Why a High Wall in Heaven? Revelation 21:12,14,17,18,19,27.

Commentary: There are 12 gates attached to the walls in the New Heaven and the New earth! Why? These are controlled entry points screening people for what? The Democrats say we do not need borders for our nation yet they themselves have high walls surrounding their million dollar mansions? They will just let illegals pour into your neighborhood with diseases, poverty and crime by the millions? A wall is good for them but not for you? Life must have boundaries! Sin is going past the boundaries God has established for our safety! Did you know our lips are boundaries in regards to what we say! Do you praise God with your lips? Verse 27 explains the reason for the walls and the gates! “And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” You can only get into heaven the legal way! No illegal immigrants in heaven! You must come by the blood of the Lamb! Jesus fulfills the law by taking your penalty of death upon himself at the Cross! You are pardoned and a legal citizen of heaven! A gate on a wall is a controlled entry point! Twelve gates on the walls of the new heaven and the new earth! They become one as intended in the Garden of Eden! When I get to heaven will I have it made? You can rebel against God in heaven just like Lucifer did! We like the angels are created beings with a free will and choices! How do you get your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life! Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior! How do you get your name blotted out of the Lamb’s Book of Life! Reject Jesus whether on earth or in heaven! These gates are check points where your name is reviewed in the Book of Life to be sure your entry is authorized as a worshiper of Christ and no rebellion has entered into your life against Christ! I wish once saved always saved were true theology but you look at the whole Bible we are saved by grace yet we can reject his grace yet the Holy Spirit keeps us safe from the same mistake Lucifer made! Christ in relationship to you establishes us and prevents the betrayal of him as done by Judas and lucifer who became Satan! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Rich Young Ruler! Matthew 19:16-30

You would think by hearing the prosperity message of the 21st Century from American pulpits that this guy would have the most coveted position on earth! Many spend their entire life pursuing these goals! The rich young ruler wanted to be sure he had all his ducks in a row and right with God! So he asked Jesus a question that we should all ask Him! What shall I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus said he should keep the Commandments to love God and people! He told Jesus he had done all these things since his youth! Jesus said you just lack one thing if you want to be perfect! The word perfect used here means reaching one’s goal of Heaven being blameless and righteous before God! Jesus told him he must sell all he has, give to the poor and follow me! This was just too much for this guy and he walked away sorrowful. Jesus only asked him to give up something he loved more than God! Jesus went on to say it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven! The sin was not being rich but loving money more than God! Jesus is telling all of us that we cannot go on a sin diet! We have to forsake it all. The last words that Jesus said somehow echo in my ears! Follow Me! Follow Me! If we hang unto a little sin it will turn into a monster! This is what happened to the Las Vegas shooter! Bill Gates is giving all his money away! The money no longer controls him! This is an important lesson when it comes to our tithes and offerings! It is a statement to God that He owns it all and we are acknowledging His authority! Sin will control us unless we forsake it! When you love God more than your sin and confess your sin to Christ victory is your estate! Jesus is God because only God can forgive sin! The rich young ruler refused to confess his sin! The joy of the Lord is our strength! If we will confess our sin He is Faithful and Just to forgive our sin! Then the bondages and chains of guilt, shame and condemnation are cut loose from our soul. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Should We Build The Wall? Revelation 21:12-19

There are about 190 scriptures in your Bible about walls! This should be enough Theology to help you make up your mind! Nehemiah was a great wall builder! Did you know that Heaven has walls and gates? Really? I thought God was a Democrat? Read Revelation 21:12-19. When did illegal immigration start in Heaven? There is no illegal immigration in Heaven! If your Visa is stamped with the Blood of Jesus God will let you through one of those twelve gates and you will become a legal immigrant! Lucifer and 1/3 of Heaven emigrated out of Heaven! Rebellion in the ranks! Lucifer became Satan and these immigrants flooded the earth by the millions! They will eventually immigrate to Hell but they will try to take as many of us with them as possible! The Blood of Jesus will secure you from this plight! Nothing else will secure you! Nothing! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse  GodWhoisGod.com

What Did Jesus Say About Following Him? Matthew 7:13-14

Jesus had a radical message! You can only enter in at the narrow way, narrow passage or narrow gate to follow me. A narrow gate would only be about the width of your shoulders. You cannot carry any baggage with you when you go through it. Following Jesus through the narrow gate requires focus with no distractions in the way. The broad road or gate leads to destruction. Jesus does and did not go this path. It is a dead end road. Few people choose the narrow gate. American culture is more Christ resistant than anytime in our history. To follow Christ today is more costly than in previous generations. We are considered radicals by our culture and ridiculed. We are considered on the outer fringes like space cadets. Did you ever notice the on-line surveys always give you a way out. You are never committed to a yes or no answer. Kind of like politics today. Christ gave His disciples no third choice. It was either Heaven or Hell. The same holds true for us today! Yes or no? Easy or difficult. Matthew 5:1-2. Jesus real audience was more than the crowds it was His disciples. They had already made up their minds to follow Him but their trust level was low. It takes time to figure out if you can trust someone. Jesus told them the Kingdom of God is right now! It was not yesterday or tomarrow. Living right now is Monday through Saturday working, school and difficult schedules. Jesus said let Heaven break into your boring day to day world. Jerusalem has 12 gates. The wide gate is the most used gate. Examples today are convenience stores, shopping malls, fast food, ect. We like the best paved roads with the fewest traffic lights. They even have drive through churches today. Just hear a message on the internet or television. Why go to church? Studies have found that women like to shop on the internet after 9:00PM. Why? Convenient! We like to choose the easy way over the difficult. Going through the wide gate we can take along as much baggage as we want. No constraints, no sacrifices, easy choices, no boundaries, no commitment applies to all who travel the wide gate. Taking this path leads to ruin. Jesus took a narrow path from The Judgment Hall to Calvary. It was also a steep climb carrying your Cross! He took your unforgiveness, hurt, pain and all your sin. Jesus was a teacher of virtue. Creativity exits between boundaries. Whether it be inventions, music, poetry, sciences, discoveries or even the work of a humble farmer. All great work is done within constraints and boundaries. Jesus had to be sinless to fix your sin. Because of the discipline of constraints and boundaries we have very few great people. People do not like boundaries. Live together why get married? Why study? Why work? Get on welfare. Pregnant? Get an abortion. Vote for the political party that offers you no constraints or boundaries. Revelation 7:9. Heaven is not sparsely populated but has a great multitude. Salvation belongs to our God! It is a free gift like a Christmas gift under a tree and is easy to find. Jesus is easy to find but very difficult to follow. Weddings are exciting but then the couples have to learn to live together. Marriage goes from easy to difficult. The wide gate is to get a divorce or just live together unmarried. To remain in covenant is a miracle from God and requires His Grace. To stay married is hard work and a challenge. Getting pregnant is easy but raising children is hard work. The family under the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman is God’s only plan and design for relationships and for the security of future generations. Worship even requires constraints and boundaries. All people will make one of the following four choices in their life. 1. Secularism- autonomy, it’s my life, live for yourself, no boundaries, no restraints. Not Jesus way. No! 2. Moralism- Follow the rules and get the life I deserve. Entitlement. Steeped in religion that says it is all about me. I deserve to be rich and famous because I am a moral person. 3. Religion- I owe my life to God. Obligation. Things better go right with me because I am serving God! Bad exchange. Problems come! Death and disease comes to all! 4. Grace- Jesus says your life for my life! Wonderful exchange! Great Exchange! My nothingless for His everything. Give God your life and He gives His life back to you! Stop living for yourself. It is a dead end. Let Christ come in. Welcome the Holy Spirit! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. What needs constraint in your life? Do you eat food for comfort? Do you have a drug or sex addiction? Do you feed your senses to no avail. Let Christ increase and you decrease. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and He will add to your life that will help you to victory. Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday September 1, 2013.

Hindu Temple

The year was 1987. We were nearing the completion of our 3 year commission to India by the Korean Church. We needed to sell our vehicle in preparation for returning to the United States. The way you sell things in India is just put the word out amoung the local villagers! News travels fast in these remote areas. A young man named Benny told me this Hindu Priest was wanting to purchase my vehicle and if I would come up to the Temple he would pay me. Local Pastor’s in India warned me never to accept invitations to Hindu Temples! So I refused many invites by these Hindu Priests. So I told Benny no! Benny told me this is different. He only wants to buy your vehicle. It is simply buisness. So I decided to go. So Benny got in my vehicle with me and we made the steep pull up the mountain into the remote tribal area. As we approached the front entrance of this big Hindu Temple I could smell the sweet fragrance of incense sticks burning in the Temple. We were greeted at the front entrance by two beautiful young girls! They could have even been teen agers. One girl went to my left side and the other to my right side. They put one hand into my hand and the other on my forearm and escorted me into the Temple. I felt like the chosen King on prom night back in high school! With their collective beauty,perfumes and incense burning in the Temple I began to feel sedated! I began to feel sorry for the folks back home in America! Then the thought hit me. Where is Benny? As I was escoted deeper into this Temple some things began to trouble me? The doors into the rooms and halls had iron gates on them much like a jail cell? There seemed to be alot of girls in this Temple? Some not modestly dressed? Then I walked by this European looking guy sitting on the floor with his head shaved! This young man was like staring into space. His eyes were glassy and his soul looked empty? I glanced into one room as I walked by and there were these 3 iron stakes anchored into the cement with leather straps tied on them? I asked one of my escorts where we were going? I cannot completely descibe the foreboding feelings I had at this time? The girls told me they were taking me to the guest room where the Hindu Priest will give me the money for the vehicle. Even though I wanted to pull away and get out of there I was like mesmerized by the spiritual atmosphere there! It was like something was taking control of me? Much like the cobra spitting his venom into the air in a room to disable his victims! The girls finally took me into this room and asked me to sit down in the chair. The girls pulled the curtain over the door and left the room. This room only had one chair in the middle of the room and I was sitting on it? No pictures on the walls and only one door to exit the room. No windows either? I began to have more concerns! I got up out of my chair moved the curtain back but the iron gate was locked behind the curtain! No time to panic but I did begin to sweat! I went back to my chair. Where was Benny? Suddenly two different girls came from behind the curtain! They were as pretty and young as the first two but were not modestly dressed? They wore short grass skirts with their tops adequately displayed chanting and dancing around me in my chair? They had ankle chains on their legs with bells attached so when they danced the bells would jingle! They had tambourines they were beating. My natural defences began to further abate. My thoughts were now who cares where Benny is! As the girls would dance, chant and sway their bodies around me with the beat to the music they began to make eye contact with me. They would fix their eyes on my eyes and then shift their eyes rapidly left to right and then right to left. I began to feel dizzy! This went on for about 10 or 15 minutes. I really lost track of time? I was now moving into a deeper hypnotic state! Then the girls abruptly left the room! I wanted to get out but now unable to even get out of my chair? I was like unable to respond to my natural senses? I would later learn the European looking guy was made a eunuch in the Temple along with some other fellows there. Now there was an ominous quiet period while I was waiting for the next act! Suddenly these huge drums began to beat? Then I began to hear this male voice chanting in the distance. This voice began to get louder as this man got closer to me! I could also hear a tambourine beating. Suddenly this huge man broke through the door curtain! He must have weighed 300 pounds and looked like a sumo wrestler! He was bare chested with bright colors were painted all over him! He like the girls were dancing,chanting, banging his tambourine and trying to focus his eyes on mine. He had a full beard and long hair. He looked like a bat out of hell! The girls softened me up and this guy was going to take me down! Then about a dozen girls entered the room and joined the high priest in their chants and dances! Yes the choir was now in place! His cheer leaders! Then behind the girls stood Benny! Betrayal at its best! I cried out to Jesus and called on His Blood to break this demonic spell! Suddenly this spirit of control over me was broken! Yes in the twinkling of an eye satan’s spell over me was broken! The priest with his harem stopped and left the room! I got up out of my chair left the room and temple and drove my vehicle back to Yercaud. I sold my vehicle in Madras and we left India for the United States! These Hindu Priests make prostitutes out of the women and eunuches out of the men! Stay out of the Hindu Temples! James Sasse. GodWgoisGod.com

What is the church?

A very controversial question with many,many answers—— You know the text in Matthew 16 when Peter made his confession and Christ promised, I will build my church—– I decided that the church was whatever Christ meant when he used the word “church” and the church is what Christ is doing in history.Whatever Christ meant when he said “church”, whatever he is building in the world, that is my definition of the church. Begging the question? I think not. According to his own testimony, Jesus entered history to do the Father’s will— an agreement they had arranged before the foundation of the world. He said, “I will build my church!” I believe it! The church is the body of Christ!The church is the bride of Christ. It is what he is building in the world. He said something else—fundamental to understanding the church as He meant it: ‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” In obedience to the Father’s will He is building something in history that is indestructible—the church! It is inconceivable that Jesus would refuse to do the Father’s will—and it is inconceivable that He could fail in what he is building! What humans build is temporal—vulnerable—perishable. That which Christ is building—whatever it is—is permanent and eternal. The Church is what Christ is building in the world. My desire is to be part of that. Matthew16:17-18 “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Source; Wisdom of the Church by Richard C. Halverson Published 1995.