Why Kick President McKinley off the Mountain?

Have you ever heard of a standing United States President removing a memorial to a previous serving U.S. President? Obama evidently hates competition! Who is next? Mount Rushmore? Four President’s with name changes? Like Larry, Curley, Moe and President Obama! How hard he works at removing American history! Why? What has Obama got against President William McKinley? Is it the Cuba connection? McKinley was President during the Spanish American war. Remember the Maine! Spain was fighting a civil war on the island of Cuba. The Spanish military was fighting a civil war with Cuban residents in a rebellion against Spanish rule. American citizens were also living on the island and their safety was threatened! President McKinley ordered the U.S. Maine, a battleship down to Cuba to rescue Americans in danger! The ship peacefully entered Havana harbor and moored there to take home American citizens who felt threatened. The U.S. Maine exploded in the middle of the night with over 300 casualties and many wounded! Whether the ship was mined or blew up internally is still speculation after several investigations! McKinley got extreme pressure from the American public and legislators to go to war with Spain! McKinley was a Civil War Officer who knew the carnage of war! Finally under great pressure declared war on Spain! The war lasted just over 90 days with about 300 casualties. The important point here is America went to war to free the citizens of Cuba from the atrocities of the Spanish! Yes by Spain default America got Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam and Guantanimo  Bay! Cuba lost its independence in the 1960’s under Communist Dictator Fidel Castro and continues today under his brother! President McKinley was assassinated in 1901 while serving in office! President Obama wants to give away Guantanimo Bay? He wants to normalize relations with Dictator’s in Iran, Cuba and other rogue nations? How does that work? If you were an America citizen would Obama rescue you? Forget it! Ask the four American citizens rotting in an Iranian prison! Ask the four Americans murdered in Bengazi! He will exchange a Army deserter for releasing 5 deadly terrorist from Guantanimo Bay? President Obama you may try to erase American history but America will survive you because the Spirit of America lives within the hearts of her people! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com