Job Knew! Do You? Job 19:25

“For i know the redeemer of my kinsman is living and He shall stand at the last day on earth.” A redeemer is one who will pay a ransom to free you from death! A day is coming when God will vindicate Himself of all of life’s suffering! Not only was His promise fulfilled in Job in the restoration of all that he had lost but has given us all the same promise for the present and the future for those that put their trust in Him! Jesus birth, death and resurrection and His second coming is fulfilling this Old Testament Prophecy made through Job about 3800 years ago! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Peace and War! Genesis 3:15

The coming of the woman’s seed was Jesus birth! On the Cross Jesus body was bruised and broken! At Jesus second coming Satan’s head shall be bruised and broken! The seed of the woman brought forth a Savior! Since then Satan has declared a war on women through religious systems that persecute women and political systems that promote abortion and same sex marriage! Satan attempts to destroy lives through through religious and political systems that oppose Christ! His plan is to destroy future seed that might come to Christ! Satan also has a war on believers in Christ! He also has a war on Jews for Salvation has come through the Jews! Satan’s offspring is at constant war with Christ’s offspring! God has declared war on evil but His plan also includes His only Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice made to deliver us from evil. Our judgment for sin was taken on Jesus at the Cross! Christ made peace with God for us in that our judgment was taken by Christ at Calvary! Even the most intelligent human could never devise such a plan! God is awesome in that He has punished the wicked one Satan author of evil forever and yet spared his victims with Salvation and eternal life with God! Amazing Grace! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Signs of Jesus Second Coming! Matthew 24:9-10

Verse 9 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” A report yesterday said 90 thousand Christian’s were killed in 2016! These numbers are beginning to equal or exceed the early church persecutions! Is Jesus screening out the fakes before His return? That is those still standing? In the next verse 10 as a consequence many shall leave the Faith! Today in America i can skip Sunday services and cheat on my tithes and no one will know except God! However if i have to choose Christ or my life this is a very different test! Most will serve Christ if the benefits are good such as an income tax deduction and a favorable view from friends and family. What Jesus said would come before His second coming is here and also coming to America! We need to make up our minds today what we would do when this comes so we can be prepared! Like today you will either confess or deny Jesus! If we practice today to confess Him then it will be much harder to deny Him in the future! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Last Battle on Earth? Revelation 16:14

If we are serious about looking for Jesus second coming then we have to look at the Prophesies in the Old and New Testaments of our Bible! According to statistics man has known one year of peace for every thirteen years of war! However, since the end of WWII (1945), the number of wars has increased dramatically! The World Atlas concludes that the world has not known a single day since WWII without some nation waging a conflict some place on earth! Remember Jesus told us there would be wars and rumors of wars before His second coming! So what and where will the last war be waged on earth? The Battle of Armageddon! Who will be Commander and Chief against the armies of Satan? Jesus Christ! At this time all human government will end! Jesus is not a democrat or a republican! Jesus will not destroy mankind but save it! This last battle will take place in Israel. So keep an eye on Israel as the armies of the world surround her! Your Bible is front page news! Read it! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus Second Coming! Matthew 24:36

Be careful about naming dates! I want to list the dates in our church history that were set by some respected people in the Body of Christ! I will list the dates and some names behind these dates you may recognize? Here are the A.D. dates: 500, 793, 1000, 1260, 1370, 1504, 1524, 1526, 1533, 1673, 1694, 1700, 1757, 1795, 1814, 1829, 1836 (John Wesley), 1840, 1844, 1847, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1874, 1901, 1914 (Jehovah Witnesses, 1915, 1917-1930, 1935, 1930-1939, 1943, 1972, 1975 (Herbert Armstrong), 1982 (Benjamin Creme), 1988 (Edgar Whisenant, Harold Camp), 1994-2009 (Jerry Falwell), 2000 (Ed Dobson, Timothy Dwight IV, Edgar Cayce, Isaac Newton, James Harnuston), 2011 (Harold Camping, Ronald Weinland), 2012 (Jack Van Impe), 2015 (Mark Blitz), We would all like Jesus to return during our lifetime! Do not let desire get the best of you! We have to stay with the scriptures for a balanced Faith! At one time the Apostle Peter with emotion cut a guy’s ear off! Passion is important but must be balanced with the Word of God! To know the scriptures is our best offence and defense! The scriptures declare Jesus is coming back again but the date even He does not know but in the Father’s plan! We cannot be greater than God! Jesus did give us some signs of his second coming! We will look at these in our Blog posts for 2017. James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Lawless One! 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Have you noticed over the past 8 years that lawlessness has increased in America? If have not then your head is stuck in the sand somewhere? Remember Obama proclaimed America is not a Christian nation? What does all this mean? Just as the wise men were looking for Christ’s first coming so we as wise men are looking for His second coming! One of the signs of Christ’s return according to Paul is the promotion of lawlessness! I want to translate this verse three from the Greek back to the English. “Do not be moved out from the (truth) and be cheated! The day shall come towards you when defection from the (truth) and wicked men who error from the (truth) who is also an illegitimate son in whose destruction shall come through corruption.” Did you notice the word truth appearing throughout this verse? What or who is the truth? Jesus Christ is the truth! So as in America or any other culture when truth or Jesus Christ is suppressed then lawlessness increases! In fact they are inversely proportional to each other! As one decreases the other increases! As one increases the other decreases! The bad news brings the good news! So the signs of Christ’s second coming presented to us by our Bible are all around us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Good Success? Joshua 1:8

To start off the new year we need to know what good success is? The word means to be prudent! To act in wisdom, insight and devotion! When you add circumspect with intelligence you find good success! T.D. Jakes once said if you have good success then it is possible to have bad success! What would be bad success? Living your life out of the purpose and will of God! Remember good success is conditional! The scriptures must not depart out of your mouth! You must meditate on the scriptures day and night! Follow the scriptures by living them out in your life! Trust Jesus and not the world! Also remember that God is still giving you the success! Happy New Year! James and Hamsa Sasse.