New World Order? Daniel 8:25

From the Tower of Babel to the United Nations man has made many efforts to form a one world government with the deceptive promise of peace! Here is a quote from the Book of Daniel about the Anti-Christ the future ruler of the one world government: “He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed but not by human power.” Here is another quote by C.S. Lewis: “It does not matter how you rearrange the rotten eggs you still get a bad omelette!” The Millennium will feature Jesus Christ ruling as a one world leader in perfect peace because He is the Prince of Peace! Pastor David Jeremiah

Infinite Versus Finite! Isaiah 46:10

“Declaring and bringing forward the end or future rewards from the beginning or first with regard to order, rank and time; from the ancient times or front of place that are not yet done, saying, my counsel or wisdom and advice shall stand and I will accomplish my delightful pleasure with affection.” Comment: The word end used here in Hebrew means future rewards! Like the resurrection from the dead! The word beginning in the Hebrew also has a fascinating meaning! It means first in order, rank and time! This same Hebrew word is the first word used in the Bible recorded in Genesis 1:1. In the beginning God created…… God expressed His character here in creation! The words ancient times means the position of the front of a place that is not yet done! Then God said my counsel, wisdom and advice will be accomplished with affection! Remember what Jesus said? I am the first and the last! The Alpha and the Omega! Jesus said He was before the beginning! Jesus always was and always will be! He is eternal. Remember in the beginning was the Word? He was before creation! What was His pleasure with affection! The birth of His Son Jesus Christ into the earth! What was God’s affection! To redeem His creation from sin! Whether you recognize it or not your future is in God’s hands! He placed His hands on a Cross for you! Could you not fold your hands in prayer to Him? Why not begin with Him and end with Him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Obama’s Assassination on Law and Order!

Another cop murdered yesterday in Texas! He made a routine traffic stop and was murdered by a gunman in another vehicle! Obama started his war on cops and it continues! My suggestion to police forces across America is that you have to be dressed for the new job! Like Israel you need to dress in full combat gear when you go out on the job! We have a Muslim in the White House and death and destruction follows them where ever they go! Full combat gear is the way Israel protects their civilian defense forces from the Islamist! Since Obama has come into office the job description has changed for law enforcement and the danger to your lives has increased! Our new president and our leaders must fund the equipment to protect our nation from the lawless! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Law and Order! 1 Chronicles 9:16

The word shewbread used here in this passage has more meaning than i have time to explain here! The word means to line up in order with two rows of six loaves each. Most of us get the numerology of twelve tribes and twelve disciples! The Hebrew word means to get in line or order to prepare for warfare and to be an expert in warfare! To be a defender of the Faith! Is the church in America in the 21st century ready for warfare? Do we have an organized army with real leaders or do we have a rag tag militia asleep not even recognizing we are at war? That is what happened on 9-11. Do we have a church with no rank, no order, no discipline, no mission, no vision and no passion? We war against principalities of darkness in high places! The table for the shewbread was made of acia wood which does not rot! The wood was covered in gold which represents purity! There was a purple cloth which covered the table and this represented royalty! Then the bread was laid on top of this cloth. Then a red scarlet cloth was laid over the bread which represents the sacrifice! Then a thin skin was laid over the scarlet cloth which represents humanity! Jesus was the royal seed of God who took on humanity and shed His blood as the final sacrifice for the living and the dead! Jesus said i am the bread of life! When you share the communion meal with God next time think on these things! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What is Going On?

Those who know our Bible need not be blind sided by current events! That is if you believe the Bible? Some choose to believe some of the Bible but not all of it? Remember the Jefferson Bible? After World War 1 & 2, America kept her identity! A Christian Nation that lead the world in prosperity and success over all nations! Blessed by God and a people who honored God by a majority who took their family to church every Sunday! The Jews were the leaders of our private business enterprise and Christians here understood their value to our nation! Gradually over time through many forces the American model of success has been eroded away by values that oppose the very foundation that made America great! Why? Why would we trash success? The removal of our identity like no borders, sexual miss-identity, Christian identity, secularism, and government dependence. If you lose your God given identity then you become a ward of the state! Then you will worship the government and the world will be coralled into a one world order! America and National identity is being demoted by our government funded public education system. You can take your children one hour a week to Sunday school but they will get 40 hours a week in the public school system that will oppose everything they learned in church! Who will win out? Don’t panic these are Biblical prophetic things that are coming to pass! Our redeemer Jesus is near! We know from the scriptures that the Anti-Christ will be the world political leader for a short 7 years during the tribulation period of history. He will rule from Jerusalem and be gay and a Jew! Just as our Christ is a Jew so the Anti-Christ. His False Prophet will be the religious ruler of the world and will reign in Rome! What is the fastest growing religion in the world? Islam! If you think you can stash your gold and money away and avoid this you are wrong! The world currencies will become worthless overnight! You can only buy or sell by taking the Mark of the Beast! Why is Donald Trump so trashed and Hillary adored? Donald represents the old order of private enterprise and personal success and opposes the one world coming world order! He believes in America and personal responsibility! Hillary while Secretary of State took millions of dollars in bribes from Nations that hate America! Hillary represents government dependency and control of everything! During the tribulation period it will cost you your life to receive Jesus Christ! Right now in America no but other parts of the world yes! Soon the same price will be paid here in America! Still better than Hell but the price will increase as time closes in Bible prophecy! What kind of eternity do you want to choose? With Christ or a Christless eternity separated from His love forever? The choice is yours! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Overthrow of America–Troubling Thoughts

“The young Obama was a garden variety Marxist-Lenist! He and Boss and his sophomore roommate Hasan Chandoo, believed that forces where creating an inevitable Communist revolution in the United States and that it was important to have a highly trained elite of educated leaders guide this revolution process and oversee it once the revolution takes place. Remember this was at the height of the cold war in 1980. Ronald Reagan had just been elected President and the USSR was still our mortal enemy!” Source: Dr. John C. Drew, classmate of Obama at Occidental College. Comment: This explains his actions to divide America and promote a class and race struggle for a revolution! This explains the anarchy in the streets and the assault on law enforcement! If he can break down social order and our law system he and we are not far off from a revolution! I believe Carl Marx would give him an “A” grade thus far! Remember he has enough time left to get the job done! Pray for America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

America’s Internal Breakup!

It is encouraging to see the African America Pastor’s in the Baltimore area and their congregations working together to restore order! I wish I could say the same for the political leadership? The conclusion from the Ferguson trouble was not enough minorities on the police force there! Baltimore has a minority police force so wrong conclusion there! Evil seems to be well represented across all racial lines! I feel like I am back in the 1960’s again! When I was back in high school then my prayer was the 1960’s would never return to America again! I since then thought we have moved past that! History does repeat itself! If we are looking for someone to blame who is it? Is it the African American business owners who now have their shops burned down? Is it the police officers who are in the hospital wondering who is going to take care of their families? Is it the elderly who do not have a care home facility now? America seems like the American Indian who is sawing up a wooden Indian for firewood to stay warm! We are at the tipping point now where we can no longer trust government because they are no longer interested in the welfare of it’s citizens but promote their own political agenda. The Church has to step up to the plate and hit a home run! If it strikes out our doom is sure! God Bless America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Abuse a Stranger Exodus 22:21

President Obama quoted this scripture to justify his actions to give millions of illegal immigrants legal status through executive order! Obama is changing our laws all by himself? If a stranger is breaking the laws of the United States whether citizen or illegal there are consequences! We have laws for rape, murder, robbery and other crimes but if we change the laws to accommodate these crimes we are no longer a nation of law! If our laws can be changed by one man we are no longer a democratic nation of constitutional law! Then we will become a lawless nation! Watch what God told Israel in the previous verse 20. Quote; “He that sacrifices unto any God, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed!” Most of the crimes committed against American citizens from 9-11 forward have been committed by strangers or foreigners! There is another scripture that says a law is just if it is used justly. Is enforcing our laws just? Is not enforcing our laws just as President Obama has done over and over again! The purpose of the executive branch of our government is to execute or enforce our laws! Obama has failed doing his job! Anarchy is at our door step! What if Obama writes an executive order tomarrow increasing his term limits from two terms to four terms? Think about it! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Last of America and The One World Government!

Biblical prophetic events are closing in fast! It is difficult for me to understand why Obama got re-elected? He has a record of 4 years of economic failure! Another 4 years with him will lead to a welfare state as poverty will grow across America. With welfare failures such as Cuba, Greece, former Soviet Union and others why would we follow their path? An economic collapse of America and a shaky Europe that would also fall will bring in a new world order or a One World Government! From our Bible we know this new world order will be lead by the Anti-Christ! Great destruction will come through his leadership! We also know the rapture of Christ’s Church will preclude this one world system. With the isolation of Israel by Obama Israel must stand alone as Bible prophecy predicts and God alone comes to her rescue through signs and wonders! These are trying times yet exciting times to live in for the Christian today! If I had a choice about what era of history I could live in I would choose today! We look forward to Christ as He rescues His people from the impending destructions that are here and coming over all the earth to those who have rejected Him! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless! James Sasse.

Ahmadinejad Wants New World Order!

Iranian President Mahmoud Ah—MAD—inejad said tuesday at the United Nations General Assembly that a new world order is needed to get away from American Bullying and domination! He went on to say that God willing, a new order will come together and will do away with everything that distances us! What he is really saying is we need a world without Christians and Jews! What he probably does not know is that he is being Biblically Prophetic in that we will have a new world order very soon! The other is when the rapture of His Church occurs about 1/3 of the earth’s population will be gone and it will appear that the mad man from Iran gets his way! If Ahmadinejad survives the 7 year tribulation period where 1/3 of the earth is destroyed then he will be very disappointed to see Christ and His Church coming back to take over the earth! If you want to be on the right side of Prophecy then accept Christ who is now seated on the right side of God who has power and authority over everything! Thankyou. James Sasse.