matthew 24:3-14

Jesus disciple’s just before His passion asked Him an important question? What will be the signs of your second coming and the end of the world? I will never forget the man I saw walking in Times Square carrying a sign that said the world is coming to an end! When I got laid off and the steel plant closed back in the 1970’s I thought the world was coming to an end! When Lockheed laid me off with 15000 other people at the plant back in the 1980’s I thought my world was coming to an end! When I got medically separated from the military back in the 1990’s I thought my world was coming to an end! Actually the word “end” in the Greek means the end of an age and the beginning of a new age! Jesus second coming will be the beginning of a new age called the millennium! Jesus said the first sign of the end of the age will be many false Christ’s shall rise up! I will never forget while in India back in the 1980’s of a famous Pastor/Evangelist there who one day in front of thousands of people told them that he was the Christ? His book sales dropped like a rock! Then Jesus talked about wars! Declared and undeclared! Insurrections and seditions! Every generation has not been spared war! However Jesus said do not be troubled with wars for the end is not yet! Then there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places! Jesus said all these things are the beginning of sorrows! Tell me more! The word sorrow here means like a woman with the pains of child birth! Then Jesus goes on to say that they will deliver you up and kill you and be hated of the nations for my name! Is it any wonder some believers will head for the exits? Since the rise of Islam thousands of Jews and Christians have been slaughtered! Remember that the end of the age will be concluded with the 7 year tribulation period! The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will run the world for 7 years! Destruction like never seen before on earth will come then! The one world political leader and the one world religious leader will co-rule! The Church has been raptured at this point! The Anti-Christ will rule from Jerusalem and the False Prophet from Rome! A Jew and a Muslim will share power! The Anti-Christ will also be gay! He will have no natural affection for women! Now you understand the gay agenda! Now you understand the push for globalism and the war on Nationalism! No borders? Globalism! Sanctuary cities? Globalism! EU? Globalism! UN? Globalism! Democratic party? Globalism! War on cops? Globalism! No voter ID? Globalism! Trump won on Nationalism and how long can the USA fight the globalists? The British left the EU? Nationalism! During the tribulation period many will come to Christ including many Jews! Jesus went on to say iniquity or lawlessness will grow! Record number of policemen killed in America over past two years! Some believers will grow cold! Care and compassion will cool off! Hearts will be frozen in their own self-interest! Jesus said if we endure to the end we will be saved! Shall be saved means the immediate deliverance to Salvation through Christ! Endure means to sustain a load of miseries, adversities, persecutions, provocations with faith and patience! So what event concludes the end of this age and the beginning of the new age? Jesus said the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; then shall the end come! Did you ever notice that some people who are not interested in Christ’s return including some in the church are not interested in Evangelism of the lost? Some make claims to His name but never invest time and money to reach the lost? No tithes or offerings? Will attend church only if convenient? They will jump around to church after church careful not to leave evidence they are in love with the world! If you want Jesus to return soon then go to work in His harvest fields! The seeds are time and money! Cheap grace is to receive the benefits of the Kingdom and yet invest nothing to seed the fields for a harvest? Plant a harvest not a drought! If you are not really interested in Jesus second coming then you will continue in your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Barbarian Barabbas!

Except for Jesus everyone is a barbarian! You cannot make yourself Holy but Jesus can! Crucify Him was also your cry from your mother’s womb! You and I sent Jesus to the Cross! Religion crucified Jesus and religion today persecutes Jews and Christians! Repentant sinners have come to recognize there is no power within men to change their wicked ways only Christ has the power with love to change the heart! Atheists and world religions have one objective! That is to frame an ideology where men do not have to change their moral behavior! If you believe there is no God then you do not have to change your behavior! You have no one to answer to! If you kill and murder in the name of religion you try to use God to justify your sin! Christ has come to save you from yourself and others! Like Barabbas you should have gone to the gallows but were set free as Christ paid your penalty! Christ without sin took your sin on the Cross! The passion took away and covered your sin in His blood! Compassion means to suffer with! Christ took on the suffering of the world! Only God could do this for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Last Supper 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 (Greek Translation)

Verse 24; “And when Jesus had prayed over the meal and broke and divided the bread He said, “Take eat; this is my human body which is broken for you, this do in remembrance, in recollection, in repetition, to know again and recall of me.” Verse 25; “After the same manner Jesus took the cup after the evening meal and said, “This cup is new which is not impaired by time or use and is a divisor will in my atoning blood and as often as you drink it come to know me again.” Comment: Why do we take Communion? The Lord has instituted it according to His Word! Human nature tends to forget! When we honor someone it is usually in memory of the past. However the Hebrews or the Jews have a very different perception of the word remembrance! The Jews look at the word remembrance as his presence is still with us! At the Seder meal the Jews have an empty chair seated for Elijah! Jesus is with us today! I will never leave you nor forsake you! Remember Jesus has set the Communion Table before you as an invited quest! Your sin required the Table be set! You did not pay anything for the Table or the meal. You were invited even though you were unworthy! Jesus is personally sharing a meal with you! He is present with you! Why would you turn down a meal you did not pay for and did not deserve and made no sacrifice for? This meal purchased your freedom from sin, death and Hell yet you will not partake? His broken body and shed blood remind us that the Cross was very costly to God and His Son for the redemption of your spirit, soul and body! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Covenant! Genesis 17:8

We often separate the Old and New Covenant in our Theology! However the word Covenant is the same word used in both the Old and New Testament! There is only one word used in the Greek for Covenant in the New Testament! So the only thing that separates them is time! It is the passage of time that proves the Covenant! The passage of times confirms the Covenant to the Jews, Israel and to the Gentiles! Four thousand years later from Abraham we have the nation of Israel. The word Constitution is another word for Covenant! Our U.S. Constitution is a Biblical document! Remember a Covenant is conditional. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved! Whosoever believeth in me shall not perish but have everlasting life! Here are some words that describe Covenant: determination, stipulation, league, treaty, alliance, constitution and a sacrifice! It was sealed by passing between the divided parts of a sacrifice! It is a divisor will, to put apart! Jesus will one day separate the sheep from the goats! We see in Genesis 15:18 that God promised much more land to the Jews than Canaan. However the Covenant is conditional and the Jews broke the Covenant! Captivity was their lot when they did this! A Covenant is a contract accompanied by signs, a sacrifice and a solemn oath which sealed the relationship with promises of Blessings for obedience and cursing’s for disobedience! Jesus was obedient even to death on a Cross! The Jews rejected human sacrifice! That is what the Heathen did! Therefore their Messiah could not be human! This is the challenge Jesus met in 1st Century Palestine! They were puzzled? How could Jesus do miracles that only God could do yet He appeared human? They understood God created humans yet their sacrifice could not be human! Their concept of God was He would come down as a knight in shining armor riding a white horse and destroy the Roman government! What they were really envisioning was Jesus second coming! What Jesus was trying to tell them is that He was God! A human telling them He was God was blasphemous to them! The Jews could not put all this together in their minds? God created human beings who sinned against Him and then He sacrificed Himself for them? This defied their understanding so they Crucified Him! They executed the sacrifice! What was missing was Faith! By Faith Abraham believed God! Counted as righteousness! Without Faith it is impossible to please God! We know He loves us! We will never know everything about God because then we could control Him! Could you imagine what the Judas Iscariot’s of this world would do with that! A jet aircraft flies through the air at hundreds of miles per hour! It does not think about it’s designer but simply does what it is designed to do! We are designed to worship God! When we do that in Faith we are fulfilled and find purpose in Him! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Easter Truth! John 5:28-29

These are the words of Jesus spoken from the Book of John! This is not my opinion! These words spoken by Jesus here are also confirmed by other scriptures including the Old Testament! The truth spoken here by Jesus here says that all will be raised from the dead! The believers and unbelievers! I believe this truth is forgotten in most Easter Messages! We forget the Bible applies to everyone whether you believe it or not! The righteous raised to everlasting life and the unrighteous raised to judgment and the second death or lake of fire! This truth makes the Salvation message even more important! Most of the 21 Century preaching today is a soft petal message of Jesus! Jesus was a lamb at His first coming but will be a lion at His second coming! How does a culture try to deny the truth about what Jesus said in this scripture in John? If you try to deny the grave then you could avoid any resurrection! Right? Three ways those at war with God in American culture do this! First they deny the existence of God! Atheism which includes Darwinism and evolution and the junk science that tries to validate it! Second the grave is denied through abortion! To abort a baby in the womb and cut it to pieces and sell the body parts is to deny this soul’s existence! No grave no resurrection! Abortion is also about money! Money is the root of all evil! Sadly millions of dollars of our tax money is used to do these atrocities on millions of children! Cremation is also a denial of the soul and the grave! Cremation is promoted as a method to save money? Save it for abortion! If you have no body you have no grave! War itself is a denial of the human soul and the sanctity of life! Islam claims it is their duty to kill Christian’s and Jews? Cut their heads off and separate the body and deny the grave! They also claim it is their job to eradicate a whole race of people in Israel? Hitler echoed the same words! He used cremation on 6 million! Rather than try to deny life and the grave would it not be better that your eternity is predicated on what you do with Jesus Christ! When the train blows the whistle and you are not on board it will be too late! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Psychology of Religion!

David Wood has an upcoming video on YouTube that will explore the psychology of Mohammad and why he included elements of Christianity and Judaism in his proclaimed visions of God! Then why did he command his followers to kill Christians and Jews? When David completes this study i will post a summary on our blog. I want to give you an example of the psychology of religion! When the Muslims invaded North India centuries ago they slaughtered millions of Hindus! In order to survive the Hindus adopted elements of Islam in their religion! Today that new religion Sikhism has both elements of Hinduism and Islam! Dinesh D’Souza has discovered something interesting while debating atheists in universities across America! He has found atheists are not really atheists but are mad at God! So they will psychologically create an alternative view and teach this to their students in colleges and universities across America to get a following and get even with God! Lenin was also mad at God! So was Darwin and his evolutionary push back! These are fascinating studies and i consider David Wood an expert on Islam from his years of intensive study on this religion. James and Hamsa Sasse.