God entered the world through His Son Jesus Christ not to end the world but to save the world!
Tag: jesus
Purpose! Psalm 1
Virtues without faith are leaves, flourishing in appearance, but unproductive. How many pagans have mercy and sobriety but no fruit, because they do not attain their purpose! The leaves speedily fall at the wind’s breath. Some Jews exhibit purity of life and much diligence and love of study, but bear no fruit and live like leaves. Saint Abrose of Milan ( 340-397 A.D.) Comment: Remember what Jesus did to the tree that produced no fruit? Jesus being a Jew cautioned the religious Jews that their efforts produced no fruit outside of me! After coming to Christ fruit began to grow in my life! Fruit from deep roots in Christ! True purpose can only be found in the one outside of yourself! When He moves inside of you a harvest comes in your life you could never achieve by yourself! I find many people would rather trust themselves than the God who gave them life! The sooner you abandon self-worship the sooner you find God’s purpose for your life! There is nothing more fulfilling than this! It has eternal consequences here on earth and in heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Sharing Your Faith in Military!
As a young man I found this a very challenging endeavor! For conformity sake the military has a method of challenging anyone who stands out different from the group! This is taught from basic training on throughout your career! Anyone who does not socially conform is singled out and made an example! The purpose is to bring uniformity in a combat unit! So if you are the only guy carrying a Bible around in your hand you could be a target! So your faith is tested by the group! I always tried to do my job well not to disgrace my Lord! There are also rewards for staying true to your faith! Forty years later many have come and gone, retired or died but I still have my faith in Christ! I want to prepare you for the words coming here for they do not use King James English in the military! In fact you will learn some new words in the military! Your vocabulary will grow but not in a nice way! Harold was your typical G.I. who was rough in character and got into a few fights down at the base club! A heavy drinker he used some words that were unkind! So the military unit sent Harold on me as their attack dog! Harold said, “Sasse I don’t believe that virgin birth crap in your Bible! Why would God pull down his pants and rape Mary so he could have a son named Jesus? I would never serve a God who sexually molested women!” Harold you were born not because God had sex with your mother but because your father or another man had sex with your mother! Whoever had sex with your mother I wish they would have not done so! Harold which came first the chicken or the egg? Who gives a F——-! Harold as hard as it is to believe God created you! God created everyone! Our first parents Adam and Eve were created beings! That is God was the first cause for everything we see here on earth! Harold I hear you use Jesus name a lot around here! Jesus Christ was not a created being! He pre-existed creation! Jesus has always and forever will exist! Jesus is part of the Trinity! The Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity and is the active agent on the earth until Jesus returns to earth at His second coming to earth! In order for God to redeem His children from sin His Son had to be incarnated into human flesh in the earth! The Holy Spirit conceived Jesus who already existed in Heaven into Mary to give us the Savior on earth! God had to become flesh! God did not have physical sex with Mary! That is a myth Harold! Jesus birth was as miraculous as His resurrection from the dead! God will never violate our will! Mary invited God to perform this miracle! Jesus will only come to those who invite Him into their lives! He will never force Himself on anyone! Does that make sense to you Harold? Maybe? Harold you and I are both sinners and need a Savior! Harold would you like to make Jesus your Savior? What you have been taught about God is a lie! Read your Bible if you want to know the truth about God! He loves you Harold and proved it on the Cross! He died for your sin! He arose from the dead to give you a new life! Born again! If you accept Him He will change your life today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Lent Season 2 Corinthians 5:17
Greek Translation; “Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new quality never before accomplished and a fully restored man that God has created. Old things are passed away and all things have become new.” Comment: What things are passed away? Our sin has passed away! It passed away on a Cross over two thousand years ago! Sin died on the Cross with Jesus! It was nailed on a Cross never to rise again! Sin is defeated forever! Man was raised from the dead without sin! A new creature uninfected by sin! Born again! A restoration that has nothing to do with men but everything to do with God! The only sacrifice that is perfect and everlasting! Man’s efforts have failed but God’s work won the day! A victory that is not seasonal with every new game but eternal! No rivals! It is not a victory that is waiting for the next war but has defeated all foes past and future! A trophy that will not rust with time but the timeless redemption of all ages! Heaven and earth will pass away but not our Christ! He will create a new Heaven and a new earth to go along with your new life! Awaken to your new reality that had been hidden in time! Do you want to trade in your old model for the new model or do you want to hang unto death? Do you want to exchange your sin for righteousness before God? Righteousness that He purchased for you! Do you want to be wrong with men and right with God? Free at last! You cannot have it both ways! Heaven or Hell not Heaven and Hell. As we enter into the Lent season think on these thoughts! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Guns Are Not The Problem!
Really? I was raised on a farm in Nebraska 50 years ago where weapons were owned by every farmer to protect their livestock from coyotes wolves and other predators! I learned to shoot a weapon and hunt when I was 10 years old! After moving to Colorado in the 1960’s I purchased my first rifle for hunting when I was 16 years old! Then we never had any school shootings! None across the United States! I remember one student got expelled from school for a week from smoking a cigar on school grounds! So 50 years ago millions of weapons were available to residents of America just as they are today! So something else has changed? Policemen were not murdered everyday on the streets of America like today? Remember policemen are armed with weapons and they are still murdered everyday on the streets of America trying to enforce the law! So what has changed? Something internally has changed in the American culture? I believe there a many reasons! The breakdown of the American family is a big one! No father in the home to guide the children! A casting off of religious values removing the 10 Commandments from our schools and removing prayer out of our schools! The effort to sanitize our culture from any symbols of God in the market place! If God is taken out of our schools then the vacuum is filled with guns! As our nation abandons Christian values anarchy fills the void! If policemen cannot defend themselves carrying weapons who are you? The changes that have to be made have nothing to do with guns! They have everything to do with returning America to the Christian God Jesus Christ and if this is done then America will truly be great again! James and Hamsa Sasse. Godwhoisgod.com
Yearning for Salvation? Job 7:21
Hebrew Translation:” And why has thy not taken away my predetermined rebellion and revolt and passed over or crossed over my criminal acts.” Comment: After Job had lost everything except his life this was his last question to God! Remember Job was a righteous man and hated evil! God had prospered Job with much wealth and a good family and good health! Then Satan that old serpent came along and challenged God to test Job for he told God Job will curse you if you pull all his blessings away! The challenge was on! After Job lost all his wealth and family only one question was left in Job’s mind? God why have you not forgiven my sin? Job lived during the Patriarchs probably around 600 B.C. It would be hundreds of years before Christ would be incarnated into the human race! Job was pleading for the Savior! Job believed all his trouble had everything to do with his sin! He had done everything right before God yet still had great troubles in his life? However the source of his trouble was Satan! So we face the same foe today! However Satan was defeated at the Cross of Calvary! If you do not recognize your enemy he will destroy you! If you do not arm yourself with the Blood of Christ there is none who can stand against him! The trouble in America today is the teaching of evolution to our children with the atheist foundation and they have no defense against Satan and he is shredding our culture to pieces! If you deny God you will also deny Satan! This is the most deadly decision you can make in life! Some people blame God and not Satan for their troubles! One day when you lose all your health and wealth you will ask the same question Job did! Our success sometimes can keep us from asking the most important question in life! But why wait until you are at the end of yourself? God’s reply to Job and to you and me is His Son Jesus Christ! Job needed a Savior and so do you! Do not wait until it is too late! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Giving to Ministries
I cannot tell you where to give or how much to give! That is between you and God! Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive! I am not soliciting to give to this ministry or any other ministry! I got a call from Joel Osteen Ministries today Sunday. They wanted a $35 dollar donation. I suggested to the caller that he should make a disclaimer to all donors that our tithe first belongs to the local church! He agreed yet I asked him why he did not tell me this? Then I asked him if he worked for Joel Osteen Ministries? He told me he was a private contractor collecting money for the ministry. I told him I thought Joel was a good preacher but does not enter into the cultural warfare breaking down America! I mentioned that Joel lives in a 10.5 million dollar mansion! He owns another house worth 2.9 million and another lot worth 1.9 million! The caller told me we cannot judge him! I told the caller I am not judging anyone but these are just facts about Joel’s lifestyle! His lifestyle does not fit the Jesus I know in my Bible? I told the caller I appreciate him giving up his 200 thousand annual dollar salary back in 2007 from the church. However his net worth is 40 million dollars! He sells his books but most of the money is gained by Christian’s buying his books! This is money from believer’s in the Church! Could this money have been more productive by church member’s investing in their local church? Also the 501c tax exemption allows the escape of tax money to the treasury department and that short fall has to be made up by the American tax payer! The caller told me I need to move on! Here is the point I am trying to make! Jesus said to render unto God what is His and to Caesar what is his! The tithe is automatic going to your local church! The offering is optional! To give to any ministry I need to see sacrifice from the leadership! If God speaks to you to give to Joel Osteen Ministries do it! Joel’s father is the one who really sacrificed to build the foundation for Joel! The same can be said of Franklin Graham. He gets 880 thousand dollars per year annual salary! Billy Graham’s net worth is 25 million dollars! I have to see examples of sacrifice for me to invest in any ministry! We need to put our money where our mouth is! These ministries do great things but the love of money is still the root of all evil! I would suggest that all ministries tithe their incomes to other ministries and support for the poor, widow’s and orphans! My prayer is those who read this will get a conviction in their heart’s including myself to be wise with our resources and invest into those who mirror Jesus Christ the most! Will 35 dollars break me? No! I wanted to make a point to our caller! God Bless your ministry! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Worship! Job 1:10-12
Job is one of the most fascinating Books in the Bible! In these passages of scripture God and Satan are having a conversation about Job! Satan is reminding God that He has blessed Job and the work of his hands with wealth! Satan told God that if you take the wealth away Job will curse you and he will be just like me! So God granted Satan power over Job’s wealth and Job lost money and family! My Bible also says God gives us power to get wealth! Satan can only take it away if God gives Satan authority over your wealth! Remember in the Temptation Satan offered Jesus all the Kingdoms of this world if He would just bow down and worship him! We see in verse 20 that after Job lost everything he rent his clothes bowed down to the earth and worshipped God! Worship can never depend on how much we have or do not have! Wealth can drive us away from God just as easily as poverty! A true heart of worship has nothing to do with our circumstances! Jesus on the Cross was the greatest test of this truth! True worship is understanding the sacrifice God has made for us and to sacrifice for other’s as He has done for us! Our final destination is being in Heaven with our Christ forever! All our decisions need to be based on this fact! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil. Trust God and not money because money will perish and you with it if it is your God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Pride & Shame Proverbs 11:2
Hebrew translation: “When pride with it’s haughtiness, arrogance, rebelliousness, presumptive will taking authority from God in disobedience then shame comes: but with the lowly is wisdom in knowledge, intelligence, insight and judgment from God as your source.” Comment: The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom! My Bible also says the fool says in his heart there is no God! The belief spectrum ranges from there is no God to there are millions of gods! Pride will always be the first cause of sin! Whether in the Garden of Eden or today in the 21st century pride is the root cause of evil. Remember Jesus humbled Himself even to death on the Cross! The international problems of today are the family problems of today! Pride is simply you making yourself God! You trust in yourself rather than God! How many billions of people get up every morning trying to outsource God? Trying to rob God of His sovereignty? Many say if I were God I would do things this way? But you are not God and neither am I. Let God do His job and you do your job! I learned this in the military! If every member does his or her job and does not try to do someone else’s job victory comes in battle! God owns the whole universe of heaven and earth! We belong to Him! One of God’s job’s was to fix our pride and sin! He made a way through His Son Jesus Christ! Accept His pardon and live for Him! Prayer is the best way to let God do His job! We pray and do our job and leave the results to God! This is living by faith! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
John Lennon Promotes Hell!
Here are the words of this despicable song! Imagine there’s no heaven. It is easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people . living for today. Comment: No heaven or hell? John is blaming God for the evil in the world! Remember the Bible says we were created in the Image of God! So John is saying if God did not exist everything would be alright! Such a mockery! The responsibility of evil in the world has nothing to do with God! It is his creation that wars against him is the result of sin! Living for today? No responsibility required? No rewards for good and no punishment for evil? His mockery of God is unequaled! He goes on in the second stanza and says imagine there are no countries? No religion too? As though peace would ensue if these were absent? Heaven is full of people from every country and so is hell! John is talking about the one world government to be established with the Anti-Christ rule for 7 years before Christ’s second coming! In the next stanza John is trying to recruit you to his hell on earth! Imagine no possessions? No need for greed and hunger? Brotherhood of man? Sharing all the world? John is promoting socialism and the communism which was responsible for the killing of millions of people! In the last stanza he again trying to recruit you to join him! Then the world will be one? John was really trying to tell us that it were not for God the world would live in perfect peace? The truth is there is a battle between good and evil because there is a Ruler for Heaven and a Ruler for Hell that are competing for your soul! To deny either is suicide! To chose Satan over Christ is to spend an eternity separated from God in Hell. Heaven, earth and hell is a reality show and to deny any of it is living in a John Lennon Imaginary world not connected to any reality! Imagine there is a Heaven and a Hell and where you end up has everything to do with what you do with Jesus Christ! The imagination that counts is God’s Imagination not mine or yours! If you want to know the mind and imagination of God read your Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com