Our American government is patterned after the Trinity! We have one government yet 3 branches! So is it with God’s Kingdom! We have one God yet 3 person’s! The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The reason the Trinity is one is because there is perfect unity between them with no sin! Any human government will never have perfect unity because of the sin of mortals! Our Heavenly Father is the Executive Branch of the Trinity! Jesus is the Judicial Branch as the Supreme Judge! The Holy Spirit is the Legislative Branch as the writer of the Laws (Bible). Remember the Angel’s were divided into 3 branches with 3 different functions! Gabriel the messenger angel. Michael the war angel and Lucifer the Praise angel. Lucifer became Satan and rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven into the earth! Now we have to deal with him here! However God through His Son Jesus Christ has given us the power to defeat him! The work of Satan is to overthrow families and our Constitutional government patterned after the Bible! He uses rebellion and violence! There is a declared war today on the political left to overthrow our form of government and replace it with a Marxist socialist system! An effort to install a one world government with no borders! The one world leader of this one world government will be the Anti-Christ! It will last for 7 years with the return of Christ to earth! If we as Christian’s are going to sit along the side lines and bench ourselves we will lose this war! Remember that old Gospel song? Stand up Stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the Cross! Popular Christianity today is to ignore this war and pretend it does not exist? If we decide not to fight for freedom we will lose this war! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: father
Divisional Unity! Acts 2:4-6
Divisional Unity? Sounds like a contradiction or an NFL playoff game where winners move on! What is the Holy Ghost? Ghost translates Spirit of God or the breath of God! God breathed His life into us! We see here at Pentecost or 50 days after His Resurrection and 10 days after His Ascension to Heaven that all the disciples gathered together waiting for the promise! What promise? Remember Jesus told us that He must go to the Father so He could send us the Holy Spirit unto us! To dwell in us! The Holy Spirit is like an escrow or down payment made to us to guarantee our preservation until Jesus second coming back to earth! The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity and was present even at Creation! The Holy Spirit given to His Church at Pentecost is to endue us with power! Power to promote the Kingdom of God here in the earth! When the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples they began to speak in other tongues! The word tongues translated here from the Greek means to speak in a foreign language. Then we see in verse 6 that the disciples were confounded because every man heard them speak in his own language? The disciples were a diverse group gathered representing many languages! They had difficulty understanding why men that did not know their language could speak their language? Remember the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis? God divided the one language spoken there into many languages to confuse this civilization from their prideful project of building a tower to heaven! Thousands of years later God by His Holy Spirit brings all the different languages together so they can all understand each other! God brought unity in worship! Man’s efforts at the Tower of Babel brought separation! God’s efforts at Pentecost brought unity of worship to God! The barriers were removed to enable corporate worship! If you go to Heaven your language will be understood by all. If you go to Hell your language will understood by no one! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Old versus New!
The Old and New Testament are on the same page! They compliment each other! You see the old in the new and new in the old! Here is an interesting quote from and Pastor out of India: “In the Old Testament the shepherd prepared the lambs for a sacrifice of worship but in the New Testament the shepherd prepared Himself as the sacrifice for the sheep! The only sacrifice that would be enough to atone for our sin! The only sacrifice that would please the Father! Now our worship is acceptable to God through His only Son Jesus Christ! Jesus rejected by men is accepted by the Father in Heaven! The son’s of men now have the opportunity to live for Him serving God and man! A sacrifice by love to worship our King! Words of Praise from mortal men to the Word of God fulfilled in flesh!” Pastor Jestin, Madurai India
Reproach of Men! Isaiah 51:7
“Listen unto me carefully that you understand to discern and know righteousness. For my people are those who know my heart and inner soul of my law. Fear not the shameful displeasure of men neither be broken or despaired of their sinful rebuke.” Comment: The true commentary is we all initially opposed God! Those that have repented understand His righteousness because they understand His forgiveness! Once you understand you have sinned against God you understand His righteousness! Your night brings His light into your life! Those that live in and promote evil do not understand their error and God’s standard! God’s standard is described in your Bible but those that reject His Word reject God Himself! As described in Isaiah sinners will try to shame you and rebuke you for taking the God standard! They will sue you and drag you into court as they did with the Colorado family who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple! Since Jesus is not around to spit in His face, mock Him, plant a crown of thorns on Him, whip Him bloody and nail Him to a Cross they only have you His follower to persecute! Remember on the Cross Jesus asked His Father to forgive them for they know not what they do! Why could not Jesus have forgiven them? Jesus had not yet completed His redemptive work on the Cross! After Jesus death and resurrection the way was open for His persecutors to repent! It would not be smart to reject the only God who can forgive you your sin! I can suffer the reproach of men but I could never survive the reproach of God on Judgment Day unless my Judge was my Savior! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
The Joy Set Before Him! Hebrews 12:2
What is the difference between love and law? Jesus came to fulfill the law though love! If the only God you know is law then your attitude is I HAVE to obey and keep the Commandments! Even though you are miserable you have to do your duty! We must be in church on Sunday and keep the Sabbath! When we discover the love of God through Christ our attitude changes about worship! Now I WANT to keep the Commandments! I want to please God! He loves me and I do not want to disappoint Him! I love Him because He first loved me! I obey out of love! My attitude now is to love other’s as He has loved me! I take joy in suffering for other’s as He suffered for me! My present and future is in Him so I no longer have to store up stuff for myself! I can joyfully share what I have with other’s! I no longer have to store up anger, hate and worry to be released on other’s for He has taken it away and given me love to replace it! I am free now to do the Father’s will. Jesus endured the Cross with joy! Why? Because He loves you! He knew the return on His sacrifice would redeem billions of souls! However had the return only been you He would have done it! The same joy is available to you but you must forsake the things that are taking your joy away and take up your Cross and follow Jesus! Why not begin this journey by attending a Easter Service this Sunday! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Do Not Touch Me! John 20:17
Sounds like my old girl friend! This statement Jesus made is different in the Greek rendition than we have in the English! Here are some notes from the Greek notation in my Bible. The verb “hipton”, the present imperative of hipto(681), should be translated, “do not continue to touch me.” It is “do not touch me” in the commonly translated and should have been translated if this verb had been in the aorist imperative, hapsou. So does it matter? It means Mary has already touched Him! I think anyone would have to want to touch Jesus after his Resurrection with the human curiosity of is this the real deal? Remember Thomas later in this chapter would not believe until he touched Jesus and felt the scars of His Crucifixion! In regards to the four pillars of redemption which includes Jesus birth, death, resurrection and ascension Jesus even though human fingerprints were all over the first three pillars did not want human influence on Him after the resurrection before His ascension! The Greek word touch means to intentionally touch to modify with influence on! God wants to modify our behavior but God wants no human influence on Him! We are not going to take this flesh we are living in to Heaven! The only thing that influenced my behavior away from God is my flesh! We leave it the grave for a reason! After Jesus resurrection He walked through a closed door to see His disciples! No physical limitations of the flesh! Jesus has transformed my life but death will finish the job! We cannot enter Heaven in this flesh so we have to be transformed from the worm to the butterfly! We do not die without a purpose! We live with purpose in Christ and we die with purpose in Christ! Without Christ you live without purpose and you die without purpose! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
No Ghost’s but the Holy One! John 20:21-23
After Jesus Resurrection Mary Magdalene finally recognized Jesus at the tomb! But Jesus warned Mary not to touch Him for He had not ascended to His Father and your Father! A few verses later we see why Jesus said this! Jesus found His other disciples hiding out in fear from the Jews! Jesus instructed His disciples that they must go out into the world the same way my Father has sent me! Jesus told them they must receive the Holy Ghost! Must receive the Holy Spirit! Jesus breathed on them and His breath transmitted the Holy Ghost into them! Then Jesus told them as they went out into the world to preach the Gospel that whoever accepts my atonement for their sin will be released from their sin but whoever rejects me will retain their sin with judgment! After Jesus ascended to the Father He sent the Holy Spirit to His Church for power and authority over Satan! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Medal of Honor! John 15:13
I have watched some video’s of American Medal of Honor Winners from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. As I watched these I began to see a pattern in the lives of these brave men! Their love for their comrades on the battlefield led them to take very heroic actions in combat! One particular Vietnam Veteran really got my attention! When they were in the midst of a battle a Viet Cong soldier through a grenade into the midst of his army platoon! When he saw the grenade he said it was like being frozen in time! What to do? He took his steel helmet off his head threw it over the grenade and then threw his body on top of his helmet! The grenade exploded under his helmet tearing his stomach open and filling his body with shrapnel! He said his intestines were laying outside of his body on the ground! Another soldier came along and put his guts back in his stomach and taped his stomach closed with ribbons torn from his uniform! Another soldier came along and drug his body away from the fire fight so the medics and the helicopters could get him to a field hospital. He said we never left the dead or wounded for the enemy! His recovery took years at a Veteran’s Hospital. He said the hardest thing for him in this hospital was to see the young men come in from Vietnam and die in the hospital with no family around them! After his recovery he tried to go back to college but the protesting college students would mock him for going to war for his country so he left school. The other veteran’s also said that the love for each other is what kept them going and bonded them together! It was not the politics of the war or political parties that mattered to them! They had to look out for each other! That is what a family does for each other! Jesus said there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his brother! Why did Jesus go to the Cross? His love for His Father! Only He could pacify the anger His Father had for His Creation! Remember Jesus words on the Cross? Father forgive them! Why have you forsaken me? The Vietnam Veteran’s even today feel forsaken by their country! But their love for each other bonds them together! We the people are free from foreign aggression because of their love for each other! Likewise we are benefited by God’s love in particular with Jesus love for His Father in being obedient even to the death on a Cross for our sin! Today Jesus position in Heaven is not by accident! He is seated at the right hand of the Father because of His love for His Father! None of us will even sit closer to the Father than the Son! Jesus is returning soon back to the earth to complete His love for the Father and for you! Jesus went into combat for you! He lives for you and died for you and rose from the dead for you and His love of the Father is also expressed to you! Love is manifested in relationship! We cannot love God if not in relationship to Him! You could never sacrifice your life on the battlefield unless in relationship to other soldiers of your Nation suffering the same combat! To honor God is to honor American Veterans! No one except President Trump understands the neglect our American Military Veteran’s! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Why is This Not Preached? John 3:16
Why is the unpardonable sin not preached? So what is the unpardonable sin spoken by Jesus in Matthew 12:31-32? We discussed this in a previous post. When you take all the meanings of the word blasphemy in the Greek New Testament and the Hebrew Old Testament words you are prompted to a decision and answer for the question. Jesus can pardon every sin except one sin! Jesus cannot pardon you from the sin of rejecting Him as Savior! In fact according to the Bible if you reject Him He will judge you at the last day! If a worldly judge offers you a pardon for a crime such as murder will you not take the pardon? Blasphemy is taking the Son of God Jesus Christ at His Judgment Seat and spitting in His face! Blasphemy is cursing His name here on earth and mocking Him telling God His Father that He is a liar and His sacrifice for you is rejected! When we understand this truth other truth’s in the Bible become even more important! You hear from the pulpits often that God can forgive any sin! However this is not accurate! The only sin He cannot pardon is the rejection of the Judge of all the world! Savior or Judge? The choice is yours! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com