Just as Jesus ascended into the clouds from earth to heaven so Jesus at his second coming will descend back to earth through the clouds from heaven! There are many instances of clouds in the Old Testament! The cloud over the Tabernacle! The cloud over Mount Sinai! These clouds represent the presence of God! These clouds at his second coming will not hide Jesus from the world but will show Jesus to the world where no one will have any doubts it is him! Remember the dark cloud over Calvary? The Father could not look on the terrible fate of his only Son on the Cross! Jesus cried why have you forsaken me? Many had forsaken Christ that day including his disciples! Have I ever forsaken Christ? Yes! The disciples repented and Jesus enlisted them again to continue his work here on earth! The most difficult day for those who have not repented of their sin is to witness Jesus second coming! It says in this scripture that they will wail! They will cry and mourn! Why could they not rejoice at his coming? Because they rejected Christ and he comes to the earth a second time not as Savior but as Judge! Those that pierced him will wail! We have all pierced him but then some have repented and let Jesus take our sin upon himself! So when he comes back will you be able to rejoice or will you wail? Which group will you be in? Remember wailing always begins with a mockery of Christ! A mockery on those that follow Christ! In pride you know more than God? You are bigger than God? Mockery of Christ and his followers is a sign of no repentance towards God! Of all the kindreds of the earth which group will you be in? While you still have the breath God has given you consider turning your mockery of Christ into Praise of Christ! There is only one King of Kings and only one Lord of Lords! Who is your King? Yourself? Mortal men? If you have chosen God his Christ your King then you mourning will be turned into dancing joy! Our choice is between one of two places in eternity! Heaven or Hell! It is all up to you! It is your choice! We can make a bad choice while on earth and still recover but to make this choice about eternity an error there is no room for repentance when you witness Jesus at his second coming! This time for repentance is right now! The opportunity will pass by you only once! Do not trash God and throw this opportunity away! Eternity is forever and this life is very short! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: followers
Disfigured for You! Isaiah 52:14
Hebrew Translation; “As many as were astonished at thee! We grew numb seeing your devastation! We were appalled and in despair as your appearance was ruined beyond recognition! We were left speechless! We could not comprehend what was done to you? Your appearance was marred more than any individual human being that has ever lived! Your form was deformed more than any descendent of Adam!” Comment: Jesus was taken to trial by the Mueller team with Clinton and Obama lawyers! Their effort was to make him illegitimate! He was illegally arrested, tried and convicted by a political sham! He was tortured, abused, mocked and not recognized when they got through with him! He was betrayed and abandoned by all the descendants of Adam! So today the same narrative carries on in the 21st Century! Only today Satan can only get to Jesus through his followers! Whether it be the Islamists beheading Christians or progressives trying to get political power to come after us the results are the same! Remember as the world persecutes us God prospers us! The world does not understand the peace, love and joy Christ gives his followers! The blessings are way beyond the temporal persecutions of today! Those that hate Christ have never experienced his love! Once you experience his love you will never hate him! He died and rose again for his enemies! For their sin! There are those who will try to persecute him again by persecuting his followers! This life is very short! Everything good God intended for you! Mock him for how long? Eternity is a long time without Christ! Change your history and future today by choosing Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
It has been my observation that those who support abortion from President Obama and his followers have all been born and not aborted! It would be nice for them to give others the same chance! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Angel of Peace?
The Pope recently called Palestinian leader Abbas an angel of peace? Which angel was the Pope talking about? Is it Michael, Gabriel or Lucifer? Last year Abbas praised the murder of a Rabbi saying the killer would go to Paradise as a martyr? This event and many others support scripture and my belief that the one world religious ruler or the false prophet that will rule from Rome will be a Muslim! The Anti-Christ who will simultaneously rule from Israel will be a Jew and a gay! How does a Jew hater and a Jew marry together and rule the earth? ISIS has two main objectives. Take down Saudi Arabia and take over Rome! They know Bible prophecy better than most Christians! The cut off of oil from Saudi Arabia to America will cause gasoline to go to $10.00 dollars per gallon and cause an economic collapse! The takeover of Rome by Islam will be even more catastrophic! Two billion Catholics will have to confess to Islam, fight or die? Notice the worldwide endorsement of gays! Is all this just another bump in the road or are we at the close of Bible prophecy? With Obama in office the bad guy’s are making their moves! Two more years with Obama will be enough time for these things to come to pass! So when is the rapture of His Church? Soon! Watch the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage soon to be decided! It will probably be a 5-4 decision! If gay’s win this decision Pastor’s across America will be forced to perform gay marriages and deny their Faith or refuse and go to jail! In these last days God is sorting out his true followers! I am thankful that my future is in Christ! How about you? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Discernment Versus Deception 1 John 4: 1-4
Some will talk about Jesus but want you to follow them! Heresy is about self-promotion! Is Jesus at the center of our worship? Right worship should lead us to follow Jesus and not a personality. Some people want you to follow them and use Jesus to accomplish this. Some want to gather followers around themselves rather than lead people to be followers of Jesus! I am not cynical and do not see a devil behind every bush but let the Holy Spirit give you discernment to see deception even in a religious place! Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Hear It and Practice It ! Matthew 7:24-27
Here Jesus gives the final benediction. Jesus demands and compels us to take the narrow gate, produce the right fruit and make the right choice! He required of us that we build on the right foundation. We are to examine ourselves and practice Holiness. Jesus repeats these requirements a second time because they are so important. Jesus was talking to believers not non-believers. The rain, wind and storms will come to us all. Good and bad days are ahead. The wise build on the rock and the foolish on the sand. If we build on the right foundation we will thrive through the storm. We have great days ahead! We can feel His Blessings! The disciples were passionate. They did great things! There were glorious days and there was also trouble. Eleven of His disciples were martyred! One was imprisoned on a remote island in a cave. John 16:33 — Peace and Tribulation? Jesus has come to give us peace. The world gives us trouble. Jesus has overcome the world! Stay strong and keep the Faith. Nothing shall shake you! The place of stability in Christ leaves no terror. The unstable world leaves us with fear. Love and fear are opposites. How do we practice words? We practice them by doing them. Action! Breath in His Holy Spirit. Get saturated with the Gospel! Breath out and go do His Word. Are you receiving but not giving? Gandhi said,” I like your Christ but not His followers! ” Christ’s followers cannot save Gandhi but Christ could! James 1:27– Pure religion is to take care of widows and orphans. Also keep your heart pure. Find some widows and orphans! Get busy. Do! Act! Along life’s path do His Word. Do you have a vision? That vision will deceive you if you are not doing His Word! A medical doctor is useless unless he is practicing his knowledge! Luke 8:15– There are four types of soil. The seed is the word. Good soil is a pure heart. Hear His word and do something about it. Hear it, retain it, talk about it and do it. Cares of the world will choke the word. Know the will of God and cooperate and do it. Good work does not earn our salvation. But the good works help to mature us. Put your hands and feet to His Word. The Bible is a living, breathing document. The Holy Spirit puts boots on the ground through you! Live out your revelation. Matthew 7:28– Jesus taught as one having authority. It is not about Plan A or Plan B. Make disciples teaching them to obey me! Christ will be with you always even to the end of the ages. Have a secure place and build on the right foundation. What are you building your life on? What and who is shaping and forming your life right now today? Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday, September 15, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Sinner’s Prayer!
Dear Jesus, Save me from your followers! Amen.