Where Two or Three are Gathered? Matthew 18:20

Why two or three? That is the way God does it! Jesus prays to the Father and that makes two! The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity and that makes three! Is the math too hard for us? Why two or three on earth? So when the answer comes God will get the Glory and not man! If ten people or a thousand people are praying for the same thing and the answer comes who’s prayer got answered? Not one individual but all because Jesus accompanied them! The word “midst” in the Greek means to accompany! Jesus will go along with us! He will accompany us to Heaven! He will accompany us to meet the Father! He will accompany us in prayer! He accompanied a thief on the Cross to Heaven! He can also accompany you! We have to be careful about any person or ministry that tries to corral us into a corner and says it is only because of our prayers or organization that your prayers are answered? You can only be saved if you join our church? No organization or man has saved anyone! We point people to the Cross for we cannot even save our own souls! You have a better chance of winning the lottery than trying to make it in life on your own without the accompaniment of Jesus! Do not gamble with your eternity! If you lose forever is a long time! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com