Burned at the Stake! 1415 A.D. Hebrews 11:35

Hebrews 11:35 (Greek Translation) “Women received their dead standing on their feet again and others were tortured not receiving kindness with joy and redemption from sinners that they might obtain a stronger more powerful resurrection.” Comment: Could an early resurrection from martyrdom be stronger than a later one from natural death? Absolutely! Why? Jesus resurrection was the most powerful one because it required the most forgiveness! All the inhabitants of earth from Adam and Eve until now and for all that will ever be born were forgiven by God for their sin! We all put Jesus on the Cross! The greater the resurrection the greater the forgiveness required! Here is a quote from John Hus the Czech Reformer who was burned at the stake in 1415. “O’ Lord Jesus Christ, into thy hands I deliver my soul, which thou has redeemed with thy blood. Father in Heaven, do not hold against them the sin which thy enemies commit against me, and let my eyes see them blissfully with thee, when their souls fly to thy throne after an easy death. Holy Spirit, enlighten their deceived hearts, so that the truth of the Holy Gospel may open their eyes and it’s praise be spread everywhere, forever and ever! Amen.

What is Hebrew Word for Red? Isaiah 1:18

Adam! Isaiah 1:18 Hebrew Translation “Come now, let us debate your case in court together! Your sin has condemned you! You have been rebuked and judged by me! Though your transgressions are as red as Adam’s sin, they shall be as white as snow! Though they be as red as crimson they shall be as white as a lamb!” Comment: Jesus blood was more red than a human’s blood! No sin! Jesus will either be your Savior or your judge! All judgment is rendered unto the Son! We are all on trial for murder! We all put Jesus on the Cross! Sin has condemned us! Guilt is a horrible estate! If we cannot live with ourselves we cannot live with others! For those who accept Jesus atoning blood as the sacrifice for their sin Judge Jesus has now become our Defense attorney representing us before the Father! The Father says we are condemned to death! When the judge and the defense attorney are the same person we get mercy! The Father says my blood and the blood of my Son is enough to pardon us! Satan is on the jury and tries to condemn us! Salvation is conditional in that repentance, confession of your sin to Jesus is the prerequisite for Salvation! God’s love is unconditional in the sense He died for all. If we try to hide our sin from others we are just hiding from other sinners just like us! Only God can forgive sins! That is why Jesus is called the God/Man! If we wait to confess our sin before the executioner Satan he will still execute us! He is the accuser of the brethren! When Satan comes to accuse you point him to the Cross! He will flee! At the final judgment those that reject Jesus, He will not execute! He simply turns them over to Satan! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Communion Service July 30,2017 Genesis 4:4

As we were preparing for Communion Service our Pastor Cope asked us to contemplate what this ordinance in our church meant to each of us? Pastor Cope presented many scriptures out of the Old and New Testaments! As these scriptures cut through my soul I asked myself where is recorded the first body and blood sacrifice in our Bible? From where did the first fountain of blood flow? Abel presented an excellent sacrifice according to the KJV. Some Bible translations say a better offering but to me a weak translation! A sacrifice to God means blood! An offering may not mean blood! Then Cain murdered Abel his brother and his body was broken and bled! Did Abel have more faith than Cain? No! Abel had faith in the right thing! The blood sacrifice of his lamb! Cain’s sacrifice was of the ground and did not remind God of His Son Jesus Christ sacrifice of his body and blood for our sin! We can have faith in the wrong things! Jesus said remember this my body and my blood! Every time we take Communion we are reminded of His love towards us! God had to become flesh for the flesh of men could only sin! Man’s blood continues to be shed in the earth through wars, violence and sin! All the wars in the history of men starting with Cain and Abel could never cure the sin problem! It was also violence that put Jesus on the Cross! Had I been Cain, Adam, Judas, Pilot, Herod or Caesar I would have done the same thing! Abel’s sacrificial lamb reminds me that Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for me on Calvary is the only lasting sacrifice for the sin of everyone who has lived on the earth or will ever live on the earth! Men that reject Christ’s blood always end up sacrificing the blood of mortal men in rebellion against God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Is Jesus God? Philippians 2:6-8

Jesus while He was here on earth positively laid claim to Deity is clear from the fact that the Jews reproached Him with two accusations: first. that He place God on par with Himself—and this they called blasphemy, secondly, that He made Himself God—and in this they thought they recognized the false prophet, although both idea’s merged together in John 10:30-39. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ being the Son of God did not and could not claim to be the Father but He did claim to be God! Even a human cannot claim to be his father but can claim to be a human being. A claim to the sameness of nature of personality in like manner is consistent and intelligible in the case of Divine Sonship of the Son of God but the sameness of personality would be contradictory! But there is a similarity of persons that it would be true that those who saw the Son have seen the Father! Also remember that the Trinity is one Spirit and character and not many personalities! Christ’s distinction had everything to do with His mission here on earth as Redeemer of mankind! Christ is not half man and half God! He is wholly man and wholly God! Jesus prayed because He is a man! God does not pray! God answers prayers through His Son Jesus Christ! If God were to pray who would He pray to? Himself? What is Jesus doing in Heaven right now? He is interceding for the Saints in prayer to the Father! Jesus still has a human nature in Heaven and so will we! We will not be floating on a cloud as a bodiless Spirit! You mean I get stuck with my ugly face for eternity? Do not jump over the cliff yet! Our human bodies are created by God! Male and female! Sin has marred us! God has a fix for our sin through Jesus where death no longer rules us! Your God given identity will not change! Jesus is a man in Heaven as He was on earth! Mary the mother of Jesus is still a female right now in Heaven! You will be much greater in Heaven because sin will no longer influence your decisions! You will live more like you are in Heaven while on earth because Jesus has redeemed you through His Blood! You will carry the same gender in Heaven and this is why gender reassignment is such a mockery to God and His creation! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Where is the Kingdom? Luke 17:20-21

The religious folks the Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom should come? I wish Jesus had said, “Da! You big idiots! I am God and I am with you right now!” However Jesus was polite not like me and told them the Kingdom of God does not come by observation! That is you cannot observe Him with your eyes! No man can look on God and live! Remember Fanny Crosby the Queen of Gospel Music? She was blind! Then Jesus dropped the bomb shell on them! He told them the Kingdom of God was within them! The religious folk over history have always presumed that since God lived outside of us we must worship Him outside of ourselves! Build monuments to Him! Statues and figures of wood and stone! Build Temples so the poor homeless guy has a place to dwell. Fill it with gold and silver! The bigger the Temple the more impressed God should be! Right? If we can just do enough works for Him! Jesus made things so simple yet missed by most? Who can worship God better than God living inside of you? He knows just how to do it! The songs that speak to us and the sermons that change us are powered by the God that lives inside of us! It is not about us but about Him! Sin is the only thing that keeps God out! Confess your sin to Him and let the Blood of Jesus cleanse you and then the door will be opened for Him to come and dwell in you! There is nothing greater than God living in you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Last Supper 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 (Greek Translation)

Verse 24; “And when Jesus had prayed over the meal and broke and divided the bread He said, “Take eat; this is my human body which is broken for you, this do in remembrance, in recollection, in repetition, to know again and recall of me.” Verse 25; “After the same manner Jesus took the cup after the evening meal and said, “This cup is new which is not impaired by time or use and is a divisor will in my atoning blood and as often as you drink it come to know me again.” Comment: Why do we take Communion? The Lord has instituted it according to His Word! Human nature tends to forget! When we honor someone it is usually in memory of the past. However the Hebrews or the Jews have a very different perception of the word remembrance! The Jews look at the word remembrance as his presence is still with us! At the Seder meal the Jews have an empty chair seated for Elijah! Jesus is with us today! I will never leave you nor forsake you! Remember Jesus has set the Communion Table before you as an invited quest! Your sin required the Table be set! You did not pay anything for the Table or the meal. You were invited even though you were unworthy! Jesus is personally sharing a meal with you! He is present with you! Why would you turn down a meal you did not pay for and did not deserve and made no sacrifice for? This meal purchased your freedom from sin, death and Hell yet you will not partake? His broken body and shed blood remind us that the Cross was very costly to God and His Son for the redemption of your spirit, soul and body! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Spirit or Flesh? John 11:25-26 (Greek Translation)

Verse 25; “Jesus said unto her I will cause his body to stand on his feet again from the grave! I am the principle of life and the spirit and the soul but not the flesh! He that will believe or give me credit though he were dead yet I will cause his spirit to dwell eternally with me!” Verse 26; “And whosoever dwells with me spiritually and eternally and believes or gives me credit shall never die on account of sin!” Comment: My first thought was how could I believe in Jesus if I were physically dead? Jesus is talking about a spiritual death! The second death! Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead spiritually and physically but Lazarus died again! Jesus is telling us that the spirit and the soul is eternal but not the mortal flesh! Yet it is the mortality of the flesh that controls most people! Remember Jesus said we must be born again! Translated from the Greek he said we must be conceived from above! That is an important reason why at His ascension He sent us the Holy Spirit! There are two things in life that can destroy you eternally! Sin and to trust your flesh! Jesus heals sick bodies but only with eternity in mind! He said go and sin no more! Your flesh is temporary but your spirit and soul will dwell somewhere eternally! Either with Christ or separated from Him! Have you ever heard a Christian say I have never sinned since coming to Christ? The big lie! Your sin past, present and future is covered by the blood of Christ! You are not Holy by your own efforts! All will be raised from the dead! No one will miss this whether righteous or unrighteous! When you appear at the Judgment Seat of Christ you if in Christ will be pardoned from judgment! You will miss the second eternal death! Are you giving Christ credit for your Salvation right now while on earth! Do you tell others or are you mute? Salvation is about what you do with Christ and what He does with you! This is what the Easter message is all about! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Offering and Worship! Genesis Chapter 22

Are they the same? God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac up for a burnt offering on Mount Moriah! Moriah means God will provide! The word offering here means to rise up or lift up! The word is usually associated with morning! Those who love me seek me early! It is used in a sense of going up. However the word is not used in the sense of intimacy! So what is a burnt offering? It is not your wife’s cooking! It means to ascend up like smoke! Remember an offering is something we do! Your tithes and offerings is something you do and God requires it of us! So what is worship? I am glad you asked! The word worship used in the Old Testament was first used in Genesis 22:2. The word means to bow down! Just the opposite of offering! It means to prostrate oneself! It means to fall upon your knees and touch your head to the ground! However after the Cross the New Testament concept of worship is different! We still bow down in prayer in submission! The Greek word used has a new dimension! Worship used here means to dwell together in union and completion! Now God takes possession of you! You are no longer your own! People are either God possessed or demon possessed! No middle ground here! Half and half is a milk product! Worship means to lean towards Him and be partial towards Him! No one will ever be able to talk you out of or persecute you out of partiality towards Him! This is the New Testament concept of worship! In the Old Testament it was always worship from afar! After the Cross now God has His dwelling place in us! The Holy smoke is inside of us! Since His son Jesus made the sacrifice for our sin the walls of partition are broken down! Worship is now an inside job! Greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world! He works His righteousness in you by dwelling in you! This is what born again is all about! Let us think about this as Easter approaches! Jesus early in the morning bowed down in the garden of Gethsemane and worshiped! Then He was lifted up on high on a Cross on Mount Calvary! Jesus died once so that you would only die once and escape the second death! Your Salvation includes many things! Freedom from guilt, death, hell and the resurrection to judgment! The resurrection to everlasting life and His power residing in you cannot be compared with anything this world has to offer! The promises the world makes to you will perish with the world! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! If you submit and let Jesus take control of your life nothing that preceded this new reality will ever compare! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

God Raises The Dead! 2 Kings 4:35

With Easter near our Pastor Oscar Cope wants us to examine the historical record in our Bible of instances of God raising the dead in the Old Testament. What you will find out studying the Old Testament that it is vogue for today! My Bible says  that God is the same yesterday, today and forever! Elisha’s predecessor Elijah is considered one of the greatest Prophets in our Bible! He was raptured and did not see death! He was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration! Elijah’s successor Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his anointing! How do we know it happened? Elisha raised two people from the dead and Elijah raised one person! Do you remember Jesus telling us that greater works would you do than me if you go in my name! Elijah prayed and laid on a dead corpse seven times! Elisha prayed and laid on a dead corpse three times! Twice the anointing takes half the time! Jesus was raised from the dead in three days! Seven represents the number of completion! Seven days in a week! We begin the new week on Sunday not Monday! We give the first day of the week Sunday as Christians to God in worship! We start the new week with Him! The first part of our income the tithe and the offerings is given on the first day of the week! This tells God that He owns the week! Any given day of the week is a gift from Him! I have been a Christian for 44 years now! I have asked the Lord about certain parts of the scriptures to give me revelation about some of the more difficult parts? I have asked the Lord why did these prophets stretch their bodies over these dead corpses? As our Pastor said Sunday today if you did this they would file so kind of a law suit against you for sexual abuse however if two men get married no problem? Sunday while in the services and hearing this message many times the Lord gave me the answer! If you want to hear from God be in His House! When you stretch your body out on another body you form a Cross! Jesus body was stretched out on a Cross! The Jews escaped the Egyptian plague by painting with lamb’s blood on the top and sides of the door posts forming a Cross! When the Jewish tribes camped around the Tabernacle in their wanderings their tribes were arranged in a cross formation! It is so sad to see America today where millions of dollars are spent in law suits trying to remove Crosses across our land? What fools we have become! Satan hates the Cross because it reminds him of his defeat over death and is our hope and sign of victory over death, hell and the grave! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Law and Order! 1 Chronicles 9:16

The word shewbread used here in this passage has more meaning than i have time to explain here! The word means to line up in order with two rows of six loaves each. Most of us get the numerology of twelve tribes and twelve disciples! The Hebrew word means to get in line or order to prepare for warfare and to be an expert in warfare! To be a defender of the Faith! Is the church in America in the 21st century ready for warfare? Do we have an organized army with real leaders or do we have a rag tag militia asleep not even recognizing we are at war? That is what happened on 9-11. Do we have a church with no rank, no order, no discipline, no mission, no vision and no passion? We war against principalities of darkness in high places! The table for the shewbread was made of acia wood which does not rot! The wood was covered in gold which represents purity! There was a purple cloth which covered the table and this represented royalty! Then the bread was laid on top of this cloth. Then a red scarlet cloth was laid over the bread which represents the sacrifice! Then a thin skin was laid over the scarlet cloth which represents humanity! Jesus was the royal seed of God who took on humanity and shed His blood as the final sacrifice for the living and the dead! Jesus said i am the bread of life! When you share the communion meal with God next time think on these things! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com