Does Justification Make One Inwardly Holy? Romans Chapter 3 Verses 19-20

These verses form a key conclusion in Paul’s argument regarding sin and righteousness. In the previous verses, Paul has quoted the Old Testament to demonstrate man’s sinfulness (vv. 10-18). The “law” (v.19), referring to the Old Testament, was designed to silence all mankind under the conviction that they have nothing to say against the charge of sin. Likewise, the law was intended to convince all men of their guilt, or liability to punishment before God. Paul concludes that since all men are guilty, they cannot be “justified” by their own personal character or conduct (v. 20). Justification is a legal term meaning to remove guilt (liability to punishment) of the sinner. IT DOES NOT INVOLVE MAKING ONE INWARDLY HOLY but merely declares the demands of justice have been satisfied. Hence, there are no grounds for condemnation (Romans 8:1). Not even obediance to the law can justify one before God. Paul reasons, because the very nature of the law is to prove to each person that he or she is sinful and deserves God’s punishment. Thus the purpose of the law is to lead people to renounce THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUST in the IMPUTATION OF CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS as the only grounds for acceptance with God. In Conclusion; The above subject of justification applies to all whether saved or not! Many of us after getting saved through ministries and good works can fall into the trap that it is all the good stuff we do that makes us Holy! If we can remember it is Christ’s Righteousness that has, is and will continue to save us! Thankyou. James Sasse. Source: Key Word Study Bible Hebrew-Greek, Page 1406, AMG International 2008 Edition.

Voting is a Christian Doctrine !

Choose this day who you will serve! Joshua 24:15. The enemies of “The Cross” try to take our choices away through religion(Islam), and through politics(ObamaCare) ! Vote Biblical Values so that our way of life and freedoms we have are not taken away! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Brazilian Man Appears at His Own Funeral!

From the Fox News report looks like an identity mix up by authorities. When this Brazilian came home to his house his family and friends were having a memorial service for him. When his family and friends saw him it was reported that some ran away and some passed out! Why? My best bet would be those that ran away owed him money! Those that fainted probably were waiting for the inheritance money! Think about the poor guy having to return his insurance money! How about the other victim having to go through two funerals? How would your friends and family react if you showed up at your own funeral? The Bible says Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us in Heaven! Jesus will not run or pass out! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Iranian Regime Rooting For Obama!

Latest Fox News article. Raul Castro, Hugo Chavez and Iran are the latest International leaders to support Obama for relection. They know they have a friend in the White House. If you are an American is Obama your friend? Thankyou. James Sasse.

Who Speaks For America?

On our previous Blog we mentioned a quote by William Kristol. Here it is again quote; “The important point is not to win a debate! The point is to win the presidency! The way to win the presidency is to speak for America”. Unquote. President Obama over the last 4 years has spoken for the gays! He has under the disguise of ObamaCare spoken for the abortionist! He has spoken through ObamaCare for euthanasia to limiting life saving procedures to senior citizens(70 years and older) through his 15 member board(death panel). He has spoken for the communists in trying to turn us into socialists! He has spoken for the Muslims in degrading Christian Values and isolating Israel! He has spoken for State control over free speech! Instead of speaking for America he has spoken for those who stand against America! I am tired of this guy apologizing for me and America! Vote; Romney / Ryan on November 6, 2012. Thankyou. James Sasse.

Muslim or Mormon for President?

Which one do you want?Would you rather be Muslim mad or Mormon mad? Just a joke here but I cannot help myself! Another Joke; Muslim mad is to blow yourself up and get 70 virgins! Mormon mad is to marry and add another woman to your wives list! Obama will never blow himself up and Romney is faithful to his wife! Evangelist Billy Graham encouraged Americans to vote Biblical Values! I agree! Mr. Graham went on to say that these values include three impotant points. 1. Protect sactity of life. 2. Protect definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. 3. Support the Nation of Israel. Unquote. When I apply these 3 principles to the candidates running for president of the United States I am left with only one choice! Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Thankyou. James Sasse.

Arab Spring?

Muammar Gaddafi ruled Lybia for 40 years! Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt for 30 years! During their reign no United States Consulate was ever attacked and no Diplomats murdered and their staff! When news of Gaddafi’s murder reached the State Department Hillary Clinton laughed and mocked Gaddafi as can be seen on video. Who is laughing now? Russia is smarter than our current Obama administration! Russia learned the hard lessons during their 10 years in Afghanistan with a loss of 50000. troops! Why does Russia support Assad? They have learned that in Islam you must have one strong Dictator to control all the Islamic radical terrorists that otherwise would rise up and create more chaos! The Obama policy has allowed the springing of thousands of radical terrorists that are now free to create chaos and a destabilizing force in the entire region. With Turkey military action against Syria and Iran pursuing atomic weapons we now have a formula for crisis! We need an American leader who will support our only Democratic ally Israel in the region and to understand the realities of Islam to stabilize the region! Michael savage has many insights into these realities and if you can get past his rough presentations he will help you see through the wisdom in today’s complicated world! Thankyou. James Sasse.