Doctrines of Devils! 1 Timothy 4:1-3

“Fifty percent of women aged 15-44 cohabited outside of marriage between 2006-2010. The number was 43 percent in 2002 and 34 percent in 1995. Source: Casey Cooper, PhD., Demographics, National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, MD. April 4, 2013. Comment: Paul wrote this letter to Timothy about 2000 years ago! Paul warned us that a time would come when some would depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils! So what would one of these signs be? Verse three says forbidding to marry! That is living together outside the sanctity of marriage. Paul said this would be one of the signs of the latter times! The statistics show that the Bible does forecast history! The other statistics this life style produces is out of wedlock births, abortion and mother’s on welfare! When a culture abandons the faith something else takes it’s place! Satan’s war on women is alive and well. Everyone will follow someone! Either God or Satan! By choice and default! The good news is that Christ’s return is soon when we add all the signs together in our Bible! Faith in Christ can save anyone to the point of death! After death your choice is locked in forever! Math and science will always confirm the scriptures! History will endorse and prove the scriptures! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Foghorn Helps Chick With Homework!

Let me show you how to do it son! Do not bother me with logarithms, common and natural, base epsilon and factorial progressions! Son, you complicate life for me and your mother! Keep it simple son! All you need to learn about math is to count eggs. Someone must have dropped you as an egg on the cement and you hatched too early! Why can’t you be a normal rooster like your brother? Son, I do not care about the distance between the planets, their speed and rotation! The only thing you need to watch above your head is the chicken hawks! I’m worried about you boy! Kentucky Fried Chicken could be in your future! I don’t care about the volumes of the ocean’s? Once you are inside a can of chicken broth you can figure the volume of the can! Why can’t you be a normal child? You trouble my mind son! You are an embarrassment to the family tree! How are we going to find you a hen? The whole community out here in the chicken yard thinks your brains got scrambled! Why did I say that? Can we ever find a place for you in life? I don’t care about one horse passing another twice on a one mile track in 3:29 minutes and then finding out how fast the first horse was going? Something is wrong with your head boy! You give me a headache and I need some rest! You give me brain cramps son! Why I am gone to get some rest please do not think about anything while I am gone! Leghorn Foghorn