The Spin Stops Here!

We now have 3 replies to our question, “What language did God speak at Creation?” Before the Tower of Babel the world only spoke one language! When God divided the language did the original language continue? Were the other languages derived from the original language? Mr. Jackson from India says, “Whatever the language everyone understood it!” Good answer! Except maybe Eve? Did God say? Mr. Chu from China says, “Who cares?” Obviously Mr. Chu has higher priorities! Mr. Yousaf from Pakistan says, “Every time someone curses that must have God’s original language!” Really bad Mr. Yousaf! I want to ask you another question that may help answer the first question! What was the mother tongue of Jesus? Be careful because many Christian’s get this one wrong! There is a good video presentation on YouTube that may help you! The Title is; The Language of Jesus: Hebrew or Aramaic? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Islam Joins Nazi Germany 1941

Arab Muslim leader Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini meets Adolf Hitler on November 21, 1941. The chief Muslim, Islamic legal religious authority and Muslim Leader from Palestine meets the Nazi Fuhrer. Prior to this meeting, in June 1940 he offered his services to the Nazi Reich government. In 1941 he went to Berlin through Tehran, where he explained to the German ambassador, Erwin Ettel, his plan to bring all Arabs under the banner of Pan-Arab over to the side of the Axis (2 Jun 1942). Here he came out unconditionally for the “final solution” of the Jewish question, calling for Germans to wipe out all Jews, “not even sparing the children.” He intervened with Nazi’s to prevent the escape to Palestine thousands of European Jews, who were instead sent to death camps. He also conspired with the Nazi’s to bring the Holocaust to Palestine. He also ran the Nazi’s Arab-language propaganda radio broadcast out of Berlin which incited Muslim’s to kill Jews wherever you can find them! Among the listeners of this daily broadcast was a young man named Ayatoliah Khomeini! All this occurred before Israel was ever a state! Source; Islam and War-Wikipedia

Hindko Language MP3 Download Number 2 Ranking!

Yes for this month of December it is making a strong showing in traffic! Hindko means Indian. This language is spoken in Northern Pakistan, Punjab and by the Hindki people of Afghanistan! Thankyou for your support this past year for this ministry as together we push back the darkness with the Light of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

True or False? Matthew 7:15-23

False Prophets! Not all that shines is gold! Jesus warning His disciples. Wolves attack just to kill while other beasts kill only for food. Assassins! Dressed in sheep clothing. They look like you, dress like you, have a good church language but are suicide bombers wearing a Christian costume. Intentional people who purposely mislead us to hurt. Evil at the core. Verse 16- By their fruit you will recognize them. Good or Bad! True or False! Pay attention to the right thing. Walk and be not deceived. Good fruit is moral fruit. Bad fruit is immoral or evil fruit. Verses 21-23. Final Judgment! I prophesied in your name? I cast out demons in your name? I did miracles in your name? Jesus said but I never knew you! Worst thing you could ever hear! Warning! Big crowds always follow those who perform prophecy, cast out demons and perform miracles. They may be genuine or total deceivers? Work for the right fruit. Do they sell products and then sprinkle Jesus on top of their sales pitch? How does fruit come? Fruit takes time to produce. Galatians 5:22- Fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace———-. Is our motivation on self or Christ? Look for sound doctrine! Is your household built on sand or rock? 2Timothy 4:3-4. People want a doctrine that fits their desires. Our desire and God’s desire is different. Make me happy God! The 21st century church theology is called; Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. It says that God is here to make me happy! Use Jesus to get what you want. No sound doctrine. A lot of money made under this false doctrine. Money made in the God business. Why? It sells! Itching ears. We want to hear this! Pleases the flesh. Marketing 101- Find out what the people want and tell them how to get it. Politicians today- They follow the culture rather than lead it! Flow with the stream down the drain. Sound doctrine- Iron sharpens iron. Follow Jesus. Believe Him. False Prophets will appear to go along with the Gospel but yet will say Jesus did not die and raise from the dead. The Death and Resurrection of Christ is foundational to our Faith! The Nicene Creed has been foundational to our Faith for over 1600 years. The early church father’s wrestled these heresies to the ground for us. You have to be able to discern truth to avoid the destruction of the false! Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sunday Sermon Notes Message given on September 8, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mansions or Mansion? John 14:2

The English rendition of the Greek word (mone), is translated mansions. The problem is the Greek word mone is singular not plural. Is this a big deal? it could be if it renders in your mind a different concept than the original Greek language intended! We have an earthly concept of mansions as individual houses like in our neighborhood block. If we think of one mansion where everyone lives then the concept is changed. Let us think about going to church on Sunday morning and parking your car in the parking lot with all the other cars. Now during the service i call a tow truck and pay to have all the cars towed away! At the end of the service the Pastor says do not go the parking lot because your vehicle is not there? We are now all going to live together in the church in one mansion here forever! Troubling? You are now thinking i cannot even get along with my spouse how can i get along with all these folks? I cannot divorce these people and move into my own mansion! Do we have the capacity to live together forever in the same house? Only God can give us this capacity! It is humanly impossible otherwise! If you go to John 14:23 you can see this from a different perspective. If by pre-conditions laid out by Jesus here then God makes his abode in individual believers. Then Christ dwells in many mansions(believers). He dwells in many mansions while we are on earth but one day we end up in the “Big House” together as we say down here in Georgia! Please do more than just read your Bible! Study it! James Sasse.

Word Study

I like word studies of the Bible! We can trust our English or other Language Bible translations but a key word study by going back to the Greek(NT) or Hebrew(OT), will give a unique perspective on the word of God! These words are layered much like the earth’s crust is layered wth different kinds of rocks. We have to dig deep to find the Gold and Diamonds! God has spoken to us through His Word! We speak to God through prayer but God primarily speaks to us through His Word! God’s creative power and redemptive power is through His Word! The Holy Bible is the Word of God. God’s Image is expressed and manifested through His Word! There are approximately 700 scriptures alone just on the word-“word”! In our next Blog we will take one word out of one scripture and study it. Thankyou. James Sasse