Ryan Biden Debate

Joe Biden showed lack of character as this administration has done over past 4 years! Joe said he did not vote for Iraq Afghan Wars but he did vote for both wars! More deception displayed about what happened in our Consulate Security prior and following terrorist attack that killed 4 Americans in Libya! Lack of integrity at the top is our biggest problem in America! We need a change! Please vote the Romney/Ryan ticket! James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Slight Drop in Unemployment Rate!

I welcome any good news about more Americans being employed! However what we have here is seasonal hiring for Thanksgiving and Christmas! These jobs will end after Christmas. Thank the Lord for Christ for He adds more jobs for our people! We really need a change at the top to change destructive policies of President Obama! Fire our Boss on November 6, 2012. Elect the Romney Ryan ticket for a return to prosperity! God Bless! James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Grandpa Settles For Less!

Grandpa owned a small fishing boat. So he took it to the lake one Sunday afternoon and rowed to the center of this small lake. He let his line down in the water when he heard a voice? Pick me up the voice spoke! Grandpa looked around but saw no one? Again the voice sounded pick me up! Grandpa looked over the bow of his small boat and saw a small frog sitting on a lilly pad? The frog again said pick me up! So grandpa picked up the frog and put him in his pocket. Then the small frog said, ” If you give me a kiss I will turn into a beautiful young princess” ! Grandpa thought a minute then he said, “At my age I would rather have a talking frog” ! Source: Joel Osteen

Presidential Debate Round 1

Romney has Obama on the ropes! Roper Doper tricks will not save Obama! Vice Presidental debate prediction! Ryan will TKO Biden within 2 minutes of round one! FinishingTouches.Org Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com