Do Not Touch Me! John 20:17

Sounds like my old girl friend! This statement Jesus made is different in the Greek rendition than we have in the English! Here are some notes from the Greek notation in my Bible. The verb “hipton”, the present imperative of hipto(681), should be translated, “do not continue to touch me.” It is “do not touch me” in the commonly translated and should have been translated if this verb had been in the aorist imperative, hapsou. So does it matter? It means Mary has already touched Him! I think anyone would have to want to touch Jesus after his Resurrection with the human curiosity of is this the real deal? Remember Thomas later in this chapter would not believe until he touched Jesus and felt the scars of His Crucifixion! In regards to the four pillars of redemption which includes Jesus birth, death, resurrection and ascension Jesus even though human fingerprints were all over the first three pillars did not want human influence on Him after the resurrection before His ascension! The Greek word touch means to intentionally touch to modify with influence on! God wants to modify our behavior but God wants no human influence on Him! We are not going to take this flesh we are living in to Heaven! The only thing that influenced my behavior away from God is my flesh! We leave it the grave for a reason! After Jesus resurrection He walked through a closed door to see His disciples! No physical limitations of the flesh! Jesus has transformed my life but death will finish the job! We cannot enter Heaven in this flesh so we have to be transformed from the worm to the butterfly! We do not die without a purpose! We live with purpose in Christ and we die with purpose in Christ! Without Christ you live without purpose and you die without purpose! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Billy Graham Tribute

Billy Graham at age 93 is back in the hospital. He is working on another book! He never tires in well doing! When I was a teenager back in the 1960’s I used to watch his crusades on my grandparents old Philco black and white TV set on the farm back in Nebraska. This man had a significant impact on my life as a teenager! His positive influence has carried me over the years as now I have entered my senior years! I thank the Lord and His Christ for sending Billy Graham into my life at a critical time to steer me the right direction and for my grandparents Edgar and Ethel Sasse for asking me to watch these crusades! Thankyou. James Sasse.