Clash of Cultures!

Revelation 13:16-18 Commentary: The number “666” is a lucky number in China! To them it means everything is running smoothly! Some people there even pay extra to have the number included on their license plate! They pay extra to get a prefix on their phone number of “666”. Does their fortune cookies say you have the mark of the beast? For Christians who know their Bible and read and study their Bible including the Christian’s in China we understand it is the mark of the beast! The Anti-Christ who will rule the world for seven years bringing more destruction to earth than all our wars combined in history! Islam has two sacred numbers! The numbers are “666” and “19”. Nineteen highjackers on 9-11. If you go to the search box on our blog and type in 666 you will see more details on this topic and commentaries on this scripture and others! The clash of cultures is evidence of the war between good and evil! This war will stop only after Christ’s return where he will bind Satan for a thousand years! Until then this war will continue! In the mean time take a stand for Christ and if we resist evil Satan will flee from you! We resist evil with the Word of God! We keep his commandments! We study and obey his word! We support our local church! We pray for our enemies! We spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth! This is what we do! Governments will fail! But the signs that Jesus gave us for his second coming are all around us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Divisional Unity! Acts 2:4-6

Divisional Unity? Sounds like a contradiction or an NFL playoff game where winners move on! What is the Holy Ghost? Ghost translates Spirit of God or the breath of God! God breathed His life into us! We see here at Pentecost or 50 days after His Resurrection and 10 days after His Ascension to Heaven that all the disciples gathered together waiting for the promise! What promise? Remember Jesus told us that He must go to the Father so He could send us the Holy Spirit unto us! To dwell in us! The Holy Spirit is like an escrow or down payment made to us to guarantee our preservation until Jesus second coming back to earth! The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity and was present even at Creation! The Holy Spirit given to His Church at Pentecost is to endue us with power! Power to promote the Kingdom of God here in the earth! When the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples they began to speak in other tongues! The word tongues translated here from the Greek means to speak in a foreign language. Then we see in verse 6 that the disciples were confounded because every man heard them speak in his own language? The disciples were a diverse group gathered representing many languages! They had difficulty understanding why men that did not know their language could speak their language? Remember the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis? God divided the one language spoken there into many languages to confuse this civilization from their prideful project of building a tower to heaven! Thousands of years later God by His Holy Spirit brings all the different languages together so they can all understand each other! God brought unity in worship! Man’s efforts at the Tower of Babel brought separation! God’s efforts at Pentecost brought unity of worship to God! The barriers were removed to enable corporate worship! If you go to Heaven your language will be understood by all. If you go to Hell your language will understood by no one! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Best Seller Ever!

The sheer diversity of literature in the Bible is one of its secrets of its continuing popularity through the centuries! There is something for all moods and many different cultures! Its message is not buried in religious jargon only accessible to believers or scholars but reflects the issues that people struggle with in daily life! John Drane, Scottish Theologian and author. Comment: First of all the Bible is the number one best seller because it is written with the finger of God! It speaks to all cultures because it is written by the God that created all cultures! God speaks to His people through His Word! James and Hamsa Sasse.

There is a God but His Name is not Allah ! (Lesson 2)

Although “Allah” has become known as the proper name for the Muslim god, Allah is not a name, but a desciptor that means literally, “the god”. All pagan cultures have these generic terms that refer to their ‘top god’ as ‘the god’. In comparison to the perfect monotheism of Judaism and Christianity. “Allah” was originally no more a proper name for the Muslim God, than for the Hebrew ‘elohim'(god) or Greek “theos” (god) are proper names of the one true God of the Bible. “Jehovah” is the only revealed proper name for “Elohim” of the old testament(Exodus3:13;6:3) and “Jesus” is the only revealed proper name of “Theos” in the New Testament. (Acts4:12) Islam has no proper name for their god, but merely transformed, by universal use and confusion, the generic Allah into a proper name. So although today, Muslims use “Allah” as a proper name, it was never used this way originally. Allah, therefore is equivalent to “elohim” and “ho theos” but not “Jehovah” or “Jesus”. Allah is not the name of the nameless Muslim God. However Muslims will claim that Allah is the name of God that corresponds to Jehovah. Both the Father and the Son are called “ho theos”(The God). Jesus is called “The God” many times in the New Testament: John 20:28; Hebrews 1:8. An important conclusion from this, is that the mere fact that “Allah” is equivalent to “elohim” and “ho theos” does not mean they are directly corresponded. It certainly does not prove that Muslim’s worship the same God as Christians. If this correspondence proved the Muslim god was the same as the Christian God, then because pagan religions also have generics that correspond to “the god” (Allah), this correspondence would also prove that Allah is the same god as the Buddhist god, for Buddhists also refer to their god as “the god”. Conclusion; I do not describe my automobile to you as, “The Car”. My car has a personal name such as Ford, Chevy, Honda, Toyota and the desription by a model such as Focus,Civic,Camry, ect. My daughter has a Hyundai and has named him Henry! Why? We are all created in the Image of God and we want a personal relationship with Him! God has a personal name and His name is Jesus Christ meaning the , “Annointed Saviour”. The God/Man Christ came to earth and put boots on the ground for you and me! Why is it those who have no personal God hate those who do? The Islamic war against Christians and Jews has everything to do with this! Thankyou. James Sasse. Sources;

Qaddafi’s Last Words!

What you are doing is wrong! Do you know right from wrong? Sadly, Qaddafi could never answer his own question for himself after 42 years of killing thousands including many American’s! Kill your enemies is the rally cry of Islam. How contrasted when Christ commanded us to Love our enemies! Forgiveness is the Christian foundation that provides peace in any culture and the stability of western civilization. If only Qaddafi had chosen Christ’s way of living how differently his life would have been with a peaceful ending! Thankyou. James Sasse.