Living Life Together!

We were married on March 3, 1973 at Calvary Temple in Denver Colorado. Starting life out together is exciting! Finishing life together is more challenging! In 1973 through 1975 there was an economic recession across America! I was laid off my job and my wife was then laid off her job! We went to the unemployment office together along with millions of Americans! However we together were excited because we were together! Together 47 years later we are still sharing life together! Seeing each day as an opportunity to serve each other together with Christ! We will serve each other until Christ calls us home! Serve him in heaven as we have here on earth! There is an ever greater excitement about heaven because we the church are his bride waiting for the marriage supper of the Lamb! Being together with Christ serving him where ever he leads us! To hear his voice and obey his Word! A 3 stranded cord is not easily broken! My wife Hamsa and I with Christ are wound together as one strong to carry out his will and purpose here on earth! We are saved by his Word! We are raised by his Word! We are judged by his Word! We live by his Word! The cord of unity stands the test of time! His Word stands forever! Time reveals the truth of God’s Word! If we build our life on any other foundation we will perish! But Christ all else is sinking sand! God has been faithful to us with his promises to us! Time will  either save us or condemn us depending on what we do with Christ! Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God becomes Man!

Jesus was God and man in one person, that God and man might be happy together again! George Whitefield (1714-1770), English Cleric and founder of Methodism. Comment: This was the only way man could be reconciled back to God! God had to become man! So that God could be sacrificed for the sins of men! No other plan would work otherwise man would have been separated from God forever! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Wait Upon The Lord….! Isaiah 40:31

This is a famous scripture that is often quoted! There are even songs written of this verse! So what does “Wait Upon” mean? In a generic sense we all know but if you go to the Hebrew root word you will find some amazing things! The Hebrew root word is “Qavah”, Strongs #6960. The word means to bind together by twisting! Just like a rope is made! A rope becomes strong by binding together small cords! A three strand cord is not easily broken! The Trinity would be a good example! Like the rope they are one but three separate individuals that are unbreakable formed together. They are one because there is no sin in them and they are in perfect agreement! The first symptom of sin is disagreement! Disagreement with the Word of God! Then with family and nation! Our Constitution established by our Founding Father’s three separate branches yet one government! Samson was twisted together with the strength of God! No rope could hold him! Until he was deceived by a woman who cut his hair and his spirit was unraveled from God! I am not blaming the woman here but he consented to her deceit and knew well what he was doing! Then his eyes were put out by the enemy. Sin will blind us to the truth! He repented and used his strength that God had restored to him to bring down the coliseum upon his enemies and himself! The reason we wait upon God is that we do not defeat the enemy Satan by ourselves but by who God is and our close wrapped relationship to him! Jesus could have easily broken the ropes that tied him to the whipping post and the Cross! However he was stranded together in the Trinity and knew his sacrifice was necessary to deliver all men from sin! Paul and Silas were tied together by ropes and chains in the prison! The ropes and chains of sin that put them there could not hold them! The hang man’s rope was broken as the punishment of death for sin was paid at Calvary! The word “Wait Upon” also means to be lifted up and exalted! To be offered up, carried up and elevated from one elevation to another! The Jewish Temple at Jerusalem was elevated up above the city! They call it the Temple Mount! Worshippers had to ascend up from the city to the Temple! Jesus was taken high up above the city at Mount Calvary! He was exalted there! Jesus ascended from Mount Olivet to Heaven! The Rapture of the Church will be an ascension from earth to Heaven! Holiness brings ascension while sin brings descension and death! This word also means to “offer Up.” Jesus was offered up as the only acceptable sacrifice for our sin! God offered up himself for our sin! We trust Christ because no one else or nothing else is trustworthy! We wait upon him in trust and confidence that he will accomplish the promises he has made to us! We offer up sacrifices for others because that is what God did for us! If you would have the patience to wait upon God great things will come to you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Foundation of Feminist Movement!

Anyone who knows anything of history knows that the great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval! Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included! Karl Marx Comment: This sounds like the Garden of Eden re-visited! Surely God has not said you cannot eat of the fruit of this tree in the middle of the Garden? You will not die if you eat it! God is a liar! He is trying to keep good things from you! You know more than your husband! So here started the feminist movement! Marx is right! If you want to start a revolution get the women of the culture to rebel against authority! Why get married? Live together! Get divorced! Get on welfare the state will send you a check! Send your children to state schools! Bring dissatisfaction in the family! Religion is the opiate of the people! The State will train them! You don’t need God! He does not exist! One of Karl Marx quotes was that he wanted to defeat God! He has done a good job here in America as the political left embraces his ideology! James and Hamsa Sasse.

After Socialism What?

The goal of socialism is communism! Vladimir Lenin Comment: Socialism has failed in every nation that has tried it! Venezuela and her people are the latest victims! The people are crossing borders and fleeing to other countries! A mass exodus! I like this Winston Churchill quote: ” The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings, the inherent virtues of socialism is the equal sharing of misery!” Yet the ignorant left with Bernie Sanders and his followers on the left are promoting a failed system with a history of more losses than the lottery players across America put together! Bernie and his new bride 50 years ago went to Moscow for their honeymoon! Why did they not stay there? If you love socialism move to Cuba! Move to the Soviet Union! Move to Greece! Move to the EU! Spend about 5 years there and let me know how it turns out? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Doctrines of Devils! 1 Timothy 4:1-3

“Fifty percent of women aged 15-44 cohabited outside of marriage between 2006-2010. The number was 43 percent in 2002 and 34 percent in 1995. Source: Casey Cooper, PhD., Demographics, National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, MD. April 4, 2013. Comment: Paul wrote this letter to Timothy about 2000 years ago! Paul warned us that a time would come when some would depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils! So what would one of these signs be? Verse three says forbidding to marry! That is living together outside the sanctity of marriage. Paul said this would be one of the signs of the latter times! The statistics show that the Bible does forecast history! The other statistics this life style produces is out of wedlock births, abortion and mother’s on welfare! When a culture abandons the faith something else takes it’s place! Satan’s war on women is alive and well. Everyone will follow someone! Either God or Satan! By choice and default! The good news is that Christ’s return is soon when we add all the signs together in our Bible! Faith in Christ can save anyone to the point of death! After death your choice is locked in forever! Math and science will always confirm the scriptures! History will endorse and prove the scriptures! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Public Worship! Hebrews 10:25

The message here is to the Gentile-Jewish Christians! It is believed by Biblical scholars that the Book of Hebrews was written prior to the destruction of the Jewish Temple and Jerusalem in 70 A.D. What was Paul trying to tell us? Why should we not forsake public worship? First let us look at Heaven! Do the believers in Heaven forsake assembling together? Is one believer on the golf course and one working a Sunday job? Believers by the billions are surrounding the Throne of God worshiping! Our High Priest is in Heaven! Remember the part of our Lord’s prayer that says, “On earth as it is in Heaven!” Jesus said where two or three are gathered in my name so will i be there!” Satan’s followers are gathered together warring against the Saints and have a congregation in Hell. Paul went on to say we are to exhort and encourage each other! What did Paul mean by the day approaching? Some scholars believe Paul was warning the church of the coming destruction of the Jewish Temple and the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Jesus predicted this! Some scholars think Paul was talking about Jesus second coming! Paul could have been talking about both events! Paul was also warning people who claimed to be Christian yet have forsaken public worship! We are to practice Holiness here on earth! This life is dress rehearsal for Heaven! If we are doing something different than we would do in Heaven while on earth we have missed the Ark! Remember Jesus taught and worshiped in the Jewish Temple! So did Paul. Paul knew that the Christians would be scattered throughout the realm after the 70 A.D. apocalypse! He wanted the flock to regroup and continue worship after the pattern set before them in Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Where Two or Three are Gathered? Matthew 18:20

Why two or three? That is the way God does it! Jesus prays to the Father and that makes two! The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity and that makes three! Is the math too hard for us? Why two or three on earth? So when the answer comes God will get the Glory and not man! If ten people or a thousand people are praying for the same thing and the answer comes who’s prayer got answered? Not one individual but all because Jesus accompanied them! The word “midst” in the Greek means to accompany! Jesus will go along with us! He will accompany us to Heaven! He will accompany us to meet the Father! He will accompany us in prayer! He accompanied a thief on the Cross to Heaven! He can also accompany you! We have to be careful about any person or ministry that tries to corral us into a corner and says it is only because of our prayers or organization that your prayers are answered? You can only be saved if you join our church? No organization or man has saved anyone! We point people to the Cross for we cannot even save our own souls! You have a better chance of winning the lottery than trying to make it in life on your own without the accompaniment of Jesus! Do not gamble with your eternity! If you lose forever is a long time! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.