Looking Forward! 1 Esdras 5:38-39

When the Jews returned from Babylon captivity by the favorable Decree of the Persian King Cyrus they met many challenges to rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem! Here is a quote from verses 38-39. “Since they were unable to prove their ancestry, they were not allowed to function as Priest’s. Nehemiah the governor told them that they could not eat food offered to God until there was a High Priest who could use Revelation and Truth.” Comment: Ancestry was everything to the Jews! Tradition was the foundation of their life and worship! If you could not prove your ancestry as many Jews could not after returning from 70 years of Babylonian captivity you could not participate in Temple worship! Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses were in the Religious Hall of Fame! Rightly so! Jesus really threw the religious Jews a curve ball when He told them they must be born again! Jesus the High Priest with Revelation and Truth was looking them in the face but they did not get it? The religious leaders seemed blind? Yet the simple Jews such as Peter saw the light! How far does Jesus ancestry go back in time? All the way back to the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve! Remember the Tree of Life in the Garden? His humanity took their sin and fast forwarded it to you and me! His Divinity delivered you and me from sin! His humanity was sacrificed for you and me! Jesus was a Jew and of the tribe of Judah! That is prophetic! Ancestry.com should be renamed Death.com! Why were the Persian Kings (Iran), favorable to the Jews? The 3 wise men were from Persia! King Cyrus and Darius were favorable to the Jews! Why? God spoke to them! Why is present day Persia (Iran), not favorable to the Jews but want to destroy them? Very simple! Islam that came along in 650 A.D. Islam has given all of its followers a religious backing to kill. The Persians also invented the crucifixion so they prepared the method for the sacrifice for Jesus! Let us look forward! Is your name written down in the Book of Life? (Revelation 3:5) Are you born again? Washed in His blood? Jesus promised us to go prepare a place for us! Then He would return the second time to earth! He promised to send His Holy Spirit to us until He returns! When Satan tries to remind you of your past remind him of his future! Remember the Cross and move forward! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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